Subject Listing: Earth and Environmental Sciences Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN1006 001  17429        1  NEW IN EARTH, ENV, CLIM S       R 4:10pm-5:25pm                        Plank, Terry A
            L      SEMINAR  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
UN1010 001  13541        2  GEOLO EXCUR TO DEATH VALL       F 5:30pm-7:00pm                        Kolawole, Folarin
            L     FIELD WO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Application deadline: November 8, 2024
UN2100 001  13543      4.5  EARTH'S ENVIRO SYST: CLIM       TR 10:10am-11:25                       Ting, Mingfang
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc  T 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Winckler, Gisela
UN2200 001  13546      4.5  EARTH'S ENV SYSTEM:SOLID        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Goldstein, Steven L
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc  T 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Hemming, Sidney R
                                                                                                   Rodriguez, Sedelia
UN2200 002  18428      4.5  EARTH'S ENV SYSTEM:SOLID        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Hemming, Sidney R
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc  R 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Goldstein, Steven L
                                                                                                   Rodriguez, Sedelia
UN2300 001  14334      4.5  EARTH'S ENVIRO SYST: LIFE       MW 11:40am-12:55                       Olsen, Paul E
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
UN2310 001  14379        0  EARTH ENVIR SYST-LIFE SYS       W 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Olsen, Paul E
                  LABORATO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
                            Note: Lab section assigned in class with Professor
UN2310 002  14380        0  EARTH ENVIR SYST-LIFE SYS       W 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Olsen, Paul E
                  LABORATO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
                            Note: Lab section assigned in class with Professor
UN2310 003  14381        0  EARTH ENVIR SYST-LIFE SYS       W 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Olsen, Paul E
                  LABORATO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
                            Note: Lab section assigned in class with Professor
UN2310 004  14382        0  EARTH ENVIR SYST-LIFE SYS       R 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Olsen, Paul E
                  LABORATO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
                            Note: Lab section assigned in class with Professor
UN2310 005  14384        0  EARTH ENVIR SYST-LIFE SYS       R 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Olsen, Paul E
                  LABORATO  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Palmer, Matthew I
                                                                                                   Dyhrman, Sonya
                            Note: Lab section assigned in class with Professor
UN3010 001  17680        3  ITALY                           T 7:30pm-9:20pm                        Goldstein, Steven L
            L     DISCUSSI  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Hemming, Sidney R
BC3026 001  00476        3  BIRD,PLANT &LAND-USE DYNA       W 1:10pm-3:40pm                        Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         
BC3027 001  00478        3  URBAN ECOSYSTEMS                TR 1:10pm-3:00pm                       Cook, Elizabeth
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         
BC3028 001  00569        3  VOLCANOES AND THE ENVIRON       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Rodriguez, Sedelia
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         
                            Note: Prereq EESC UN2200 Solid Earth or Permission of the Instruct
BC3029 001  00479        3  Bermuda:  Env Susdev            W 8:40am-9:55am                        Stute, Martin
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
                            Note: ONE TIME ONLY. Apply by 11/ 1.  Students pay a portion of tr
BC3040 001  00480        3  ENVIRONMENTAL LAW               F 8:40am-11:10am                       Neacsu, Dana
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         
                            Note: Prefernce to Env Majors, Minors & Concentrators by seniority
BC3050 001  00481        3  BIG DATA WITH PYTHON            MW 10:10am-11:25                       Mailloux, Brian
            L      LECTURE  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         
UN3109 001  13558        3  Climate Physics                 TR 10:10am-11:25                       Sobel, Adam H
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
UN3201 001  13700        3  SOLID EARTH DYNAMICS            TR 11:40am-12:55                       Nettles, Meredith
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
UN3328 001  17550        3  Glacial Geomorphology           TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Menke, William H
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
BC3801 001  00482        3  ENVIR SCIENCE SENIOR SEM        R 4:10pm-6:00pm                        Stute, Martin
            L      SEMINAR  Environmental Sciences @Barnar                                         Lambert, Jonathan
                                                                                                   Cook, Elizabeth
UN3901 001  13701        3  SENIOR SEMINAR                  R 4:10pm-7:00pm                        Hemming, Sidney R
            L      SEMINAR  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Raymo, Maureen
GU4009 001  13561        3  CHEMICAL GEOLOGY                TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Moussallam, Yves
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4040 001  13567        3  CLIM THERMODYN/ENERGY TRA       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Sobel, Adam H
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4085 001  13571        3  GEODYNAMICS                     TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Buck, W R
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4210 001  17430        3  GEOPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMIC       TR 8:40am-9:55am                       Balwada, Dhruv
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4243 001  17684        3  CLIMAT PRED W MACHINE LEA       T 4:10pm-6:40pm                        McKinley, Galen A
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4630 001  14863        3  AIR-SEA INTERACTION             TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Zappa, Christopher J
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4924 001  17682        3  INTRO TO ATMOSPHERIC CHEM       TR 10:10am-11:25                       Commane, Roisin
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4926 001  13589        3  INTRO TO CHEMICAL OCEANOG       TR 11:40am-12:55                       Anderson, Robert
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GU4937 001  13702        3  CENOZOIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Hoenisch, Baerbel
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         Raymo, Maureen
GU4937 AU1  18504        3  CENOZOIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Hoenisch, Baerbel
            L      LECTURE  Auditing                                                               
GR6001 001  18533        1  EARTH SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM        F 3:30pm-4:30pm                        Matthews, Kaleigh B
            L     COLLOQUI  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Meets at LDEO
GR6003 001  18536        4  MASTERS RESEARCH                                                       Matthews, Kaleigh B
            L     INDEPEND  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GR6400 001  13704        3  COMMUNICATING EARTH & ENV       MW 3:00pm-4:00pm                       Dyhrman, Sonya
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Meets at LDEO - Comer Kennedy Room. Meets at Morningside sec
GR6920 001  14817        3  DYNAMICS OF CLIMATE             TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Miller, Ronald L
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
GR6949 001  13706        3  ADVANCED SEISMOLOGY I           W 1:30pm-3:30pm                        Ekstrom, Goran
            L      LECTURE  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Meets at LDEO - Seismology Conference Room
GR9701 001  17686      1-2  Volcanoes and Climate           M 10:00am-11:30a                       Plank, Terry A
            L      SEMINAR  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Meets at LDEO - Comer Kennedy Room
GR9810 001  17910      1-3  RACE, CLIMATE, ENV JUSTIC       TR 11:40am-12:55                       Assali, Hadeel K
            L      SEMINAR  Earth and Environmental Scienc                                         
                            Note: Updated course description to be posted.
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday