Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
UN1234 001 14272 3 UNIVERSAL TIMEKEEPER MW 2:40pm-3:55pm 402 Chandler Helfand, David J
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN1234 AU1 18497 0 THE UNIVERSAL TIMEKEEPER MW 2:40pm-3:55pm OTHR OTHER Helfand, David J
L LECTURE Auditing
BC1753 001 00430 3 LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 408 Zankel Luber, Nicholas M
L LECTURE Physics and Astronomy @Barnard
Note: Because of material overlap with UN 1453 Another Earth, dupl
UN1836 001 14275 3 STARS AND ATOMS TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 702 Hamilton Hall Applegate, James H
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN1903 001 11204 1 ASTRONOMY LAB I M 6:00pm-9:00pm 1402 Pupin Laborato Bryan, Greg
L LABORATO Astronomy Coffey, Stephen A
UN1903 002 11205 1 ASTRONOMY LAB I T 7:00pm-10:00pm 1402 Pupin Laborato Bryan, Greg
L LABORATO Astronomy Vega, Justin
UN1904 001 11206 1 ASTRONOMY LAB II W 6:00pm-9:00pm 1402 Pupin Laborato Bryan, Greg
L LABORATO Astronomy Garcia, Fred Angelo B
UN2002 001 14277 3 INTRO TO ASTROPHYSICS II MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 602 Northwest Corne Paerels, Frederik
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN2910 001 14279 1 Astrophysics Research Ski F 10:00am-1:00pm 1332 Pupin Laborato Masegian, Alexandra C
L RESEARCH Astronomy
Note: To enroll, please add yourself to the waitlist and monitor y
UN3103 001 14281 3 GALAXIES MW 10:10am-11:25 602 Northwest Corne Putman, Mary
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN3103 AU1 18498 0 GALAXIES MW 10:10am-11:25 OTHR OTHER Putman, Mary
L LECTURE Auditing
UN3105 001 14283 3 EXOPLANETS AND ASTROBIOLO TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 307 Uris Hall Huang, Jane
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN3646 001 14285 3 OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY R 7:00pm-9:30pm 1402 Pupin Laborato Schiminovich, David
L LECTURE Astronomy
UN3998 001 14289 3 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH Agueros, Marcel A
L INDEPEND Astronomy
GR6013 001 15336 3 Stars and Planets MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 1332 Pupin Laborato Shara, Michael
L LECTURE Astronomy
GR8003 001 14291 3 ASTROPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAM MW 10:10am-11:25 1332 Pupin Laborato Sironi, Lorenzo
L LECTURE Astronomy
GR9002 001 14293 3 GRADUATE SEMINAR F 2:00pm-4:00pm 1332 Pupin Laborato De, Kishalay
L SEMINAR Astronomy
GR9004 001 14296 3 RESEARCH SEMINAR II Kipping, David
L SEMINAR Astronomy
L Code |
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Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
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Instructor |
Day Codes |
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