Subject Listing: Sustainable Development Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN2000 001  12602        3  INTRO TO ENVIRONMENTAL LA       MW 11:40am-12:55  703 Hamilton Hall    Weinberg, Philip
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                                                        
UN2300 001  12604        3  CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE       TR 10:10am-11:25  142 Uris Hall        Dale, Lisa
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                                                        
UN3280 001  12606        4  WORKSHOP IN SUSTAINABLE D       MW 2:10pm-4:00pm  606 Lewisohn Hall    Lawrence, Jenna M
            L     WORKSHOP  Earth Institute                                                        
UN3280 002  12607        4  WORKSHOP IN SUSTAINABLE D       TR 12:10pm-2:00p  301M Fayerweather    Horton, Radley M
            L     WORKSHOP  Earth Institute                                                        
                            Note: All students must register via waitlist. Priority to SDEV.
UN3310 001  12609        3  ETHICS OF SUSTAINABLE DEV       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  304 Hamilton Hall    Gondek, Adela J
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                                                        
UN3355 001  12610        3  CLIMATE CHANGE AND LAW          TR 1:20pm-2:40pm  104 JEROME L GRE     Gerrard, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                                                        
                            Note: Register via waitlist. Students must attend disc. session
UN3390 001  12611        3  GIS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVEL       T 10:10am-11:25a  252 Engineering Ter  Pistolesi, Linda I
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                 R 10:10am-12:25p  252 Engineering Ter  Wannebo, Antoinette V
                            Note: All students must register via waitlist. Priority to SDEV.
UN3410 001  20543        3  Cities & Sustainability         W 6:10pm-8:00pm   707 Hamilton Hall    Morris, Deborah
            L      SEMINAR  Earth Institute                                                        
UN3450 001  12612        3  SPATIAL ANALYSIS FOR SDEV       M 10:10am-11:25a  327 Uris Hall        Macmanus, Kytt J
            L      LECTURE  Earth Institute                 W 10:10am-12:25p  307 Uris Hall        
                            Note: Priority to SDEV. Register via waitlist. Intro to GIS is a p
UN3998 001  12613      1-3  SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES                                              Gondek, Adela J
            L     INDEPEND  Earth Institute                                                        
GU4050 001  12614        3  US WATER & ENERGY POLICY        M 4:10pm-6:00pm   333 Uris Hall        Gallay, Paul A
            L      SEMINAR  Earth Institute                                                        
GU4101 001  12615        3  QUAL RESEARCH METHODS SDE       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  477 ALFRED LERNE     Dale, Lisa
            L      SEMINAR  Earth Institute                                                        
GU4500 001  14838        1  SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ME                                              Smerdon, Jason
            L INS  SEMINAR  Earth Institute                                                        
                            Note: Course will tentatively take place from April 11-14. Priorit
GU4670 001  15348        3  EJ: A LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR       F 12:00pm-2:00pm  302 Hamilton Hall    Appah-Gyamfi, Christine
            L INS  SEMINAR  Earth Institute                                                        
                            Note: Priority to Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday