Subject Listing: Environmental Policy Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

U6239  001  10556        3  Politics & Policy-Urban Sustai  T 6:10pm-8:00pm   413 International A  Aggarwala, Rohit T
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U8201  001  10557        3  Financial Management            M 6:10pm-8:00pm   410 International A  Koike, Rebecca E
            L     COLLOQUI  International and Public Affai                                         
U8201  R01  11348        0  Financial Management            T 2:10pm-3:10pm   407 International A  
                  COLLOQUI  International and Public Affai  W 6:10pm-7:10pm   411 International A  
                            Note: Recitation
U8216  001  10558        3  Microecon & Policy Analysis II  R 6:10pm-8:00pm   411 International A  Selcuk, Eren
            L      LECTURE  International and Public Affai                                         
U8216  R01  11349        0  Microecon & Policy Analysis II  M 9:00am-10:50am  413 International A  
                   LECTURE  International and Public Affai  W 2:10pm-4:00pm   411 International A  
                            Note: Recitation
U9232  001  10559        5  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  324 International A  Tjossem, Sara
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
U9232  002  10560        5  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  402B International   Doherty, Shannon J
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
U9232  003  10561        5  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  501B International   Callahan, Kathleen
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
U9232  004  10562        5  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  501 International A  Degnan, Anne L
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
U9232  005  10563        5  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  501A International   Patterson, Rachel E
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: MPA-ESP Students Only
U9232  006  10564        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  W 9:00am-10:50am  410 International A  Cohen, Steven
            L     WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
U9232  R01  11350        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  F 9:00am-9:50am   402B International   
                  WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U9232  R02  11351        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  F 10:00am-10:50a  402B International   
                  WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U9232  R03  11352        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  F 11:00am-11:50a  402B International   
                  WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U9232  R04  11353        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  F 12:00pm-12:50p  402B International   
                  WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
U9232  R05  11354        0  Capstone Wks-Applied Earth Sys  F 1:00pm-1:50pm   402B International   
                  WORKSHOP  International and Public Affai                                         
                            Note: Recitation
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday