Subject Listing: Film Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN1000 001  13780        3  INTRO TO FILM & MEDIA STU       M 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gaines, Jane
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                            W 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     
                            Note: corequisite FILM UN 1001
UN1000 AU1  21428        0  INTRO TO FILM & MEDIA STU       M 2:10pm-4:55pm   OTHR OTHER           Gaines, Jane
            L      LECTURE  Auditing                        W 2:10pm-3:25pm   OTHR OTHER           
UN1001 001  15433        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   604 Martin Luther K  Gilstrap, Philip
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Discussion section starts the 2nd week of the semester.
UN1001 002  21199        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 2:10pm-3:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Cheng, Lifei
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins the 2nd week of the semester.
UN1001 003  15434        0  INTRO-FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 9:10am-10:00am  212A Lewisohn Hall   Volbeta, Helena S
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2020 001  13781        3  CINEMA HIST II: 1930-1960       T 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gregg, Ronald
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                            R 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     
                            Note: corequisite FILM UN 2021
UN2021 001  15436        0  CINEMA HIST II-1930-1960-       F 9:10am-10:00am  401 Hamilton Hall    Song, Amie
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2021 002  15435        0  CINEMA HIST II-1930-1960-       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Huh, Matthew
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2021 003  19242        0  CINEMA HIST II-1930-1960-       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   607 Martin Luther K  Akinwumi, Joshua
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Disc section starts the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2030 001  13782        3  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       M 2:10pm-6:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Insdorf, Annette
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: corequisite FILM UN 2031
UN2030 AU1  18646        0  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       M 2:10pm-6:00pm   OTHR OTHER           Insdorf, Annette
            L      LECTURE  Auditing                                                               
UN2031 001  15450        0  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       T 10:10am-11:00a  ONLINE ONLY          Ecker, Eduardo
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: THIS SECTION MEETS ONLINE. Discussion sessions will begin th
UN2031 002  15451        0  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       T 1:10pm-2:00pm   212D Lewisohn Hall   McLean, Adam M
            L DEP DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2031 003  15452        0  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       T 5:10pm-6:00pm   303 Hamilton Hall    Walker, Mary Cecilia G
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2134 001  13783        3  American Film: The Wester       M 10:10am-1:55pm  511 Dodge Hall       Schamus, James A
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
UN2135 001  16000        0  American Film: Wester (DI       F 9:10am-10:00am  405 Kent Hall        Wheeler, Cece A
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Disc  section will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2135 002  15437        0  American Film: Wester (DI       F 11:10am-12:00p  212A Lewisohn Hall   Marris, Nora G
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Disc section will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2135 003  15438        0  American Film: Wester (DI       F 3:10pm-4:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Abate, Alek
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Disc section will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
UN2294 001  18683        3  WORLD CINEMA: LATIN AMERI       F 10:10am-1:45pm  511 Dodge Hall       Ramirez Soto, Elizabeth
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Corequisite FILM 2295 Discussion Section
UN2295 001  19072        0  WORLD CIN: LAT AM DISCUSSION    M 4:10pm-5:00pm   602 Northwest Corne  Yew, Alex
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets starting 2nd week of the semester
UN2295 002  20957        0  WORLD CIN: LAT AM DISCUSSION    T 6:10pm-7:00pm   1102 International   Simonian, Josephine
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets starting 2nd week of semester
UN2295 003  21362        0  WORLD CIN: LAT AM DISCUSSION    T 11:10am-12:00p  212D Lewisohn Hall   Nimmala, Raman K
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets second week of the semester
UN2410 001  14283        3  LAB IN WRITING FILM CRITI       M 1:10pm-3:40pm   403 Dodge Hall       James, Caryn
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Permission req. Send writing sample to
UN2420 001  18930        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       M 10:00am-1:00pm  614 Martin Luther K  Rish, Melanie A
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
UN2420 002  18931        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   612 Martin Luther K  Chaouni, Rali
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
UN2420 003  18932        3  LABORATORY IN SCREENWRITI       F 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Sinha, Vishnu S
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
UN2510 001  18933        3  LAB IN FICTION FILMMAKING       T 10:00am-1:00pm  12T Riverside Churc  Hamilton, Chad B
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to declared Film & Media Studies majors
UN2510 002  18934        3  LAB IN FICTION FILMMAKING       F 10:00am-1:00pm  612 Martin Luther K  Sampathkumaran, Prash
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority given to declared Film majors
UN2530 001  15966        3  Lab in the Video Essay          M 6:30pm-9:30pm   511 Dodge Hall       Garakani, Behrang M
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Priority to Film & Media Studies majors
UN3020 001  19513        3  Global Experimental TV          W 6:10pm-8:40pm   507 Dodge Hall       Ramirez Soto, Elizabeth
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
BC3090 001  00840        1  ARTEMIS COURSE IN FILMMAK       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   404 MILSTEIN CEN     Hamilton, Ross T
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
                            Note: CLASS MEETS OCTOBER 2, 9, 16, 23 ONLY
BC3119 001  00590        3  SCREENWRITING FUNDMENTALS       W 12:10pm-3:00pm  119 MILSTEIN CEN     Nickowitz, Peter
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3200 001  00591        3  FILM PRODUCTION                 T 4:10pm-7:00pm   225 Milbank Hall (B  Thompson, Julia L
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3200 002  00592        3  FILM PRODUCTION                 R 4:10pm-7:00pm   502 Diana Center     Pfeffer, Daniel F
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3201 001  00031        3  INTRO FILM & MEDIA STUDIE       F 2:10pm-5:30pm   405 Milbank Hall (B  Lariviere, Jason R
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3245 001  00032        3  AMERICAN TELEVISION DRAMA       F 2:10pm-5:55pm   504 Diana Center     Alexander, Ben
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3250 001  00553        3  ADAPTATION                      R 4:10pm-7:00pm   407 Barnard Hall     Douge, Danielle T
            L     WORKSHOP  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3275 001  00555        3  NONFIC DIGTL VIDEO PRODCT       R 2:00pm-4:00pm   105 MILSTEIN CEN     McLagan, Margaret J
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                   F 3:00pm-4:00pm   105 MILSTEIN CEN     
BC3275 002  00843        3  NONFIC DIGTL VIDEO PRODCT       W 10:10am-12:00p  105 MILSTEIN CEN     Hamilton, Ross T
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
                            Note: This section is being taught by an Artemis Rising Filmmaker
BC3278 001  00554        3  DIGITAL PRODUCTION              T 3:10pm-6:00pm   105 MILSTEIN CEN     Douge, Danielle T
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
BC3279 001  00033        3  MASTERWORKS: ARAB CINEMA        M 4:10pm-7:55pm   405 Milbank Hall (B  Abbas, Sam
            L      LECTURE  Film @Barnard                                                          
UN3800 001  21166      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Gaines, Jane
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: With instructor permission
UN3800 002  21241      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Weiler, Lance
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
UN3800 003  21347      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Gregg, Ronald
            L     INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Registration with permission of professor
UN3900 001  13784        3  SENIOR SEMINAR IN FILM ST       R 10:10am-1:40pm  508 Dodge Hall       Gates, Racquel
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film and Media Studies Majors only
UN3915 001  13785        3  ADVANCED FILM PRODUCTION PRACT  R 2:10pm-4:40pm   403 Dodge Hall       Prats I Castro, Hector
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For Sr FMS maj. Prereq: Lab in Fict or Nonfic Filmmaking
UN3920 001  13786        3  SENIOR SEM IN SCREENWRITI       F 2:10pm-4:40pm   403 Dodge Hall       Caplin, Loren-Paul
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film and Media Studies Majors only
GU4000 001  13787        3  FILM AND MEDIA THEORY           R 1:10pm-4:55pm   511 Dodge Hall       Baumbach, Nico
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Undergraduates must register for FILM GU4001
GU4001 001  15454        0  FILM & MEDIA THEORY-DISC        F 9:10am-10:00am  522C Kent Hall       Burns, Katherine
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the 2nd week of the semester
GU4001 002  15455        0  FILM & MEDIA THEORY-DISC        F 1:10pm-2:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Paull, Graham L
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
GU4001 003  15453        0  FILM & MEDIA THEORY-DISC        F 3:10pm-4:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Yu, Anqi
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class will begin the 2nd week of the semester.
GU4001 004  21330        0  FILM & MEDIA THEORY-DISC        F 2:10pm-3:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Min, Aileen
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Will start the 2nd week of the semester.
GU4111 001  16056        3  Auteur Study: David Lynch       M 10:10am-12:40p  508 Dodge Hall       Lim, Dennis
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
GU4300 001  13898        3  Black Film and Media            T 9:10am-1:10pm   511 Dodge Hall       Gates, Racquel
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Discussion sections are for Undergraduate students only.
GU4301 001  15456        0  Black Film and Media DISC       F 12:10pm-1:00pm  212A Lewisohn Hall   Duffuor, Nana F
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class begins the second week of the semester
GU4301 002  21125        0  Black Film and Media DISC       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Freeney, Peyton
            L     DISCUSSI  Film                                                                   
GU4920 001  13788        3  Seeing Narrative                M 6:10pm-8:40pm   403 Dodge Hall       Schamus, James A
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Instructor permission required. Please see CourseWorks.
GU4940 001  13789        3  QUEER CINEMA                    W 9:10am-12:55pm  508 Dodge Hall       Gregg, Ronald
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Instructor will admit from a waitlist. Priority given to Fil
GU4945 001  16001        3  Contemporary Russian Medi       R 9:10am-11:00am  507 Dodge Hall       Kostina, Anastasia
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
GU4951 001  13790        3  NEW MEDIA ART                   M 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Weiler, Lance
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   Harsanyi, Regina
GR5015 001  13791        3  CINEMA HIST II: 1930-1960       T 2:10pm-4:55pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Gregg, Ronald
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                            R 2:10pm-3:25pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     
GR5020 001  13792        3  CINEMA HIST III:1960-1990       M 2:10pm-6:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Insdorf, Annette
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF5094 001  18682        3  World Cinema: Latin Ameri       F 10:10am-1:45pm  511 Dodge Hall       Ramirez Soto, Elizabeth
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF5100 001  13793        3  ELEMENTS OF DRAMATIC NARR       M 10:00am-1:00pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Bienen, Andrew S
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st year MFA Film students only.
AF5110 001  18848        3  SCREENWRITING I                 R 6:00pm-9:00pm   403 Dodge Hall       Molton, Stephen
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5110 002  18849        3  SCREENWRITING I                 M 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Dieckmann, Katherine
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5110 003  18850        3  SCREENWRITING I                 T 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Joseph, Jamal
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5110 004  18851        3  SCREENWRITING I                 M 6:00pm-9:00pm   612 Martin Luther K  Martinez, Valerie C
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5110 005  18852        3  SCREENWRITING I                 M 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Kleinman, Daniel
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5110 006  18854        3  SCREENWRITING I                 R 2:00pm-5:00pm   512 Dodge Hall       Attieh, Rania
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5134 001  13800        3  American Film: The Wester       M 10:10am-1:55pm  511 Dodge Hall       Schamus, James A
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For graduate students only
AF5200 001  13806        3  FUNDAMENTALS OF DIRECTING       W 9:30am-12:30pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Gordon, Bette
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st year MFA Film students Only.
AF5201 001  19364        0  Fund of Dir Lab: Short Fi       T 10:00am-1:00pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Kleinman, Daniel
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Req lab of Fund. of Directing. Meets Fall A 9/3 to 10/18
AF5210 001  18855        3  DIRECTING I                     R 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Brougher, Hilary
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5210 002  18856        3  DIRECTING I                     R 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Brougher, Hilary
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5210 003  19363        3  DIRECTING I                     W 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Bahrani, Ramin
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5210 004  18857        3  DIRECTING I                     R 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Peralta, Diana
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5210 005  18858        3  DIRECTING I                     R 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Gordon, Bette
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5210 006  19362        3  DIRECTING I                     R 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Mirabella-Davis, Carlo
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 001  18859        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              M 6:00pm-9:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Benjamin, Emil
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 002  18865        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              M 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Cianciulli, Anna Maria
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 003  18866        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              T 2:00pm-5:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Markell, Jodie
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 004  18868        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              T 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Weiss, Adrienne
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 005  18869        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              W 6:00pm-9:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Rubin, John
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5230 006  18871        3  DIRECTING ACTORS I              W 2:00pm-5:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Zealey Bess, Abigail
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF5250 001  19412      1.5  FUNDAMENTALS OF EDITING         R 6:00pm-9:00pm   301 Dodge Hall       Allen, John D
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: FALL A -For 2nd year MFA Directing/Screenwriting students on
AF5250 002  19413      1.5  FUNDAMENTALS OF EDITING         W 9:30am-12:30pm  301 Dodge Hall       Kling, Elizabeth
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: 2nd-Year Scr/Dir students only. FALL A
AF5250 003  19414      1.5  FUNDAMENTALS OF EDITING         T 10:00am-1:00pm  301 Dodge Hall       Kling, Elizabeth
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: FALL A For 2nd yr MFA Screenwriting/Directing Film Students
AF5250 004  19415      1.5  FUNDAMENTALS OF EDITING         W 6:00pm-9:00pm   301 Dodge Hall       Hoffman, Sabine
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: FALL A For 2nd yr Screenwriting/Directing Film MFA students
AF5400 001  19461      1.5  PRACTICAL PRODUCTION I          F 10:00am-1:00pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Troxler, Joshua R
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Schedule specifics will be given in class. First-year MFA Fi
AF5420 001  19462        0  TECH ARTS:POST PRODUCTION       R 10:00am-1:00pm  ONLINE ONLY          Cacioppo Belantara, Michael J
            L DEP ONLINE C  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st year MFA Film students only.
AF5430 001  19355        0  TECH ARTS: CAMERA & LENSES      R 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     Conde, Gregg L
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film subterm A - Meets in the Nash Production Center - Room
AF5430 002  19356        0  TECH ARTS: GRIP & ELECTRIC      M 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     Farrell, Matthew D
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film Subterm A - Meets in the Production Center
AF5430 003  19358        0  TECH ARTS: CINEMA AUDIO         T 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     O'Brien, Michael
            L DEP LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film Subterm A - Class meets in the Nash Production Center r
AF5430 004  19359        0  TECH ARTS: CAMERA & LENSES      R 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     Conde, Gregg L
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Fall Subterm B  - Meets in the Nash Production Center - Room
AF5430 005  19360        0  TECH ARTS: GRIP & ELECTRIC      M 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     Farrell, Matthew D
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film Subterm B - Meets in the Nash Production Center - Room
AF5430 006  19361        0  TECH ARTS: CINEMA AUDIO         T 6:00pm-9:00pm   210 NASH BUILDIN     O'Brien, Michael
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film subterm B - Meets in the Nash Production Center - Room
GR5700 001  13807        3  CINEMA/MEDIA HISTORIOGRAP       M 10:10am-12:40p  403 Dodge Hall       Gaines, Jane
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 1st yr MA Film and Media Studies students
AF5800 001  21650      1-3  INTERNSHIP                                                             Seifu, Hanna
            L DEP INTERNSH  Film                                                                   
AF6055 001  13899        3  Adaptation                      R 10:00am-1:00pm  511 Dodge Hall       Niederhoffer, Galt V
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
AF6110 001  13812        3  SCREENWRITING THREE             T 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Pedreira, Rafael L
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year MFA Film students only
AF6110 002  13813        3  SCREENWRITING THREE             T 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Lazaridi, Christina
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd Year WFTV students only
AF6110 003  13815        3  SCREENWRITING THREE             T 6:00pm-9:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Bienen, Andrew S
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6110 004  13814        3  SCREENWRITING THREE             W 2:00pm-5:00pm   511 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6210 001  13816        3  DIRECTING III                   M 1:30pm-4:30pm   507 Dodge Hall       Kalin, Tom
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6210 002  13818        3  DIRECTING III                   W 2:00pm-5:00pm   507 Dodge Hall       Mendelsohn, Eric
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6210 003  13819        3  DIRECTING III                   F 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Mendelsohn, Eric
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6210 004  13817        3  DIRECTING III                   T 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Apetri, Bogdan G
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6240 001  13822        3  DIRECTING ACTORS III            R 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Shear, Jon
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6240 002  13825        3  DIRECTING ACTORS III            R 10:00am-1:00pm  12T Riverside Churc  Milinazzo, Lisa
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6240 003  13821        3  DIRECTING ACTORS III            W 6:00pm-9:00pm   15T Riverside Churc  Sodersten, Mikael
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6240 004  13826        3  DIRECTING ACTORS III            R 10:00am-1:00pm  15T Riverside Churc  Shalit, Shira-Lee
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF6300 001  13911        3  THE BUSINESS OF FILM            R 10:00am-1:00pm  KOB LENFEST CENT     Deutchman, Ira
            L      LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: BU/Law students if interested please email
AF6310 001  13918        3  FEATURE FILM DEVELOPMENT        F 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Louie, Mynette
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film MFA 2nd year Creative Producers only
AF6310 002  13922        3  FEATURE FILM DEVELOPMENT        F 10:00am-1:00pm  508 Dodge Hall       Houslin, Diane
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Film MFA 2nd year Creative Producers only.
AF6330 001  13991        3  WRIT/SCRIPT ANALYSIS-PROD       T 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Lechner, Jack
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd yr MFA Film Creative Producers only
AF6340 001  13992        3  PRE-PROD OF A MOTION PICT       T 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Ryan, Maureen A
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For 2nd year Creative Producers only
AF6800 001  16002      1.5  International Filmmaking        W 2:00pm-5:00pm   12T Riverside Churc  Bui, Tony
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: This course meets FALL A
GR6915 001  14428        3  Conspiracy Theory in US F       T 6:10pm-9:45pm   504 Dodge Hall       Baumbach, Nico
            L      SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application Required - link will be emailed to wait list. Gr
AF8110 001  13862        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        M 10:00am-1:00pm  507 Dodge Hall       Klass, David
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8110 002  13863        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        M 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       O'Neill, Alice
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8110 003  13872        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        W 9:30am-12:30pm  507 Dodge Hall       Bays, Carter
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8110 004  18684        3  TV PILOT: COMEDY & DRAMA        F 10:00am-1:00pm  407 Dodge Hall       Fennell, Matthew R
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: This section for Writing dept students only.
AF8131 001  13996        3  TV PILOT - COMEDY               M 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Williams, Mark
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8215 001  19420      1.5  INTRO TO CINEMATOGRAPHY         R 2:00pm-5:00pm   To be announced      Prinzi, Frank
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: SCR/DIR MFA Film only - Course meets FALL B in Prentis 234
AF8270 001  14011      1.5  FIRST FEATURES                  M 6:00pm-9:00pm   KOB LENFEST CENT     Kalin, Tom
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets starting October 21, 2024
AF8305 001  14556        3  HISTORY&THEORY OF INTERACTIVIT  W 6:00pm-9:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Tuyliyev, Akmyrat
            L DEP  LECTURE  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class starts the second week of classes
AF8320 001  14012        3  DOCUMENTARY PRODUCING           M 2:00pm-5:00pm   612 Martin Luther K  Gbai, Chloe
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AF8360 001  14545        3  Writing For the Screen          M 10:00am-1:00pm  612 Martin Luther K  Serry, Ramin C
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
AF8420 001  13891      1.5  Tech Arts: Adv Post Produ       W 9:30am-12:30pm  301 Dodge Hall       Cacioppo Belantara, Michael J
            L     LABORATO  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class starts in Fall B.
AF8800 001  21101      1-3  INDEPENDENT PROJECTS                                                   Weiler, Lance
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: For students seeking credit for FILM AF9315 IMMERSIVE PROD
AF8900 001  14550        3  THESIS PREP SEMINAR             F 9:30am-12:30pm  403 Dodge Hall       Lariviere, Jason R
            L DEP  SEMINAR  Film                                                                   
AR9000 RA1  14740      0.4  RESEARCH ARTS FILM                                                     Seifu, Hanna
                  INDEPEND  Arts, School of the                                                    Adriance, Sarah
AR9001 001  14741        0  MA FILM STUDIES EXT RESID                                              Seifu, Hanna
                  INDEPEND  Arts, School of the                                                    
AF9100 001  13993        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS ADVSMNT    W 9:30am-12:30pm  512 Dodge Hall       Lazaridi, Christina
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Meets Every Other Week - For Students of Advisor Christina L
AF9100 002  13994        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS ADVSMNT    M 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Joseph, Jamal
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Meets alternate weeks - check schedule with instructor
AF9100 003  13995        0  SCREENWRITING THESIS ADVSMNT    W 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Ellis, Trey
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Meets alternate weeks - check schedule with instructor
AF9101 001  19008        0  TV WRITING THESIS WORKSHO       W 6:00pm-9:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Singer, Blair
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Course meets every other week.
AF9110 001  18939        0  WORKSHOP IN SCRIPT REVISI       F 10:00am-1:00pm  607 Martin Luther K  Schwab, David B
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application required.
AF9110 002  18940        0  WORKSHOP IN SCRIPT REVISI       T 10:00am-1:00pm  614 Martin Luther K  Dresser, Richard
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application required.
AF9110 003  18941        0  WORKSHOP IN SCRIPT REVISI       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   605 Dodge Hall       Lazaridi, Christina
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application required.
AF9120 001  16695        0  TV REVISION                     W 9:30am-12:30pm  504 Dodge Hall       Baron, Courtney M
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application required.
AF9120 002  16696        0  TV REVISION                     R 10:00am-1:00pm  504 Dodge Hall       Singer, Blair
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Application required.
AF9150 001  19275        0  Portfolio Film Workshop         T 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Apetri, Bogdan G
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Restricted to Scr/TV writing concentrates
AF9210 001  14013        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     W 9:30am-12:30pm  512 Dodge Hall       Bahrani, Ramin
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Every other week
AF9210 002  14014        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     W 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Brougher, Hilary
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Meets every week
AF9210 003  14015        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     T 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Gordon, Bette
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Every other week
AF9210 004  14016        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     T 2:00pm-5:00pm   508 Dodge Hall       Kalin, Tom
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Every other week.
AF9210 005  14017        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     W 6:00pm-9:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Mendelsohn, Eric
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Class meets alt weeks - check schedule with instructor
AF9210 006  14018        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT     W 2:00pm-5:00pm   504 Dodge Hall       Apetri, Bogdan G
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Every other week
AF9210 007  14019        0  DIRECTING THESIS ADVISEMENT                                            Suwichakornpong, Anocha
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Every other week
AF9300 001  14020        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Lechner, Jack
            L DEP ONLINE C  Film                                                                   
AF9300 002  14021        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Ryan, Maureen A
            L DEP ONLINE C  Film                                                                   
AF9300 003  14022        0  PRODUCING THESIS ADVISEME       T 6:00pm-9:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Louie, Mynette
            L DEP ONLINE C  Film                                                                   
AF9315 001  14932        0  IMMERSIVE PRODUCTION            M 6:00pm-9:00pm   501 Dodge Hall       Weiler, Lance
            L DEP WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: instr Permission req - see Courseworks - Class in DOD 501
AF9360 001  14023        0  The Pilot                       W 9:30am-12:30pm  614 Martin Luther K  Robbins, Benjamin
            L     WORKSHOP  Film                                                                   
                            Note: Research Arts
AF9700 001  14553        3  GRADUATE RESEARCH THESIS                                               Lariviere, Jason R
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
AF9800 001  14024      1-6  INTERNSHIP-FILM RES ARTS                                               Seifu, Hanna
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: MUST HAVE COMPLETED AS LEAST 60 POINTS
AF9800 002  14025      1-6  INTERNSHIP-FILM RES ARTS                                               Lechner, Jack
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: MUST HAVE COMPLETED AS LEAST 60 POINTS
AF9800 003  14026      1-6  INTERNSHIP-FILM RES ARTS                                               Ryan, Maureen A
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: MUST HAVE COMPLETE 60 POINTS
AF9800 004  14027      1-6  INTERNSHIP-FILM RES ARTS                                               Louie, Mynette
            L DEP INDEPEND  Film                                                                   
                            Note: MUST HAVE COMPLETED AS LEAST 60 POINTS
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday