Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
G4002 001 12837 3 MACHN LEARNING HEALTHCARE TR 9:00am-10:15a 20-200 Presbyterian Averitt, Amelia J
L INS LECTURE Biomedical Informatics F 10:30am-11:45a 20-200 Presbyterian
GU4008 002 12929 3 Ethics&Fairness:Digital Health MR 2:00pm-4:00pm 20-200 Presbyterian Elhadad, Noemie
INS SEMINAR Biomedical Informatics Lee, Sandra Soo-Jin
G4011 001 12990 3 ACCULTURATN TO MED & CLIN T 2:30pm-4:30pm 20-101 Presbyterian Kinberg, Sivan
INS LECTURE Biomedical Informatics
G4013 001 12932 3 BIOLOGICAL SEQUENCE ANALY W 9:00am-12:00pm 20-200 Presbyterian Friedman, Richard A
L LECTURE Biomedical Informatics
G4099 001 12933 1 RES SEM IN BIOMED INFORMA M 1:00pm-2:00pm 20-200 Presbyterian Rossetti, Sarah A
I-D RESEARCH Biomedical Informatics
GR5006 001 18908 1 Fieldwork Gursoy, Gamze
FIELD WO Biomedical Informatics
G6001 002 12938 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Elhadad, Noemie
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 003 12939 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Weng, Chunhua
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 004 12942 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Wang, Harris
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 005 12943 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Califano, Andrea
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 006 12946 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Vitkup, Dennis
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 007 12953 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Rabadan, Raul
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 008 12955 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Kukafka, Rita
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 009 12958 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Hripcsak, George M
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 010 12949 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Elias, Pierre
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 011 12961 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Chase, Herbert S Jr
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 012 12964 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Mamykina, Olena
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 013 12966 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Shen, Yufeng
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 014 12967 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Tatonetti, Nicholas
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 016 12969 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Natarajan, Karthik
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 017 12970 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Gursoy, Gamze
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 018 12972 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Rossetti, Sarah A
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 019 12973 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Ryan, Patrick B
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 020 12976 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFORMATCS Friedman, Richard A
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 024 12977 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFOR Alquraishi, Mohammed
L INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 025 12978 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFOR Korem, Tal
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 026 12979 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFOR Joshi, Shalmali
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6001 027 21256 1-12 PROJECTS-BIOMEDICAL INFOR Adelman, Jason
INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G6002 001 17100 3 METHODS III: RESEARCH METHODS F 9:00am-10:15am 20-200 Presbyterian Mamykina, Olena
I-D SEMINAR Biomedical Informatics TR 10:30am-11:45 20-200 Presbyterian
G8010 001 12992 2 M.PHIL TEACHING EXPERIENC Averitt, Amelia J
INS TEACHING Biomedical Informatics
G8010 002 12995 2 M.PHIL TEACHING EXPERIENC Friedman, Richard A
INS TEACHING Biomedical Informatics
G8010 003 12997 2 M.PHIL TEACHING EXPERIENC Mamykina, Olena
INS TEACHING Biomedical Informatics
G8010 004 12999 2 M.PHIL TEACHING EXPERIENC Kinberg, Sivan
INS TEACHING Biomedical Informatics
G8010 006 13001 2 M.PHIL TEACHING EXPERIENC Elhadad, Noemie
L INS TEACHING Biomedical Informatics
G9001 001 13006 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Elhadad, Noemie
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 002 13007 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Weng, Chunhua
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 003 13008 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Vitkup, Dennis
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 004 13009 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Rabadan, Raul
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 005 13010 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Mamykina, Olena
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 006 13011 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Rossetti, Sarah A
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 007 13012 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Tatonetti, Nicholas
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 008 13013 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Shen, Yufeng
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 011 13016 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Hripcsak, George M
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9001 013 13022 1-12 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Wang, Harris
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9999 003 13023 0 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Elhadad, Noemie
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9999 004 13024 0 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Vitkup, Dennis
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9999 009 13025 0 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Tatonetti, Nicholas
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
G9999 010 13026 0 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Hripcsak, George M
INS INDEPEND Biomedical Informatics
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