Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
GU4200 001 14138 3 CORE CONCEPTS-FREUD'S THINKING W 12:10pm-2:00pm 317 Hamilton Hall Tutter, Adele
L SEMINAR Comparative Literature and Soc Tomlinson, W. C
GU4224 001 12656 3 QUEER THEORY & PSYCHOANAL F 10:10am-12:00p 613 Hamilton Hall Ashtor, Gila
L SEMINAR Comparative Literature and Soc
GU4260 001 10423 3 Digital Psychoanalysis T 10:10am-12:00p B-100 Heyman Center Seeley, Karen
L SEMINAR Comparative Literature and Soc
Note: Email instructor to apply
L Code |
L |
Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
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Department and Instructor |
Department |
I-D |
Instructor and Department |
Instructor |
Day Codes |
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Monday |
T |
Tuesday |
W |
Wednesday |
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Thursday |
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Friday |
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Sunday |