Subject Listing: Occupational Therapy Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

M6101  081  17975        3  HUMAN ANATOMY                                                          Maher, Colleen M
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6107  081  17976        3  KINESIOLOGY                                                            Bryson, Todd M
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6140  082  17977        1  CBPD Grantwriting                                                      Mahoney, Danielle J
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6507  082  17978        3  Modification & Assistive                                               Mendonca, Rochelle
                   SEMINAR  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6550  081  17979        0  TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIP                                                 Maher, Colleen M
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6551  081  17980        3  Occupation: Science & Pra                                              Banks, Tyra M
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6555  082  17981        3  AOP OLDER ADULTS II                                                    Mahoney, Danielle J
                   SEMINAR  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6557  082  17982        4  AOP CHILDREN II                                                        Guzman, Julia
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6564  082  17983        4  AOP ADULTS III                                                         Geller, Daniel L
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6571  081  17984        2  RSCH I: STAT AND MTHDS                                                 Hamed, Razan
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6573  082  17985        1  Research III                                                           Hamed, Razan
                  PRACTICA  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6578  081  17986        3  CLIN COND I: BHV HEALTH                                                Precin, Patricia
                  COLLOQUI  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6668  081  17987        3  Approaches & Models OT                                                 Gillen, Glen
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6669  082  17988        1  Student to Clinician                                                   Kane, Leslie
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M6680  082  17989        0  LVL II FLDWRK C                                                        Simon, Phyllis R
                  PRACTICA  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8100  083  18032        3  ADVANCED APPLICATION OF T                                              Gillen, Glen
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8103  083  18033        3  NEUROSCIENCE AND COGNITIO                                              Dimitropoulou, Katherine
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8106  083  18035        1  Case Based Application                                                 Geller, Daniel L
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8107  083  18034        3  Capstone One Portfolio                                                 Lange, Amanda M
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8113  083  18036        1  WRITING FOR PUBLICATION                                                Simon, Phyllis R
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8113  084  18037        1  WRITING FOR PUBLICATION                                                Mahoney, Danielle J
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8113  085  19013        1  WRITING FOR PUBLICATION                                                Mendonca, Rochelle
                   LECTURE  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8530  083  18038        3  ADVANCED EVIDENCE BASED P                                              Dimitropoulou, Katherine
                  PRACTICA  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8990  083  18039        2  GRANTSMANSHIP                                                          Kalina, Jennifer A
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  083  18040        2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Mendonca, Rochelle
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  084  18610      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Hamed, Razan
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  085  18611      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Urban, Michael
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  086  18612      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Dimitropoulou, Katherine
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  087  18613      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Guzman, Julia
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  088  18614      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Geller, Daniel L
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  089  18615      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Banks, Tyra M
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  090  18616      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Precin, Patricia
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
M8993  091  21194      1-2  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                               Gillen, Glen
                  INDEPEND  Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED)                                         
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday