Subject Listing: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

PS5101 001  14318        3  UNDERSTAND CONFL & COOPER       W 5:10pm-6:50pm   229 THOMPSON HAL     Coleman, Peter T
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: W 5:10-6:50pm
PS5105 001  14327        3  INTRODUCTION TO NEGOTIATI       R 6:10pm-8:00pm   201A Philosophy Hal  Regan, Bodi
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut  S 9:00am-5:00pm   302 Fayerweather     
                            Note: Th 6:10-8:00p from 9/5-10/10 & Sa 9a-5p on 9/14, 10/5
PS5109 001  14331        3  Negotiation for Everyday        W 6:10pm-8:00pm   212D Lewisohn Hall   Coaxum, Clarence D Jr.
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Open to all CU graduate students. (NECR students take 5105)
PS5124 001  14335        3  INTRAPERSONAL DYNAMICS &        SUSU 9:00am-5:00  601 Sherman Fairchi  Sommer, Barry
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: SU 9am-5pm on 10/19-/10/20 & 11/16-11/17
PS5124 002  17422        3  INTRAPERSONAL DYNAMICS &        SUSU 9:00am-5:00  601 Sherman Fairchi  Sommer, Barry
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: SU 9a-5pm on 10/26-10/27 & 11/23-11/24
PS5150 001  14349        3  FAMILY BUSINESS AND CONFL       SSUU 9:00am-5:00  308A Lewisohn Hall   Larose, Karen L
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         Goodman, Katherine K
                            Note: SU 9am-5pm on 11/9-11/10 & 11/16-11/17
PS5180 AU1  21192        0  RESOLVING URBAN CONFLICT        W 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Lopez, Joan
            L INS  LECTURE  Auditing                                                               
PS5180 D01  14835        3  RESOLVING URBAN CONFLICT        W 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Lopez, Joan
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Online synch W 10a-12p ET 9/25, 10/23 & online asynch work
PS5202 D01  14952        3  APPLIED CONFLICT RESOLUTI       W 6:10pm-8:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Straw, Christine D
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Online synchronous: W 6:10-8:00pm ET
PS5205 001  14387        3  ADVANCED NEGOTIATION            SUSU 9:00am-5:00  602 Lewisohn Hall    Fisher-Yoshida, Beth
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Pre-req: 5105 OR 5109. SU 9a-5p 10/5-10/6 & 10/19-10/20
PS5212 AU1  19419        0  CONFL SOCIAL NETWKS/COMM                                               Perlmutter, Ted
            L      LECTURE  Auditing                                                               
PS5212 D01  14836        3  CONFL SOCIAL NETWKS/COMM                                               Perlmutter, Ted
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Online asynchronous & 2-3 online synchronous meetings TBA
PS5880 001  14395        3  Interpersonal Dynamics          SUSU 9:00am-5:00  308A Lewisohn Hall   Anderson, Robert
            L     PRACTICA  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: SU 9a-5p on 10/19-10/20 & 11/23-11/24
PS6050 001  14407        3  CAPSTONE: Conflict Analys       M 6:10pm-8:00pm   602 Northwest Corne  Sereday, Amy E
            L      SEMINAR  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut  S 9:00am-5:00pm   616 Martin Luther K  
                            Note: M 6:10-8p Sep 9,30; Oct 14,28; Nov 11,25 & S 9-4p Sep 21,28
PS6250 D01  14838        3  CAPSTONE: RESOLUTION STRA       T 12:00pm-1:00pm  ONLINE ONLY          Dixon, Peter
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut                                         
                            Note: Online synch: T 12-1pm ET 9/10, 12/3 & online asynch work
PS6350 H01  14408        3  CAPSTONE: NETWORKNG & SUS       S 9:00am-3:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Whitlock, Mark A
            L      LECTURE  Negotiation & Conflict Resolut  USU 9:00am-1:00p  602 Lewisohn Hall    
                                                            U 10:00am-3:00pm  601 Sherman Fairchi  
                            Note: 9a-3pm on 9/28; 9a-1pm on 9/29, 10/26, 10/27; 12/8 Capstone
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday