Subject Listing: History: Literature Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

GR5113 001  18773        3  Aesthetics and Phil of Hi                                              von Muecke, Dorothea
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
                            Note: This course will take place at Reid Hall, Paris (France)
GR5117 001  18772        3  Ernaux: Writing as a Knif                                              Dodman, Thomas
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
                            Note: This course will take place at Reid Hall, Paris (France)
OC5400 001  18774        3  RESEARCH SEMINAR IN HIST                                               von Muecke, Dorothea
            L     RESEARCH  French                                                                 
OC5501 001  18775        3  M.A. ESSAY II                                                          Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 001  21376      1-6  American Theory                                                        Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 002  21377      1-6  Senghor research seminar                                               Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 003  21378      1-6  Poesie Americaine                                                      Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 004  21379      1-6  Visual Anthro et Socio                                                 Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 005  21380      1-6  Sommeil dans American lit                                              Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 006  21381      1-6  Performance, art contemp                                               Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 007  21382      1-6  Les Egouts de L'viv                                                    Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 008  21383      1-6  Masc + animal dans contes                                              Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 009  21384      1-6  Lit euro lit postcolonial                                              Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 010  21385      1-6  Philosophie de la photo                                                Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 011  21386      1-6  Intro music history                                                    Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 012  21397      1-6  Objets sciences sociales                                               Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
GR5555 013  21387      1-6  Arch. et urbanism grec                                                 Woolward, Keithley
            L      SEMINAR  French                                                                 
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday