Subject Listing: Environmental Health Sciences Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

P6340  001  15992        3  SUSTAIN DEVEL & GLOB ENVI       R 1:00pm-3:50pm                        von Schirnding, Yasmin
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P6351  001  15993        3  Intro to Network Science        R 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Pei, Sen
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P6360  001  15994        3  ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL       M 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Nigra, Anne E
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P6370  001  15995        0  JOURNAL CLUB-MOL EPI&TOXI       R 11:30am-12:30p                       Freyer, Greg A
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          Herbstman, Julie B
                            Note: Permissions: Only students in the Molecular Epi or Toxicolog
P6385  001  15996        3  PRIN-GENETICS & ENVIRONME       R 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Freyer, Greg A
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHSC students
P6391  001  19099        3  Scientist and Storyteller       T 1:30pm-3:50pm                        Herbstman, Julie B
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          Tu, Duy Linh N
P8303  001  15997        3  Food Secur Plant Bio Clim       T 8:30am-11:20am                       Ziska, Lewis
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHSC students
P8304  001  15998        3  PUB HLTH IMPACTS-CLIMATE        R 8:30am-11:20am                       Ziska, Lewis
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: Students in the Climate and Health Certificate a
P8311  001  15999        3  BASIC & APPL NUTRITIONAL        W 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Gamble, Mary V
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P8320  001  16000        3  APPLD ENVRNTL & INDUST HY       R 4:30pm-7:20pm                        Pedone, Marco J
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P8321  001  16001      1.5  Intro to Data Sci Enviro        T 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Wu, Haotian
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Permissions: EHS students only
P8322  001  16002        3  ENVIR DETERM OF HUMAN HLT       M 8:30am-11:20am                       Perzanowski, Matthew
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Permissions: EHS students only
P8323  001  16003        3  LABORATORY METHODS IN EHS       T 5:00pm-8:20pm                        Kleiman, Norman
            L     LABORATO  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Permissions: Students in the MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P8324  001  16004        0  SEM-CLIMATE & HEALTH STUD       T 11:30am-12:30p                       Ziska, Lewis
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Permissions: This course is only for students in the Climate
P8327  001  16005      1.5  ENV JUSTICE HLTH POL ANLY       M 5:30pm-8:20pm                        Hoang, Anhthu
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P8329  001  16006        3  WATER,SANITATION & HUM HE       M 5:00pm-8:20pm                        Marquez, Shannon
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P8332  001  16007        3  ADVANCED ANALYTIC METHODS       M 2:00pm-4:50pm                        Kioumourtzoglou, Marianthi-Ann
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS students
P8334  001  16008        3  COMPUTATIONAL TOXICOLOGY        T 8:30am-11:20am                       Kleiman, Norman
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS Students in MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P8371  001  16009        3  PUBLIC HEALTH GIS               W 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Capellan, Joel
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS Students in MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P8371  002  16010        3  PUBLIC HEALTH GIS               W 5:30pm-8:20pm                        Capellan, Joel
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS Students in MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P8377  001  16012        0  POLICY CERT PREPRACTICUM        T 11:30am-12:20p                       Jack, Darby W
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P8383  001  16013      1.5  Environmental Justice           T 1:00pm-3:50pm                        Zota, Ami R
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS Students in MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P9300  001  16014        3  CRITICAL THINK/ANALYSIS I       W 8:30am-11:20am                       Freyer, Greg A
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          Kulacki, Nina
P9361  001  16015      0-6  MASTERS ESSAY RESEARCH I                                               Kulacki, Nina
            L     INDEPEND  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P9362  002  16016      0-6  MASTERS ESSAY RESEARCH II                                              Kulacki, Nina
            L     INDEPEND  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P9370  001  16017        1  JOURNAL CLUB IN ENVIR HEA       M 1:00pm-2:00pm                        Navas Acien, Ana
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
P9380  001  16018        3  ADVANCED GIS AND SPATIAL        W 5:30pm-8:20pm                        Porter, Jeremy
            L     TUTORIAL  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
                            Note: Priorities: EHS Students in MS Tox or MPH Tox Cert
P9395  001  16019     3-12  DOCTORAL RESEARCH IN ENVI                                              Kulacki, Nina
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Health Sciences                                          
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday