Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
PS0101 001 10457 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 9:10am-11: To be announced Myers, Timothy
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 1:10pm-3:0 To be announced
PS0101 002 10458 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 9:10am-11: To be announced Toro, Cecilia
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 1:10pm-3:0 To be announced
PS0101 003 10459 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 11:10am-1: To be announced
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 3:10pm-5:0 To be announced
PS0101 004 10460 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 11:10am-1: To be announced
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 3:10pm-5:0 To be announced
PS0101 005 10461 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 9:10am-11: To be announced Myers, Timothy
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 1:10pm-3:0 To be announced
PS0101 006 10462 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 9:10am-11: To be announced
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 1:10pm-3:0 To be announced
PS0101 007 10463 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 11:10am-1: To be announced
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 3:10pm-5:0 To be announced
PS0101 008 10464 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 11:10am-1: To be announced
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP) MTWRF 3:10pm-5:0 To be announced
PS0101 D01 10036 0 Introduction to Neuroscie MTWRF 5:00pm-8:0 ONLINE ONLY Alexandrescu, Anamaria
L LECTURE Pre-College Programs (SHSP)
L Code |
L |
Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
D-I |
Department and Instructor |
Department |
I-D |
Instructor and Department |
Instructor |
Day Codes |
M |
Monday |
T |
Tuesday |
W |
Wednesday |
R |
Thursday |
F |
Friday |
S |
Saturday |
U |
Sunday |