Subject Listing: Population and Family Health Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

P8601  001  17328        3  PUBLIC HLTH PROGRAM PLAN        F 8:30am-9:50am   To be announced      Casey, Sara E
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Butts, Heather M
P8602  001  17329        0  SEMINAR: PUBLIC HEALTH PR       F 10:00am-11:20a  To be announced      Casey, Sara E
            L      SEMINAR  Population and Family Health                                           Butts, Heather M
P8602  002  17330        0  SEMINAR: PUBLIC HEALTH PR       F 10:00am-11:20a  To be announced      Casey, Sara E
            L      SEMINAR  Population and Family Health                                           Butts, Heather M
P8602  003  17331        0  SEMINAR: PUBLIC HEALTH PR       F 10:00am-11:20a  To be announced      Casey, Sara E
            L      SEMINAR  Population and Family Health                                           Butts, Heather M
P8607  001  17334      1.5  HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS ADV       T 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Ahmed, Abdul K
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8607  003  17336      1.5  HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS ADV       W 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Ahmed, Abdul K
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8608  001  17337        3  Public Health Impact of S       T 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Cohall, Alwyn T
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8609  001  17338      1.5  Hum Rghts Issue Infec Dis       W 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Abdool Karim, Safura
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8616  001  17339        3  ADOLESCENT HLTH:PUB HLTH        M 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Santelli, John
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8617  001  17340        3  RESEARCH DESIGN & DATA CO       R 1:00pm-2:50pm   To be announced      Greenleaf, Abigail R
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Hall, Kelli S
P8620  001  17341      1.5  PROTECTING CHILD IN HUMAN       M 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Hermosilla, Sabrina C
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8623  001  17342        3  QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSI       T 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Hermosilla, Sabrina C
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8624  001  17343        0  LAB:SURVEY DSGN & DATA CO       R 3:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Greenleaf, Abigail R
            L     LABORATO  Population and Family Health                                           Hall, Kelli S
P8624  002  17344        0  LAB:SURVEY DSGN & DATA CO       R 3:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Greenleaf, Abigail R
            L     LABORATO  Population and Family Health                                           Hall, Kelli S
P8624  003  17345        0  LAB:SURVEY DSGN & DATA CO       R 3:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Greenleaf, Abigail R
            L     LABORATO  Population and Family Health                                           Hall, Kelli S
P8624  004  17346        0  LAB:SURVEY DSGN & DATA CO       R 3:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Greenleaf, Abigail R
            L     LABORATO  Population and Family Health                                           Hall, Kelli S
P8625  D01  17347      1.5  OUTBR PREP/RESP IN RES-LI       R 5:30pm-7:50pm   To be announced      Moresky, Rachel
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Coffee, Megan
P8628  001  17348        3  EVIDENCE TO ACTION IN CHI       T 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Banker, Sumeet
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Vora, Anjali S
P8631  001  17349      1.5  Indigenous Knowledge and        W 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Ahmed, Abdul K
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Baker, Joseph
                                                                                                   Coumans, Hadrien
P8635  D01  17350      1.5  LGBTI Health & Hum Rights       R 5:30pm-7:30pm   ONLINE ONLY          Canavera, Mark
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8637  001  17351        3  QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS       M 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Grilo, Stephanie A
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8640  001  17352        3  METHODS IN PROGRAM EVALUA       M 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Kohn, Julia
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8648  001  17353      1.5  FOOD,NUTRITION IN COMPLX        MTF 9:00am-3:30p  To be announced      Bailey, Jeanette
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health    WR 9:00am-1:00pm  To be announced      Tesfai, Casie
                            Note: Meets on 1/8 through 1/12
P8657  001  17354        3  ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXP & T       F 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Kimiagar, Bijan
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Cadore, Yolande A
P8663  001  18791        0  MS Degree Thesis                                                       Kachur, Stephen P
            L     INDEPEND  Population and Family Health                                           Kolff, Chelsea A
P8665  001  17355        3  GLOBL SEX & REPRO HLTH &        M 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Collins, Lynn E
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8670  001  17356      1.5  TRAINING OF TRAINERS OF P       W 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Bower, Bill L
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8673  001  17357      1.5  SEX & REPRO HLTH IN HUMAN       R 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Casey, Sara E
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8679  001  17358        3  INVEST METHODS IN COMPLX        R 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Greene, Martha C
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           Coldiron, Matthew
P8682  001  17359      1.5  Abortion in US Politics&P       W 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Flynn, Andrea M
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8683  001  17360      1.5  PSYCHOSOC IMPCT-FORCED MI       M 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Greene, Martha C
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8686  001  17361      1.5  Protection of Human Right       T 1:00pm-3:50pm   To be announced      Zard, Monette
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P8693  001  17362        0  CAPSTONE                                                               Kachur, Stephen P
            L      SEMINAR  Population and Family Health                                           Kolff, Chelsea A
P8699  001  17363      1.5  Abortion Provision & Advo       W 4:00pm-6:50pm   To be announced      Shah, Meera J
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P9620  001  17364      1.5  IMPLEMENTATION SCI-LOW-IN       T 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Kachur, Stephen P
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P9675  001  17365        3  SYSTMS THINK FOR MATERNAL       R 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      de Pinho, Helen
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
P9691  001  17366      1.5  Lessons Unlearned in Huma       T 8:30am-11:20am  To be announced      Teicher, Carrie L
            L      LECTURE  Population and Family Health                                           
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday