Subject Listing: Political Science Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN1101 001  00350        4  POLITICAL THEORY I              TR 11:40am-12:55  202 Altschul Hall (  Battistoni, Alyssa
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
                            Note: STUDENTS MUST ENROLL IN POLS-UN1111 DISCUSSION SECTION
UN1111 001  00351        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         W 6:10pm-7:00pm   214 Milbank Hall (B  Gregoire, Evan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 002  00352        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         W 7:10pm-8:00pm   214 Milbank Hall (B  Gregoire, Evan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 003  00353        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         M 3:10pm-4:00pm   903 Altschul Hall (  Marin, Alexis E
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 004  00354        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         M 4:10pm-5:00pm   903 Altschul Hall (  Marin, Alexis E
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 005  00355        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         W 3:10pm-4:00pm   214 Milbank Hall (B  Lieback, Hedwig
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 006  00874        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         W 4:10pm-5:00pm   502 Diana Center     Lieback, Hedwig
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 007  00875        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         T 5:10pm-6:00pm   307 Milbank Hall (B  Tekbulut, Ece
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 008  00876        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         T 6:10pm-7:00pm   307 Milbank Hall (B  Tekbulut, Ece
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 009  00877        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         F 1:10pm-2:00pm   214 Milbank Hall (B  Kimba, Mayaki Saley T
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1111 010  00878        0  POLITICAL THEORY I-DISC         M 12:10pm-1:00pm  214 Milbank Hall (B  Kimba, Mayaki Saley T
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN1501 001  13137        4  INTRO TO COMPARATIVE POLI       MW 8:40am-9:55am  142 Uris Hall        McClelland, Benjamin P
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN1511
UN1511 001  18457        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       R 3:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Tyagi, Abhyudaya
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 002  18458        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       T 7:10pm-8:00pm   307 Mathematics Bui  Tyagi, Abhyudaya
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 003  18459        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       T 8:10am-9:00am   307 Mathematics Bui  Marwege, Rebecca S
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 004  18460        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       T 9:10am-10:00am  307 Mathematics Bui  Marwege, Rebecca S
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 005  20691        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       M 3:10pm-4:00pm   222 Pupin Laborator  Vilalta, David
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 006  20692        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       M 2:10pm-3:00pm   411 Kent Hall        Vilalta, David
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 007  20693        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       M 10:10am-11:00a  316 Hamilton Hall    Yoon, Heewon
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1511 008  20694        0  INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS       W 10:00am-11:00a  608 Lewisohn Hall    Yoon, Heewon
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1601 001  13138        4  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS          MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  501 Schermerhorn Ha  Schlesinger, Jayme R
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN1611
UN1611 001  18464        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       W 2:10pm-3:00pm   607 Lewisohn Hall    Panter, Jonathan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 002  18465        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       W 3:10pm-4:00pm   607 Lewisohn Hall    Panter, Jonathan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 003  18466        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       T 4:10pm-5:00pm   606 Lewisohn Hall    Garner, Anna L
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 004  18467        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       T 5:10pm-6:00pm   606 Lewisohn Hall    Garner, Anna L
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 005  18468        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       W 9:10am-10:00am  212A Lewisohn Hall   Niangar, Dany L
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 006  18469        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       M 10:10am-11:00a  608 Lewisohn Hall    Niangar, Dany L
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 007  18470        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       W 4:10pm-5:00pm   609 Lewisohn Hall    Mylius, Ben
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 008  18471        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       W 5:10pm-6:00pm   609 Lewisohn Hall    Mylius, Ben
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 009  18472        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       T 11:10am-12:00p  608 Lewisohn Hall    Huba, Nechama
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 010  18473        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       T 12:10pm-1:00pm  608 Lewisohn Hall    Huba, Nechama
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 011  18474        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       M 11:10am-12:00p  606 Lewisohn Hall    Riaz, Beenish
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 012  18475        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       M 12:10pm-1:00pm  606 Lewisohn Hall    Riaz, Beenish
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 013  20700        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       M 2:10pm-3:00pm   608 Lewisohn Hall    Singh, Simran
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN1611 014  20701        0  INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI       M 3:10pm-4:00pm   608 Lewisohn Hall    Singh, Simran
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
BC3048 001  00356        4  COLL: CAPITALISM & ITS CR       W 11:00am-12:50p  306 Milbank Hall (B  Battistoni, Alyssa
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3118 001  00357        4  COLL:PROBLMS IN INT'L SECURITY  T 10:10am-12:00p  LL017 MILSTEIN CEN   Marten, Kimberly
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3205 001  00358        3  PUBLIC OPINION AND AMERICAN D   MW 10:10am-11:25  102 MILSTEIN CEN     Krimmel, Katherine L
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3213 001  13139        3  AMERICAN URBAN POLITICS         MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  203 Mathematics Bui  Vargas-Ramos, Carlos
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
BC3217 001  00359        4  COLL: BLUE COLLAR POLITIC       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   113 MILSTEIN CEN     Miller, Michael
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3222 001  13140        3  THE AMERICAN CONGRESS           TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  329 Pupin Laborator  Wawro, Gregory
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
UN3225 001  13141        4  AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL H       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  407 Hamilton Hall    Tortoriello, Robert L
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; co-requisite: POLS UN3226
UN3226 001  13302        0  AMERICAN CONST'L HISTORY-       R 11:10am-12:00p  201 80 Claremont Av  Tortoriello, Robert L
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3250 001  00360        3  VOTING & POLITICAL BEHAVIOR     TR 10:10am-11:25  302 Barnard Hall     Miller, Michael
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3254 001  00361        3  FIRST AMENDMENT VALUES          M 4:10pm-6:00pm   323 Milbank Hall (B  Franzese, Paula A
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3255 001  13146        3  Race & the US Carceral Sy       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  141 Uris Hall        McCall, Andrew J
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
BC3261 001  00865        0  INTRO CONT CHINESE POLTCS       T 12:00pm-12:50p  325 Milbank Hall (B  Cheng, Yu
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3261 002  00866        0  INTRO CONT CHINESE POLTCS       R 1:00pm-1:50pm   LL017 MILSTEIN CEN   Cheng, Yu
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3261 003  00887        0  INTRO CONT CHINESE POLTCS       F 3:10pm-4:00pm   To be announced      Cheng, Yu
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
                            Note: SECTION 003 HELD ONLINE ONLY
BC3391 001  00362        4  SLAVERY & ITS AFTERLIVES        F 10:10am-12:00p  LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Sirvent, Roberto
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3392 001  00363        4  COLL: RELIGION AND POLITI       F 12:00pm-1:50pm  LL017 MILSTEIN CEN   Sirvent, Roberto
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3417 001  00364        4  COL:SOVEREIGNTY& ITS CHALLNGS   M 10:10am-12:00p  LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Cooley, Alexander A
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3435 001  00365        4  COLL: LAW AND VIOLENCE          W 12:10pm-2:00pm  119 MILSTEIN CEN     Gundogdu, Ayten
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3445 001  00366        4  COLL: GENDER & PUBLIC POLICY    M 2:10pm-4:00pm   LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Krimmel, Katherine L
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3451 001  00864        4  COLL: ECON INEQUALITY IN        F 2:10pm-4:00pm   111 MILSTEIN CEN     Sirvent, Roberto
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3501 001  00367        4  COLL: URBAN VIOLENCE            M 12:10pm-2:00pm  119 MILSTEIN CEN     Moncada, Eduardo
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3521 001  00863        3  CIVIL RIGHTS &CIVIL LIBERTIES   M 12:10pm-2:00pm  LL104 Diana Center   Franzese, Paula A
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3528 001  13152        3  NEW/OLD FORMS OF POL PROT       TR 10:10am-11:25  304 Hamilton Hall    Superti, Chiara
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
UN3534 001  13305        3  AUTOCRACY AND DEMOCRACY         TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  142 Uris Hall        Frye, Timothy M
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
BC3540 001  00368        4  COLL: CONSTRUCTNG STATES NATN   T 11:00am-12:50p  327 Milbank Hall (B  Berman, Sheri
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3565 001  00369        4  DRUGS & POLITICS IN AMERICAS    MW 8:40am-9:55am  405 Milbank Hall (B  Moncada, Eduardo
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
                            Note: STUDENTS MUST ENROLL IN POLS-BC3566 DISCUSSION SECTION
BC3566 001  00370        0  DRUGS & POLITICS - DISC         W 4:10pm-5:00pm   325 Milbank Hall (B  Corredor-Garcia, Juan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3566 002  00371        0  DRUGS & POLITICS - DISC         W 5:10pm-6:00pm   325 Milbank Hall (B  Corredor-Garcia, Juan
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3619 001  13159        3  NAT'L & CONTEMP WORLD POL       MW 10:10am-11:25  413 Kent Hall        Snyder, Jack L
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
UN3620 001  00372        4  INTRO CONTEMP CHINESE POLITICS  TR 10:10am-11:25  LL104 Diana Center   Lu, Xiaobo
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
                            Note: STUDENTS MUST ENROLL IN POLS-BC3261 DISCUSSION SECTION
UN3674 001  15435        3  China's Technological Ris       TR 11:40am-12:55  608 Schermerhorn Ha  Minnich, John D
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
UN3692 001  15443        3  Business & Politics Globa       MW 8:40am-9:55am  307 Uris Hall        Thrall, Calvin N
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
UN3720 001  13166        4  RESEARCH DESIGN: SCOPE&ME       TR 10:10am-11:25  312 Mathematics Bui  Corstange, Daniel M
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN3722
UN3722 001  18450        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        W 3:10pm-4:00pm   610 Lewisohn Hall    Rahmani, Bardia R
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 002  18451        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        W 2:10pm-3:00pm   610 Lewisohn Hall    Rahmani, Bardia R
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 003  18452        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        T 2:10pm-3:00pm   253 Engineering Ter  Cordero, Peyton
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 004  18453        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        R 2:10pm-3:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Cordero, Peyton
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 005  20695        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        T 12:10pm-1:00pm  315 Hamilton Hall    Riaz, Zara
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 006  20696        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        T 1:10pm-2:00pm   315 Hamilton Hall    Riaz, Zara
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 007  20716        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        R 2:10pm-3:00pm   606 Lewisohn Hall    Travaglini, Giulia Leila
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 008  20718        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        R 3:10pm-4:00pm   104 Knox Hall        Travaglini, Giulia Leila
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 009  20953        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        R 4:10pm-5:00pm   101 Knox Hall        Travaglini, Giulia Leila
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 010  20954        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        T 2:10pm-3:00pm   103 Knox Hall        Riaz, Zara
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
UN3722 011  20990        0  SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC        T 1:10pm-2:00pm   327 Uris Hall        Cordero, Peyton
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
BC3799 001  00869      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Miller, Michael
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3799 002  00891      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Gundogdu, Ayten
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science @Barnard                                             
BC3801 001  00373        4  COLL:POLITCS OF DEVELOPMENT     W 2:10pm-4:00pm   227 Milbank Hall (B  Lu, Xiaobo
            L INS COLLOQUI  Political Science @Barnard                                             
UN3902 001  18385      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Rodrigues, Shaunna
            L     INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 002  18811      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Borghard, Erica D
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 003  18944      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Gao, Qin
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 004  20515      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Mitchell, Lincoln A
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 005  20823      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Russell, Judith
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 006  20926      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Snyder, Jack L
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 007  20972      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Ting, Michael
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3902 008  21103      1-6  INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II                                                Shapiro, Robert Y
            L INS INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
UN3911 001  13171        4  Arendt in 20th Century          W 12:10pm-2:00pm  711 International A  Maier, Clara
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join wait li
UN3911 002  13175        4  FRENCH REV IN POL THOUGHT       W 10:10am-12:00p  302 ALFRED LERNE     Luban, Daniel
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join wait li
UN3911 003  13181        4  Racial Capitalism               R 10:10am-12:00p  301M Fayerweather    Battaglini, Charles G
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join wait li
UN3911 004  13193        4  Persp on Climate Change         T 4:10pm-6:00pm   329 Uris Hall        Mylius, Ben
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join wait li
UN3921 001  13196        4  SEXUALITY & CITIZENSHIP IN US   T 4:10pm-6:00pm   711 International A  Phillips, Justin H
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 002  13199        4  Contempry Electrl Politcs       W 10:10am-12:00p  711 International A  Erikson, Robert
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 003  13200        4  THE FIRST AMENDMENT             T 4:10pm-6:00pm   317 Hamilton Hall    Amdur, Robert L
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 004  13201        4  POLITICS&POLICY:STATELOCAL GO   W 6:10pm-8:00pm   711 International A  Bushell, Gerrard P
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 005  13203        4  POLITICS OF POLICYMAKING        M 12:10pm-2:00pm  711 International A  Russell, Judith
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 006  13205        4  TOPICS IN AMERICAN DEMOCRACY    M 10:10am-12:00p  711 International A  Mitchell, Lincoln A
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3921 007  13206        4  Media in US Politics            F 12:10pm-2:00pm  711 International A  Barari, Soubhik
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3951 001  13208        4  POWER, ORGS & INSTITUTION       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   711 International A  Jiang, Junyan
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3951 002  13209        4  VOTING WITHOUT BORDERS          T 2:10pm-4:00pm   302 ALFRED LERNE     Superti, Chiara
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 001  13212        4  INT'L ORDERS                    R 4:10pm-6:00pm   711 International A  Doyle, Michael
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 002  13214        4  COERCION AND WORLD POLITICS     R 10:10am-12:00p  711 International A  Daly, Sarah
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 003  13215        4  Peacemaking & negotiation       W 12:10pm-2:00pm  301M Fayerweather    Krasno, Jean
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 004  13216        4  AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY         T 4:10pm-6:00pm   1302 International   Rose, Gideon
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 005  13217        4  INT'L CRISES SINCE COLD WAR     M 10:10am-12:00p  1302 International   Pam, Jeremiah S
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 006  13218        4  ADVANCES IN IPE                 R 2:10pm-4:00pm   1302 International   Sahakyan, Davit
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
UN3961 007  13219        4  The Politics of War             W 4:10pm-6:00pm   501B International   Saunders, Elizabeth N
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
OC3991 001  21428        4  Africa Policy of the EU                                                Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 002  21429        4  Agriculture & Food Policy                                              Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 003  21430        4  Chin. Infrastruct. Proj.                                               Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 004  21431        4  Germ.Right-Wing Extremism                                              Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 005  21432        4  German Federalism&Policy                                               Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 006  21433        4  Political System of EU                                                 Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 007  21434        4  Qualitat. Methods PolSci                                               Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3991 008  21435        4  US Presidential Elections                                              Mueller, Carmen
            L      LECTURE  Global Programs                                                        
OC3996 001  21482        4  THEORY & HIST. IN MARXISM                                              
            L     INDEPEND  Global Programs                                                        
UN3999 001  13220        4  HONORS SEMINAR                  W 2:10pm-4:00pm   327 Uris Hall        Huber, John
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Registration by application only
GU4132 001  13221        3  POLIT THOUGHT-CLASSICL AN       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  602 Lewisohn Hall    Moser, Diana J
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
GU4134 001  13222        4  MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT        MW 10:10am-11:25  303 Hamilton Hall    Urbinati, Nadia
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4135
GU4135 001  20697        0  MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT-       W 12:00pm-1:00pm  606 Lewisohn Hall    Maniar, Kaarish K
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4135 002  20698        0  MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT-       W 1:10pm-2:00pm   606 Lewisohn Hall    Maniar, Kaarish K
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4428 001  00374        4  EUROPEAN POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT  T 4:10pm-6:00pm   324 Milbank Hall (B  Berman, Sheri
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science @Barnard                                             
GU4434 001  13225        4  ETH POL ACROS POST-SOV EU       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   1219 International   Giuliano, Elise
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GU4439 001  15428        4  State & Society in Ukrain       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   1201 International   Kulyk, Volodymyr
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GU4457 001  13227        4  Russian Propaganda Dom&Gl       T 12:10pm-2:00pm  711 International A  Shirikov, Anton
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GU4471 001  13228        3  CHINESE POLITICS                MW 10:10am-11:25  702 Hamilton Hall    Jiang, Junyan
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
GU4702 001  13230        4  METHODS OF INQUIRY & RES        M 4:10pm-6:00pm   1302 International   Fortna, Virginia Page
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GU4712 001  13232        4  PRINC OF QUANT POL RESEAR       TR 8:40am-9:55am  333 Uris Hall        Shapiro, Robert Y
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN4713
GU4713 001  13308        0  PRINC OF QUANT POL RES 2-       T 1:10pm-2:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Novoa, Gustavo F
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4713 002  20803        0  PRINC OF QUANT POL RES 2-       W 4:10pm-5:00pm   402 Hamilton Hall    Novoa, Gustavo F
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4722 001  18582        4  QUANT METH 2 STAT THEO&CA       TR 8:40am-9:55am  318 Hamilton Hall    Green, Donald P
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4723. No direct enrollment; those inter
GU4723 001  18583        0  QUANT METH 2-DISC               F 10:10am-11:00a  212D Lewisohn Hall   Liu, Patrick P
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4726 001  13234        4  QUANT METH 4 TOPICS IN ME       TR 8:40am-9:55am  303 Uris Hall        Gelman, Andrew
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4727
GU4727 001  18454        0  QUANTITATIVE METH 4 DISCU       T 3:10pm-4:00pm   407 Mathematics Bui  Gerez, Julian E
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
GU4730 001  13247        4  GAME THEORY & POLIT THEOR       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  602 Northwest Corne  Huber, John
            L      LECTURE  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4731
GU4731 001  13251        0  GAME THEORY & POL THEORY-       F 11:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Kang, Haejo
            L     DISCUSSI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GU4875 001  00375        3  RUSSIA AND THE WEST             MW 10:10am-11:25  LL017 MILSTEIN CEN   Marten, Kimberly
            L      LECTURE  Political Science @Barnard                                             
GR6210 001  13259        4  ISSUES & DEBATES-AMER POL       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   711 International A  Lax, Jeffrey R
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      Katznelson, Ira
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR6412 001  13263        4  COMPARATV POLITICS SURVEY       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   711 International A  Kasara, Kimuli
            L      SEMINAR  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8127 001  18461        4  Religionization of Politi       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   270B International   Dieckhoff, Alain
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
GR8211 001  13577        4  POL ECON OF INSTITUTIONS        W 2:10pm-4:00pm   711 International A  Prato, Carlo
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8245 001  13266        4  CONTROVERSIES IN AMER POL       T 10:10am-12:00p  270B International   Hirano, Shigeo
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8420 001  13271        4  POL CULTURE, PARTICIPTN         R 10:10am-12:00p  270B International   Nathan, Andrew J
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8428 001  13276        4  POLITICS OF AUTOCRACY           W 4:10pm-6:00pm   711 International A  Frye, Timothy M
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8866 001  13328        4  INTL SIGNALING & COMMUNIC       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   1302 International   Solimena, Paola
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8880 001  13278        4  DECISION MAKING AND DIPLO       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  317 Hamilton Hall    Gallarotti, Giulio M
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8892 001  15446        4  Firms in IPE                    T 6:10pm-8:00pm   711 International A  Thrall, Calvin N
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR8898 001  18660        4  Domestic Pol & Intl Relat       R 10:10am-12:00p  1302 International   Saunders, Elizabeth N
            L     COLLOQUI  Political Science                                                      
                            Note: No direct registration; those interested should join waitlis
GR9010 001  18675      1-6  SPECIAL RESEARCH COURSE                                                Urbinati, Nadia
            L     INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
GR9010 002  20606      1-6  SPECIAL RESEARCH COURSE                                                Borghard, Erica D
            L     INDEPEND  Political Science                                                      
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday