Subject Listing: Comparative Literature and Society & PSCC Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

GU4201 001  17740        4  BASIC CONCEPTS-POST-FREUD THGT  W 10:10am-12:00p  311 Fayerweather     Tutter, Adele
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
                            Note: Please email instructor to register for course
GU4420 001  17678        4  Creative Self: Autofict P       R 10:10am-12:00p  1102 International   Amoretti, Valerio
            L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature and Soc                                         
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday