Subject Listing: CLIMATE SCHOOL Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
            L App Activity  Department

G5002  001  13328        4  Quant Methods-CLMT Applic       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  402 Chandler         Smerdon, Jason
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         Lee, Chia-Ying
G5004  001  13333        3  REGNL CLIMATE & FORECASTI       W 1:10pm-3:40pm   FRM 315 FORUM        Robertson, Andrew
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         
G5005  001  13336        3  Applications in Clim & So       F 10:10am-12:40p  402 Chandler         Kruczkiewicz, Andrew J
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
G5008  001  13327        3  Climate Change Mitigation       M 10:10am-12:40p  AUD FORUM            Sachs, Lisa E
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         
G5012  001  13379        3  Soc Impacts: Bus, Soc & E       W 1:10pm-3:40pm   SAT ALFRED LERNE     Flammer, Caroline
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         
G5013  001  13334        3  Climate Mobility                R 12:10pm-2:00pm  313 Hamilton Hall    Desherbinin, Alexander M
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         Rosengaertner, Sarah K
G5020  001  13335        3  Post-Disaster Recovery          R 10:10am-12:00p  414 Pupin Laborator  Chandler, Thomas
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         Devincenzo, Joshua
G5022  001  14144        3  Earth Studio: Climate Jus       F 1:10pm-4:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Lovecchio, Johanna
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
                            Note: Application required. Climate School only.
G5025  001  13337        3  Food Syst. & CLMT Interac       M 1:10pm-3:40pm   FRM 315 FORUM        Fanzo, Jessica
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         Defries, Ruth
G5027  001  13339        3  Politics of Climate in As       W 10:10am-12:40p  FRM 315 FORUM        Sato, Jin
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
G5035  001  13340        3  History of the Climate Cr       M 4:10pm-6:40pm   FRM 315 FORUM        Aronowsky, Leah V
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         
G5036  001  13341        3  Food Equity, Ethics, Poli       W 4:10pm-6:40pm   FRM 315 FORUM        Fanzo, Jessica
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
G5037  001  13342        3  Climate Risk Assessment         W 10:10am-12:40p  401 Chandler         Horton, Radley M
            L      LECTURE  Climate School                                                         
G5039  001  17324      1.5  Energy Justice Seminar          F 1:10pm-3:40pm   201B Philosophy Hal  Foster, Sheila
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
G5040  001  20389      1.5  Industrial Pol. & Clean E       W 4:10pm-6:40pm   224 Pupin Laborator  
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
G5202  001  13329        0  Quantitative Methods - LA       R 4:10pm-6:00pm   141 Uris Hall        Smerdon, Jason
            L     LABORATO  Climate School                                                         Lee, Chia-Ying
G5202  002  13330        0  Quantitative Methods - LA       R 6:10pm-8:00pm   141 Uris Hall        Lee, Chia-Ying
            L     LABORATO  Climate School                                                         Smerdon, Jason
G6030  001  13338        3  Research in Environ. & Cl       T 10:10am-12:40p  201B Philosophy Hal  Douglass, Kristina
            L      SEMINAR  Climate School                                                         
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday