Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
BC1001 001 00061 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE I TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 408 Zankel Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
L LECTURE Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in EESC BC1011 Lab sec first, THEN EESCBC1001 Waitlst
BC1011 001 00451 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SCI LAB M 10:10am-1:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
L LABORATO Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in EESC BC1011 Lab first, then BC1001 Lect Waitlist.
BC1011 002 00452 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SCI LAB M 1:10pm-4:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
L LABORATO Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in EESC BC1011 Lab first, then BC1001 Lect Waitlist.
BC1011 003 00453 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SCI LAB W 10:10am-1:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Rodriguez, Sedelia
L LABORATO Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in EESC BC1011 Lab first, then BC1001 Lect Waitlist.
BC1011 004 00454 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SCI LAB W 1:10pm-4:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Rodriguez, Sedelia
L LABORATO Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in BC1011, then for corequisite, EESC BC1001, waitlis
BC1011 005 00455 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SCI LAB F 10:10am-1:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Rodriguez, Sedelia
L LABORATO Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enroll in BC1011, then for corequisite, EESC BC1001, waitlis
UN1030 001 11442 3 OCEANOGRAPHY TR 11:40am-12:55 501 Northwest Corne Hoenisch, Baerbel
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN1030 AU1 18835 0 OCEANOGRAPHY TR 11:40am-12:55 OTHR OTHER Hoenisch, Baerbel
L LECTURE Auditing
UN1201 001 11443 3 ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS & DIS TR 10:10am-11:25 333 Uris Hall Ekstrom, Goran
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN1411 JE1 21724 3 EARTH:ORIG,EVOL,PROC,FUTU R 6:00pm-8:30pm OTHR OTHER Middleton, Jennifer L
L LECTURE School of Professional Studies
UN1600 001 11444 3 EARTH RESOURCES & SUSTAIN TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 301 Uris Hall Kelemen, Peter
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN2100 001 11445 4.5 EARTH'S ENVIRO SYST: CLIM TR 10:10am-11:25 603 Schermerhorn Ha McManus, Jerry F
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc T 4:10pm-7:00pm 555 EXT Schermerhor de Camargo, Suzana J
UN2200 001 11446 4.5 EARTH'S ENV SYSTEM:SOLID TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 603 Schermerhorn Ha Moussallam, Yves
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc R 4:10pm-7:00pm 603 Schermerhorn Ha Becel, Anne
UN2330 001 11447 3 SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE D TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 402 Chandler Mutter, John C
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc Lawrence, Jenna M
UN3000 001 21329 1-3 TUTORIAL IN EARTH SCIENCE Kolawole, Folarin
L TUTORIAL Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN3000 002 21423 1-3 TUTORIAL IN EARTH SCIENCE McKinley, Galen A
L TUTORIAL Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN3000 003 21493 1-3 TUTORIAL IN EARTH SCIENCE McCarthy, Christine
L TUTORIAL Earth and Environmental Scienc
UN3000 004 21581 1-3 TUTORIAL IN EARTH SCIENCE Lev, Einat
L TUTORIAL Earth and Environmental Scienc
BC3016 001 00462 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURMENTS MF 9:00am-10:50a 743 Seeley W. Mudd Mailloux, Brian
L LECTURE Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: Enrollment limited. Preference to Environmental Majors.
BC3017 001 00460 3 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYS TR 12:10pm-2:00p 222 Milbank Hall (B Cook, Elizabeth
L LECTURE Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: One year of college science or EESC UN2100 or permission of
BC3017 002 00461 3 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYS MW 2:10pm-4:00pm 222 Milbank Hall (B He, Mike Z
L LECTURE Environmental Sciences @Barnar
Note: One year of college science or EESC UN2100 or permission of
UN3031 001 11448 3 CHEMISTRY OF CLIMATE TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 417 Schermerhorn Ha Commane, Roisin
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
BC3043 001 00865 3 WATER, SANITATION & HEALT MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 207 Milbank Hall (B Mailloux, Brian
L LECTURE Environmental Sciences @Barnar
UN3101 001 11449 3 GEOCHEM FOR A HABITABLE P TR 11:40am-12:55 603 Schermerhorn Ha Plank, Terry A
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
BC3300 001 00463 4 WORKSHOP SUSTAINABLE DEVE TR 10:10am-12:00 222 Milbank Hall (B Stute, Martin
L WORKSHOP Environmental Sciences @Barnar Maenza-Gmelch, Terryanne
Note: This is an upper-level course with preference given to Barna
UN3400 001 17029 3 COMPUTATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 558 EXT Schermerhor Westervelt, Daniel
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
BC3800 001 00060 3 ENVIR SCIENCE SENIOR SEMI R 4:10pm-6:00pm 405 Milbank Hall (B Stute, Martin
L SEMINAR Environmental Sciences @Barnar Lambert, Jonathan
Cook, Elizabeth
UN3901 001 11460 3 SENIOR SEMINAR R 4:10pm-6:00pm 405 Milbank Hall (B Webb, Spahr C
L SEMINAR Earth and Environmental Scienc Hemming, Sidney R
Note: Meets at Barnard - 405 Milbank
UN3904 001 11741 3 INDEP RESEARCH IN CLIM SY R 8:40am-9:55am 603 Schermerhorn Ha Commane, Roisin
L SEMINAR Earth and Environmental Scienc Austermann, Jacqueline
OC3992 001 21718 4 Fundamentals Geochemistry Mueller, Carmen
L INDEPEND Global Programs
BC3999 001 00968 1-4 INDEPENDENT STUDY Mailloux, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Environmental Sciences @Barnar
GU4008 001 11461 3 INTRO TO ATMOSPHERIC SCIE T 4:10pm-6:40pm 417 Schermerhorn Ha Polvani, Lorenzo M
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4020 001 11462 3 HUMANS & THE CARBON CYCLE TR 11:40am-12:55 417 Schermerhorn Ha McKinley, Galen A
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4050 001 11463 3 GLOBAL ASSMT-REMOTE SENSI R 5:40pm-6:55pm 417 Schermerhorn Ha Small, Christopher
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc F 9:00am-10:45am 558 EXT Schermerhor
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4230 001 11466 3 CRUSTAL DEFORMATION TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 506 Schermerhorn Ha Kolawole, Folarin
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4330 001 11467 3 INTRO-TERRESTRIAL PALEOCL TR 10:10am-11:25 555 EXT Schermerhor Schaefer, Jorg
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
GU4600 001 11468 3 EARTH RESOURCES & SUSTAIN TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 301 Uris Hall Kelemen, Peter
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
GU4887 001 11469 3 ISOTOPE GEOLOGY I TR 10:10am-11:25 506 Schermerhorn Ha Class, Cornelia
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4923 001 11470 3 BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 417 Schermerhorn Ha Juhl, Andrew R
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4925 001 11471 3 INTRO TO PHYSICAL OCEANOG TR 8:40am-9:55am 417 Schermerhorn Ha Thurnherr, Andreas
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GU4949 001 11472 3 INTRODUCTION TO SEISMOLOG TR 11:40am-12:55 555 EXT Schermerhor Waldhauser, Felix
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GR6001 001 11473 1 EARTH SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM F 3:30pm-4:30pm NONE NONE Matthews, Kaleigh B
L COLLOQUI Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Meets at LDEO
GR6901 001 11474 3 RSRCH COMPUTING EARTH SCI TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 558 EXT Schermerhor Wu, Yutian
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GR6908 001 11475 4 QUANT METHODS OF DATA ANA MW 10:10am-11:25 NONE NONE Menke, William H
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Meets at LDEO - Seismology 2nd Floor Sem Room. Students shou
GR6922 001 11487 3 ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 555 EXT Schermerhor Pincus, Robert
L LECTURE Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Course prerequisites found here:
GR9810 001 14981 2-3 RACE, CLIMATE, ENV JUSTIC TR 10:10am-11:25 417 Schermerhorn Ha Assali, Hadeel K
L SEMINAR Earth and Environmental Scienc
GR9902 001 11492 2 RESEARCH SKILLS FOR EARTH W 1:30pm-3:00pm NONE NONE Nettles, Meredith
L SEMINAR Earth and Environmental Scienc
Note: Meets at LDEO
L Code |
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Instructor |
Day Codes |
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