Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
E6650 004 18997 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Devarakonda, Aravind
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 006 18470 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Gaeta, Alexander
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 008 18998 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Zhang, Sherry
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 012 18471 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Paul, Elizabeth
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 013 18469 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Paz Soldan, Carlos
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 014 18932 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Polvani, Lorenzo M
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 015 20751 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Ren, Kui
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E6650 016 18468 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Sobel, Adam H
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 002 18446 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Bienstock, Daniel
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 005 18477 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Borcea, Liliana
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 006 18450 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Devarakonda, Aravind
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 007 18447 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Du, Qiang
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 008 18448 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Gaeta, Alexander
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 011 18449 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Lipson, Michal
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 012 20643 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Marianetti, Chris A
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 013 18459 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Mauel, Michael E
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 015 18458 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Paul, Elizabeth
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 016 18457 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Paz Soldan, Carlos
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 018 18451 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Polvani, Lorenzo M
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 019 18456 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Ren, Kui
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 020 18455 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Sabbagh, Steven A
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 022 18454 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Spiegelman, Marc W
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 025 18453 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Weinstein, Michael I
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 028 18452 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Yu, Nanfang
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
E9301 029 20478 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Simoncelli, Michele
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
L Code |
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Limited Enrollment |
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