Subject Listing: Film Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN1000 001  14866        3  INTRO TO FILM & MEDIA STU       T 10:10am-11:25a  KOB LENFEST CENT     King, Robert
            L      LECTURE  Film                            R 10:10am-12:55p  KOB LENFEST CENT     
                            Note: Film UN1001 is co-requisite.
UN1000 AU1  18959        0  INTRO TO FILM & MEDIA STU       T 10:10am-11:25a  OTHR OTHER           King, Robert
            L      LECTURE  Auditing                        R 10:10am-12:55p  OTHR OTHER           
UN1001 001  15002        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 9:10am-10:00am  212A Lewisohn Hall   Kahn, Kali A
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Required disc section for UN1000 Intro to Film & Media. Clas
UN1001 002  15003        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   317 Hamilton Hall    Solnes, Katla
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Required disc section for UN1000 Intro to Film & Media. Clas
UN1001 003  15004        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 2:10pm-3:00pm   317 Hamilton Hall    Li, Mengyuan
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Required disc section for UN1000 Intro to Film & Media. Clas
UN1001 004  17172        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 11:10am-12:00p  401 Hamilton Hall    Ning, Anne
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN1001 005  18745        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 3:10pm-4:00pm   317 Hamilton Hall    Zane, Audrey
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN1010 001  14871        3  GENRE STUDY                     T 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gregg, Ronald
            L      LECTURE  Film                            R 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     
                            Note: Film UN 1011 is co-requiste.
UN1011 001  15006        0  INTRO TO GENRE STUDY-DISC       F 9:10am-10:00am  212D Lewisohn Hall   Song, Amie
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Co-requisite for UN 1010 Blockbuster, Class will begin the s
UN1011 002  17177        0  INTRO TO GENRE STUDY-DISC       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Nutkevitch, Sierra
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN1011 003  17178        0  INTRO TO GENRE STUDY-DISC       F 2:10pm-3:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Dirienzi, Kate
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN2010 001  14966        3  CINEMA HIST I: BEGIN-1930       M 10:00am-1:45pm  511 Dodge Hall       Gaines, Jane
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film UN2011 is co-requisite. For undergraduate students only
UN2011 001  15005        0  CINEMA HIST I:BEGIN-1930-       F 2:10pm-3:00pm   313 Hamilton Hall    Bjorksten, Julianna D
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Co-requisite for UN2010 Cinema History I. Class will begin t
UN2011 002  17176        0  CINEMA HIST I:BEGIN-1930-       R 9:10am-10:00am  328 Uris Hall        Paull, Graham
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN2011 003  20669        0  CINEMA HIST I:BEGIN-1930-       R 10:10am-11:00a  963 EXT Schermerhor  Elci, Nazenin
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins second week of the semester.
UN2040 001  14876        3  CINEMA HISTORY IV: AFTER        M 2:00pm-5:45pm   511 Dodge Hall       Andrade, Fabio C
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film UN2041 is co-requisite.
UN2041 001  15008        0  CINEMA HIST IV:AFTER 1990       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   313 Hamilton Hall    Diaz Moreau, Greta
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Co-requisite for UN2040 Cinema History IV. Class will begin
UN2041 002  17179        0  CINEMA HIST IV:AFTER 1990       F 12:10pm-1:00pm  317 Hamilton Hall    Misra, Nimisha
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
UN2041 003  18823        0  CINEMA HIST IV:AFTER 1990       F 11:10am-12:00p  212A Lewisohn Hall   Tullio, Max C
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Co-Requisite with FILM UN2041. Class begins second week of t
UN2420 001  14877        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Hauducoeur, Mathilde A
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior  Film & Media Studies m
UN2420 002  14879        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       M 6:00pm-9:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       Talbot-Minkin, Maggie F
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior Film & Media Studies ma
UN2420 003  14883        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       M 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Dimambro, Angeline J
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior Film & Media Studies ma
UN2510 001  14886        3  LAB IN FICTION FILMMAKING       F 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Garagic, Zuko
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior Film & Media Studies ma
UN2520 001  14893        3  LAB IN NONFICTION FILMMAK       F 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Atalla, Munir M
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior Film & Media Studies ma
UN3010 001  14968        3  Krzysztof Kieslowski            T 2:00pm-5:45pm   511 Dodge Hall       Insdorf, Annette
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to Film and Media studies majors
BC3090 001  00664        1  ARTEMIS COURSE IN FILMMAK       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   404 MILSTEIN CEN     Hamilton, Ross T
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
                            Note: MEETS ON FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19, & 26 ONLY
BC3091 001  00665        1  ARTEMIS COURSE:FILM PRODU       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   404 MILSTEIN CEN     Hamilton, Ross T
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                   W 10:10am-12:55p  105 MILSTEIN CEN     
                            Note: CLASS MEETS APRIL 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 and 24 ONLY
BC3119 001  00654        3  SCREENWRITING FUNDMENTALS       W 12:10pm-3:00pm  207 Milbank Hall (B  Nickowitz, Peter
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3120 001  00655        3  ADVANCED SCREENWRITING          W 5:10pm-8:00pm   LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Douge, Danielle T
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3200 001  00656        3  FILM PRODUCTION                 T 4:10pm-7:00pm   LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Thompson, Julia L
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3200 002  00657        3  FILM PRODUCTION                 F 2:10pm-5:00pm   LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Pfeffer, Daniel F
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3260 002  00722        3  WRITING FOR TELEVISION          W 2:10pm-5:00pm   404 MILSTEIN CEN     Roberts, Dafina
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3275 001  00659        3  NONFIC DIGTL VIDEO PRODCT       R 2:00pm-4:00pm   105 MILSTEIN CEN     McLagan, Margaret J
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                   F 3:00pm-4:00pm   105 MILSTEIN CEN     
BC3278 001  00660        3  DIGITAL PRODUCTION              R 5:10pm-8:00pm   LL018 MILSTEIN CEN   Douge, Danielle T
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3279 002  00723        3  MASTERWORKS: ARAB CINEMA        M 4:10pm-7:55pm   LL104 Diana Center   Abbas, Sam
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3331 001  00662        3  QUEER VISIONS IN CONT FIL       F 10:00am-1:45pm  328 Milbank Hall (B  Ula, Duygu
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
                            Note: FIRST PRIORITY TO BC/CU FILM STUDIES MAJORS
BC3702 001  00663        3  MAJOR WOMEN FILMMAKERS          R 4:10pm-7:55pm   903 Altschul Hall (  de Baun, Sophia
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
UN3915 001  14929        3  ADVANCED FILM PRODUCTION PRACT  R 2:00pm-5:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       Leonberg, Benjamin C
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority is given to Senior & Junior Film & Media Studies ma
UN3925 001  14926        3  NARRATIVE STRAT-SCREENWRI       F 2:00pm-5:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       Caplin, Loren-Paul
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to undergraduate Film & Media Studies majors
GU4048 001  18952        3  Music, Sound and Image Th       M 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gaines, Jane
            L      LECTURE  Film                            W 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Steege, Benjamin A
                            Note: Co-requisite Film UN4049 Discussion Section
GU4049 001  20495        0  Music, Sound & Image Theo       F 2:10pm-3:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Zhong, Xiaoyi
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins second week of the semester
GU4110 001  18744        3  Auteur Studies: Agnes Var       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       James, Caryn
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
GU4300 001  14934        3  Black Film and Media            T 9:10am-1:10pm   511 Dodge Hall       Gates, Racquel
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Disc section required for undergraduates Film GU4301
GU4301 001  15012        0  Black Film and Media DISC       F 11:10am-12:00p  313 Hamilton Hall    Gonzalez, Michael
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Co-req is Film GU4300. For undergrad students only. Class wi
GU4301 002  17174        0  Black Film and Media DISC       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   306 Hamilton Hall    Simonian, Josephine
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the second week of the semester.
GU4310 001  15282        3  EXPERIMENTAL FILM & MEDIA       W 9:30am-12:30pm  507 Dodge Hall       Gregg, Ronald
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Students will be admitted into the class via the wait list.
GU4953 001  14951        3  Reality Television              R 10:10am-1:00pm  403 Dodge Hall       Gates, Racquel
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to FMST majors & Film students in Nov reg period
GU4955 001  20472        3  History of American Telev       W 6:00pm-9:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Alexander, Ben
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF5005 001  14953        3  ANALYSIS OF FILM LANGUAGE       R 2:00pm-5:45pm   511 Dodge Hall       Insdorf, Annette
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
GR5010 001  14971        3  CINEMA HIST I:BEGINNINGS-       M 10:00am-1:45pm  511 Dodge Hall       Gaines, Jane
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For graduate students only
GR5025 001  14972        3  CINEMA HIST IV: AFTER 1990      M 2:00pm-5:45pm   511 Dodge Hall       Andrade, Fabio C
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For graduate students only
AF5045 001  14974        3  GENRE STUDY                     T 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gregg, Ronald
            L      LECTURE  Film                            R 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     
                            Note: For graduate students only.
AF5120 001  14976        3  SCREENWRITING II                T 10:00am-1:00pm  15T Riverside Churc  Dresser, Richard
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st yr students only.
AF5120 002  14978        3  SCREENWRITING II                W 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Martinez, Valerie C
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st year students only.
AF5120 003  14979        3  SCREENWRITING II                T 2:00pm-5:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Pedreira, Rafael L
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5120 004  14983        3  SCREENWRITING II                W 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Niederhoffer, Galt V
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5120 005  14986        3  SCREENWRITING II                R 6:00pm-9:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Keyt, Jessie
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st year students only.
AF5120 006  14993        3  SCREENWRITING II                T 6:00pm-9:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Castelaz, Michael H
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st year students only.
AF5130 001  16579      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                R 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Kalin, Tom
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st Year Students only.
AF5130 002  16580      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                T 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st years only.
AF5130 003  16593      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                W 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Dieckmann, Katherine
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film 1st year students only.
AF5130 004  16595      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                T 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Troxler, Joshua R
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5130 005  16598      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                M 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Parmar, Sush
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5130 006  16599      1.5  SCRIPT TO SCREEN                W 6:00pm-9:00pm   522D Kent Hall       Unaldi, Aslihan
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5201 001  16581        0  Fund of Dir Lab: Short Fi       M 6:00pm-9:00pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Kleinman, Daniel
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 001  15007        3  DIRECTING II                    T 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Apetri, Bogdan G
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 002  15009        3  DIRECTING II                    W 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Olds, Ian W
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 003  15010        3  DIRECTING II                    T 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Suwichakornpong, Anocha
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 004  15011        3  DIRECTING II                    M 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Attieh, Rania
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 005  15013        3  DIRECTING II                    M 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Peralta, Diana
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5220 006  15014        3  DIRECTING II                    R 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Zhuk, Darya V
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5240 001  15028        3  DIRECTING ACTORS II             W 2:00pm-5:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Cianciulli, Anna Maria
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5240 002  15029        3  DIRECTING ACTORS II             W 6:00pm-9:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Benjamin, Emil
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5240 003  15031        3  DIRECTING ACTORS II             T 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Sodersten, Mikael
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5240 004  15033        3  DIRECTING ACTORS II             R 2:00pm-5:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Milinazzo, Lisa
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5305 001  16583      1.5  ROLE OF THE PRODUCER            W 9:30am-12:30pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Lechner, Jack
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5410 001  16662      1.5  PRACTICAL PRODUCTION II         F 9:00am-11:00am  504 Dodge Hall       Ryan, Maureen A
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5410 002  16663      1.5  PRACTICAL PRODUCTION II         F 11:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Ryan, Maureen A
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5410 003  16664      1.5  PRACTICAL PRODUCTION II         F 1:00pm-3:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Ryan, Maureen A
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA 1st year students only.
AF5425 001  16683      1.5  Tech Arts: Post Productio       R 10:00am-1:00pm  301 Dodge Hall       Cacioppo Belantara, Michael J
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Open to MFA Film (1st and 2nd yr) and MFA Visual Arts studen
AF5500 001  16635      1.5  Ethics: Inclusive Storyte       W 9:30am-12:30pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Houslin, Diane
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Required/restricted to 1st year MFA Film
AF5710 001  15044        3  PRO-SEMINAR IN FILM THEOR       F 10:00am-1:00pm  403 Dodge Hall       Lariviere, Jason R
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Required for MA FMS in Cinema/Media Track
AF5720 001  15046        3  Media Archeology                F 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Strauven, Wanda
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF5800 001  15047      1-3  INTERNSHIP                                                             Seifu, Hanna
            L     INTERNSH  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st and 2nd year MFA (Scr/Dir) Film students only.
AF5800 002  15048      1-3  INTERNSHIP                                                             Ryan, Maureen A
            L     INTERNSH  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st and 2nd year MFA CP Ryan advisees only
AF5800 003  15049      1-3  INTERNSHIP                                                             Lechner, Jack
            L     INTERNSH  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st and 2nd year MFA CP Lechner advisees only
AF5800 004  15050      1-3  INTERNSHIP                                                             Louie, Mynette
            L     INTERNSH  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st and 2nd year MFA CP Louie advisees only
AF6050 001  16634      1.5  Character Development Lab       T 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6050 002  21135      1.5  Character Development Lab       T 2:00pm-5:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Joseph, Jamal
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6120 001  15051        3  SCREENWRITING IV                T 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA Scr/Dir Students only.
AF6120 002  15052        3  SCREENWRITING IV                R 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Bienen, Andrew S
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA Scr/Dir Students only.
AF6120 003  15053        3  SCREENWRITING IV                T 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Dieckmann, Katherine
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA Scr/Dir Students only.
AF6120 004  15054        3  SCREENWRITING IV                R 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Lazaridi, Christina
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA Scr/Dir Students only.
AF6125 001  16633      1.5  Story Gym                       W 6:00pm-9:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Dieckmann, Katherine
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Elective for 2nd year Scr/Dir
AF6215 001  16806        3  Intro to TV Pilot Writing       M 10:00am-1:00pm  403 Dodge Hall       Klass, David
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Writing for Film and Television concentrates only
AF6220 001  15055        3  DIRECTING IV                    W 9:30am-12:30pm  508 Dodge Hall       Suwichakornpong, Anocha
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year MFA Film Students only.
AF6220 002  15056        3  DIRECTING IV                    W 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Gordon, Bette
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year MFA Film Students only.
AF6220 003  15057        3  DIRECTING IV                    R 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Gordon, Bette
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year MFA Film Students only.
AF6220 004  15058        3  DIRECTING IV                    R 6:00pm-9:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       Mirabella-Davis, Carlo
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year MFA Film Students only.
AF6250 001  15060        3  DIRECTING ACTORS IV             R 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Shear, Jon
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year MFA Film Students only.
AF6320 001  15061        3  FEATURE FILM FINANCING          M 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Louie, Mynette
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Register for the opposite section from your Fall FFD
AF6320 002  15062        3  FEATURE FILM FINANCING          M 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Joaquin, Lucas
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Register for the opposite section from your Fall FFD
AF6330 001  15071        3  WRIT/SCRIPT ANALYSIS-PROD       R 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Lechner, Jack
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6330 AU1  18570        0  WRIT/SCRIPT ANALYSIS-PROD       R 10:00am-1:00pm  OTHR OTHER           Lechner, Jack
            L     WORKSHOP  Auditing                                                               
AF6340 001  16728        3  PRE-PROD OF A MOTION PICT       R 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Kuznetzkoff, Dana
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA CP Film students only.
AF6420 001  15073      1.5  POST SUPERVISING FOR PRODUCERS  W 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Borghese, Luca
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: 2nd year MFA CP Film students only. 1st half of semester
AF6420 002  15074      1.5  POST SUPERVISING FOR PRODUCERS  W 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Borghese, Luca
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: 2nd year MFA CP Film students only. 2nd half of semester
AF6800 001  16711      1.5  International Filmmaking        W 2:00pm-5:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Bui, Tony
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film students only.
AF8100 001  16131        3  ADVANCED EDITING WORKSHOP       M 2:00pm-5:00pm   301 Dodge Hall       Kling, Elizabeth
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Adv Editing will take place in the DMC during Spring A. In S
AF8100 002  16134        3  ADVANCED EDITING WORKSHOP       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   301 Dodge Hall       Kling, Elizabeth
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Adv Editing will take place in the DMC during Spring A. In S
AF8110 001  15075        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        F 10:00am-1:00pm  505 Lewisohn Hall    O'Neill, Alice
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8110 002  15076        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        W 2:00pm-5:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Singer, Blair
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8110 004  15084        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        M 2:00pm-5:00pm   106B Lewisohn Hall   Thurber, Lucy
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8215 001  16684      1.5  INTRO TO CINEMATOGRAPHY         W 9:30am-12:30pm  511 Dodge Hall       Lazar, Tal
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Instructor permission required.
AF8237 001  15086        3  VISUAL EXPERIENCES              F 10:00am-1:00pm  511 Dodge Hall       Mendelsohn, Eric
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF8270 001  16632      1.5  FIRST FEATURES                  M 6:00pm-9:00pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Kalin, Tom
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Meets 2nd half of the semester. For MFA Film only.
AF8300 001  16636      1.5  BUSINESS OF TELEVISION          T 6:00pm-9:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Perello, Richard
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF8310 001  15235        3  BUILDING STORYWORLDS            M 6:00pm-9:00pm   501 Dodge Hall       Weiler, Lance
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF8316 001  15240        3  World-Building and Unbuil       R 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Simpson, Char
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF8330 001  16637      1.5  ENTERTAINMENT LAW FILMMAK       F 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Romano, Domenic
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF8350 001  15272        3  FILM FESTIVALS: THEORY & PRACT  M 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Louie, Mynette
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF8360 001  15274        3  Writing For the Screen          W 9:30am-12:30pm  504 Dodge Hall       Serry, Ramin C
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to Creative Producing students
AF8420 001  15275      1.5  Tech Arts: Adv Post Produ       T 10:00am-1:00pm  301 Dodge Hall       Cacioppo Belantara, Michael J
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Spring B course
AF8800 001  21021      1-3  INDEPENDENT PROJECTS                                                   Weiler, Lance
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Register with permission of the instructor
AR9000 RA1  16562      0.4  RESEARCH ARTS FILM                                                     Seifu, Hanna
                  INDEPEND  Arts, School of the                                                    Adriance, Sarah
AF9100 001  15276        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS WORK       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Bienen, Andrew S
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Bienen thesis students only.
AF9100 002  15277        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS WORK       M 6:00pm-9:00pm   To be announced      Dieckmann, Katherine
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Dieckmann thesis students only.
AF9100 003  15278        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS WORK       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Ellis thesis students only.
AF9100 004  15279        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS WORK       W 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Joseph, Jamal
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Joseph thesis students only.
AF9101 001  15280        0  TV WRITING THESIS WORKSHO       R 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Singer, Blair
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Film MFA TV Writing Thesis students only.
AF9110 001  15283        0  WORKSHOP IN SCRIPT REVISI       R 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Lazaridi, Christina
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets Spring A in 513F and Spring B in 507. Must appl
AF9110 002  15285        0  WORKSHOP IN SCRIPT REVISI       F 10:00am-1:00pm  522B Kent Hall       Schwab, David B
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Must apply and be approved to register.
AF9120 001  15286        0  TV REVISION                     W 9:30am-12:30pm  C01 80 Claremont Av  Baron, Courtney M
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA students by application only.
AF9120 002  15287        0  TV REVISION                     R 10:00am-1:00pm  424 Kent Hall        Fennell, Matthew R
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA students by application only.
AF9220 001  15333        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       W 9:30am-12:30pm  15T Riverside Churc  Bahrani, Ramin
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Bahrani thesis students only.
AF9220 002  15337        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       T 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Gordon, Bette
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Gordon thesis students only.
AF9220 003  15343        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       T 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Kalin, Tom
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Kalin thesis students only.
AF9220 004  15349        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       W 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Mendelsohn, Eric
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Mendelsohn thesis students only.
AF9220 005  15353        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       R 10:00am-1:00pm  511 Dodge Hall       Apetri, Bogdan G
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Apetri thesis students only.
AF9220 006  15356        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEME       M 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Lewisohn Hall    Suwichakornpong, Anocha
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Suwichakornpong thesis students only.
AF9310 001  15367        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Lechner, Jack
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Lechner thesis students only.
AF9310 002  15373        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Louie, Mynette
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Louie thesis students only.
AF9310 003  15377        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Ryan, Maureen A
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Prof. Ryan thesis students only.
AF9360 001  15391        0  The Pilot                       R 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Fu, Marilyn S
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AR9500 TC1  16563      0.4  Thesis Completion Film                                                 Seifu, Hanna
                  REGISTRA  Arts, School of the                                                    Adriance, Sarah
AF9800 001  16818      1-6  FILM RESEARCH ARTS INTERN                                              Seifu, Hanna
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: MFA Film Scr/TV/ Dir students only. Must have completed at l
AF9800 002  16821      1-6  FILM RESEARCH ARTS INTERN                                              Lechner, Jack
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film MFA CP Students only. Must have completed at least 60 p
AF9800 003  16823      1-6  FILM RESEARCH ARTS INTERN                                              Ryan, Maureen A
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film CP students only. Must have completed at least
AF9800 004  16824      1-6  FILM RESEARCH ARTS INTERN                                              Louie, Mynette
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For MFA Film CP students only. Must have completed at least
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday