Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
UN1102 001 11746 4 ELEMENTARY INDONESIAN II MW 9:00am-10:50a Rosari, Maria D
L LANGUAGE Language Resource Center
UN2102 001 11749 4 INTERMED. INDONESIAN II TR 9:00am-10:50a Rosari, Maria D
L LANGUAGE Language Resource Center
UN3102 001 11753 3 ADVANCED INDONESIAN II Pandin, Jolanda M
L LANGUAGE Language Resource Center Charitos, Stephane A
Note: Shared Course Initiative class. Contact vf2321 for more info
L Code |
L |
Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
D-I |
Department and Instructor |
Department |
I-D |
Instructor and Department |
Instructor |
Day Codes |
M |
Monday |
T |
Tuesday |
W |
Wednesday |
R |
Thursday |
F |
Friday |
S |
Saturday |
U |
Sunday |