Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty L App Activity Department GR6401 001 11057 4 LIT/RES-LAT AMER/CARIB STUD II W 2:10pm-4:00pm 802 International A Azenha, Gustavo S L SEMINAR Latin-American & Carib RS Note: Open to MA in LCRS Students Only GR7001 001 20583 4 International Human Right R 6:00pm-9:00pm To be announced Kwon, Eliza K L SEMINAR Latin-American & Carib RS Note: ONLY for SIPA and LCRS students GR8450 001 11058 1-2 PERSPECTVE ON LAT AMER STUDIES Azenha, Gustavo S L SEMINAR Latin-American & Carib RS Note: Class Meets by Appointment. ONLY Only to MA in LCRS student