Summer 2025 Journalism S3019 section 001



Call Number 10542
Day & Time
MW 9:00am-12:10pm
To be announced
Points 3
Grading Mode Standard
Approvals Required None
Instructor Christopher J Chivers
Method of Instruction In-Person
Course Description

War Reporting: The Coverage of Armed Conflict explores the origins and roles of modern war reporting, examines the challenges journalists face, and discusses journalism's place in the public discourse of armed conflict and political violence, most notably terrorism. Taught by U.S. Marine corps veteran and Pulitzer Prize winning reporter and author, C.J. Chivers, class discussions will be lively and require student engagement. There will be guest lectures and seminars with leading journalists with experience in recent wars, as well discussions with security and legal professionals who assist and guide news organizations in their coverage of war. The examination of risks to journalists on conflict beats will include detailed case studies of real kidnappings and battlefield deaths, and study examples of risk mitigation and best practices in the field. The course is intended for students with a deep interest in war, terrorism and journalism, including both news consumers and aspiring practitioners. It aims to promote skepticism of official narratives and critical thinking about journalism itself.

Web Site Vergil
Subterm 05/27-07/03 (A)
Department Summer Session (SUMM)
Enrollment 0 students (20 max) as of 9:06PM Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Subject Journalism
Number S3019
Section 001
Division Summer Session
Section key 20252JOUR3019S001