Subject Listing: Comparative Literature & Society Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

UN3900 001  13847        3  INTRO TO COMP LIT & SOCIE       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  401 Hamilton Hall    Bugnevicius, Tadas
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: ONLY OPEN TO CLS&MEDHUM MAJORS - MUST APPLY TO MAJOR JAN 3
UN3900 002  13848        3  INTRO TO COMP LIT & SOCIE       T 12:10pm-2:00pm  301M Fayerweather    Goyal, Rishi K
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: ONLY OPEN TO CLS&MEDHUM MAJORS -MUST APPLY TO MAJOR JAN 3
UN3931 001  13836        4  Life at the End of Life         R 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Moyse, Ashley
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Email ajm2348 AT stating why you are inter
UN3951 001  13842        3  Narratives for Living:Pla       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   201 80 Claremont Av  Spivak, Gayatri C
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Please contact Deeva Gupta  to register
UN3995 001  13850      1.5  SENIOR THESIS IN COMP LIT/SOC                                          Bugnevicius, Tadas
            L     INDEPEND  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4162 001  17392        3  Transntl Feminism-China/B       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   302 ALFRED LERNE     Hong Fincher, Leta
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4356 001  19148        3  Critical Cartographies          T 4:30pm-6:20pm   201 Casa Hisp&aacut  Bosteels, Bruno
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Meeting in 201 Casa Hispnica
GU4375 001  17394        3  The Poetics of Social For       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   B-100 Heyman Center  Leeds, Adam
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Apply to register for the course by emailing the instructor
GU4545 001  13852        4  Wittgenstein in the Machi       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Liu, Lydia
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Please contact instructor to register for course
GU4565 001  17677        3  Motherhood and Technology       M 10:10am-12:00p  401 Chandler         Hegele, Arden A
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4876 001  18145        4  1001 Nights, Then and Now       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   302 ALFRED LERNE     Seale, Yasmine
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Please email instructor to apply (ys3664 at
GU4997 001  17996      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Harcourt, Bernard E
            L     INDEPEND  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4997 002  20527      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Harcourt, Bernard E
            L     INDEPEND  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4998 001  20585      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Leeds, Adam
            L     INDEPEND  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GU4998 002  20782      1-3  INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                      Bosteels, Bruno
            L     INDEPEND  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
GR5333 001  18768      1.5  Gaslighting                     T 10:10am-12:00p  408 Hamilton Hall    Ashtor, Gila
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: 6-week course for MFA writing students, pass/fail only. Add
GR6100 001  17393        4  INTRO TO COMP LIT & SOC-G       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   103 Knox Hall        Breger, Claudia
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: ONLY OPEN TO ICLS STUDENTS. EMAIL: icls at
GR6356 001  19145        3  Critical Cartographies          T 4:30pm-6:20pm   201 Casa Hisp&aacut  Bosteels, Bruno
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Meeting in 201 Casa Hispnica
GR8866 001  10570        2  S CONTEMP CRITICAL THOUGH       W 6:10pm-8:45pm   423 Kent Hall        Harcourt, Bernard E
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Contact Prof. Harcourt with statement of interest (bernard.h
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday