Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
PS1002 JE1 21371 3 THE INTERPRETATION OF CUL R 6:00pm-8:30pm OTHR OTHER Panourgia, Neni K
L LECTURE School of Professional Studies
UN1002 001 10975 3 THE INTERPRETATION OF CUL MW 10:10am-11:25 614 Schermerhorn Ha Mazariegos, Juan C
L LECTURE Anthropology
Note: Mandatory recitation sections: TBA
UN1008 001 14757 3 THE RISE OF CIVILIZ-DISC MW 11:40am-12:55 614 Schermerhorn Ha D'Altroy, Terence N
L INS LECTURE Anthropology
Note: $25 Lab Fee. Instructors permission is required.
UN1012 001 20907 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC M 1:10pm-2:00pm 522C Kent Hall Whiteside, Phoebe G
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 002 20908 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC W 1:10pm-2:00pm 522C Kent Hall Whiteside, Phoebe G
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 003 20963 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC M 5:10pm-6:00pm 467 EXT Schermerhor Grear, Fern
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 004 20964 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC W 4:10pm-5:00pm 606 Lewisohn Hall Grear, Fern
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 005 20965 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC W 5:10pm-6:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall Bail, Shishir
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 006 20966 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC F 3:10pm-4:00pm 116 Knox Hall Bail, Shishir
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 007 20974 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC M 12:10pm-1:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall Habib, Hala
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1012 008 20975 0 INTERPRETATION OF CULTRE-DISC M 2:10pm-3:00pm 522C Kent Hall Habib, Hala
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 001 18708 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC M 10:10am-11:00a 951 EXT Schermerhor Liu, Asprey J
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 002 18709 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC W 2:10pm-3:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Dong, Fenfang
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 003 18710 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC W 4:10pm-5:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Liu, Asprey J
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 004 18711 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC W 3:10pm-4:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Dong, Fenfang
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 005 18712 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC R 2:10pm-3:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Bailey, Emily Frances
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 006 18713 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC R 4:10pm-5:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Bailey, Emily Frances
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 007 18714 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC F 10:10am-11:00a 951 EXT Schermerhor Mitchem, Ally
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN1108 008 18715 0 THE RISE OF CIVILIZATION-DISC F 11:10am-12:00p 951 EXT Schermerhor Mitchem, Ally
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN2005 001 10596 3 THE ETHNOGRAPHIC IMAGINAT TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 141 Uris Hall de Abreu, Maria Jose
L LECTURE Anthropology
UN2028 001 10856 4 THINK LIKE AN ARCHAEOLOGI MW 10:10am-11:25 310 Fayerweather Chazin, Hannah
L LECTURE Anthropology
Note: A mandatory $25 Lab Fee is required
UN2101 001 20765 0 THE ETHNOGRAPHIC IMAGI-DIS T 4:10pm-5:00pm 609 Hamilton Hall Shamoun, Saphe
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN2101 003 20767 0 THE ETHNOGRAPHIC IMAGI-DIS R 4:10pm-5:00pm 104 Knox Hall Shamoun, Saphe
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN2101 005 20822 0 THE ETHNOGRAPHIC IMAGI-DIS W 1:10pm-2:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Shamoun, Saphe
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
BC3223 001 00131 4 GENDER ARCHAEOLXGY W 12:10pm-2:00pm LL018 MILSTEIN CEN Sturm, Camilla
L SEMINAR Anthropology @Barnard
UN3465 001 10594 3 WOMEN GENDER POL-MUSLIM WORLD MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 413 Kent Hall Malmstrom, Maria F
L LECTURE Anthropology
Note: This course counts towards the Global Core requirement
UN3467 001 20512 0 WOMEN/GENDER-MUSLIM WORLD-DISC M 3:10pm-4:00pm 407 Mathematics Bui Coffineau, Lea
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN3467 002 20513 0 WOMEN/GENDER-MUSLIM WORLD-DISC W 3:10pm-4:00pm 954 EXT Schermerhor Thorne, Marini
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN3467 003 20888 0 WOMEN/GENDER-MUSLIM WORLD-DISC W 4:10pm-5:00pm 954 EXT Schermerhor Thorne, Marini
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN3467 004 20889 0 WOMEN/GENDER-MUSLIM WORLD M 4:10pm-5:00pm 407 Mathematics Bui Coffineau, Lea
L DISCUSSI Anthropology
UN3604 001 10887 4 As If: Anthropologies of M 2:10pm-4:00pm 467 EXT Schermerhor Ivy, Marilyn
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Email instructor for permission to register
UN3661 001 00132 4 SOUTH ASIA T 2:10pm-4:00pm 113 MILSTEIN CEN Green, Elizabeth M
L INS COLLOQUI Anthropology @Barnard
UN3800 001 14761 4 Black Death T 10:10am-12:00p 963 EXT Schermerhor Howie, Lashaya
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instrutor is required
UN3821 001 10662 4 NATIVE AMERICA W 10:10am-12:00p 331 Uris Hall Simpson, Audra
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Majors in Anth & related disciplines preferred
UN3829 001 00133 4 ABSENCE/PRESENCE W 10:10am-12:00p 214 Milbank Hall (B Sharp, Lesley
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology @Barnard
Note: Not Open To 1rstYear Students-Non Majors Require Inst.Perm.
BC3868 001 00867 4 ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD RESEAR R 2:10pm-4:00pm 323 Milbank Hall (B Williams, Kaya N
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology @Barnard
BC3872 001 00134 4 SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR II M 4:10pm-6:00pm 405 Milbank Hall (B West, Paige
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology @Barnard Sharp, Lesley
Salyer, J.C.
Green, Elizabeth M
UN3880 001 10671 4 LISTENING: AN ETHNOG OF SOUND T 2:10pm-4:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Pemberton, John
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3893 001 10913 4 THE BOMB T 10:10am-12:00p 467 EXT Schermerhor Seeley, Karen
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3939 001 10886 4 ANIME EFFECT: JAPANESE MEDIA T 2:10pm-4:00pm 467 EXT Schermerhor Ivy, Marilyn
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Email instructor for permission to register
UN3947 001 10672 4 TEXT MAGIC PERFORMANCE M 2:10pm-4:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Pemberton, John
L INS COLLOQUI Anthropology
Note: Counts towards the Global Core requirement. Permission req
UN3998 001 10888 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Abu El-Haj, Nadia
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 002 10889 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Abu-Lughod, Lila
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
UN3998 003 10890 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Agard-Jones, Vanessa L
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 004 10891 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Ben-Yehoyada, Naor H
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
UN3998 005 10892 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Boyd, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 006 10893 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Chazin, Hannah
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 007 10894 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Crossland, Zoe
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 008 10895 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES D'Altroy, Terence N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 009 10896 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES de Abreu, Maria Jose
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 010 10897 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Fennell, Catherine
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 011 10898 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Green, Elizabeth M
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 012 10899 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Ivy, Marilyn
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 013 10900 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Kendall, Laurel
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 014 10901 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Larkin, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 016 10902 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Lomnitz, Claudio
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 017 10903 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Long, Sheng
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 018 10904 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 019 10905 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Malmstrom, Maria F
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 020 10906 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Mamdani, Mahmood
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 021 10907 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Marakowitz, Ellen
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 022 10908 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Mazariegos, Juan C
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 023 10909 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Messick, Brinkley
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 024 10910 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Morris, Rosalind
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 025 10911 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Pemberton, John
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 026 10912 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Povinelli, Elizabeth
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 027 10914 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Seeley, Karen
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 028 10915 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Sharp, Lesley
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 029 10916 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Simpson, Audra
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 030 10917 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES West, Paige
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 031 10918 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Williams, Kaya N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 032 10919 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Scott, David
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 033 11822 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is requird
UN3998 034 15478 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Howie, Lashaya
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
UN3998 035 15479 2-6 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL RES Adkins, Tyler
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: Ther permission of the instructor is required
UN3999 001 10601 4 SENIOR THESIS SEM IN ANTHROPOL M 4:10pm-6:00pm 408 Hamilton Hall Simpson, Audra
L SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Prerequisites: Senior Thesis course part 1 (fall 2023)
GU4108 001 13238 4 Cinemas of the Arctic M 10:10am-12:00p 1201 International Adkins, Tyler
L SEMINAR Anthropology
GU4116 001 12036 3 Sympathy & the Conduct of F 10:10am-12:00p 467 EXT Schermerhor Fennell, Catherine
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GU4221 001 14760 4 Community Arch, Htg & Pub F 10:10am-12:00p 963 EXT Schermerhor Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Priority to archaeology students (majors, minors, and gradua
GR5115 001 11059 3 Political Human-Animal St T 2:10pm-4:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Boyd, Brian
L SEMINAR Anthropology
GR6031 001 14758 3 CONTESTING THE PAST T 4:10pm-6:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor D'Altroy, Terence N
L SEMINAR Anthropology
GR6055 001 11141 4 2ND YR DOCTORAL PROPOSAL M 2:10pm-4:00pm 951 EXT Schermerhor Crossland, Zoe
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: This course in ONLY open to second-year PhD Anth students
GR6067 001 11820 3 LANGUAGE AND ITS LIMITS W 4:10pm-6:00pm 201 80 Claremont Av Green, Elizabeth M
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Priority given to anthropology graduate students
GR6085 001 10857 3 THING THEORY R 10:10am-12:00p 951 EXT Schermerhor Chazin, Hannah
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Priority given to Anth & Museum students. Permission rqd
GR6171 001 11140 4 PRE-ATLANTIC SLAVERY T 12:10pm-2:00pm 116 Knox Hall Mamdani, Mahmood
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required.
GR6192 001 10855 3 EXHIBITION PRAC-GLOBAL CONTEXT T 4:10pm-6:00pm 001 MUSEUM OF NA Ostrow, Cine
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Non MUSA - make a strong case & able to take GR6365 as well
GR6212 001 10593 3 PRIN/APPL-SOC & CULTRL ANTHROP R 12:10pm-2:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Marakowitz, Ellen
L SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: MA Students (both programs) outside Anth need permission
GR6227 001 10665 3 Ethnographies at the End R 2:10pm-4:00pm 467 EXT Schermerhor Long, Sheng
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Open ANTH MAs & graduate students in other departments
GR6294 001 10884 4 POLTICL CNCPTS:GEONTOPOWE T 4:10pm-6:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Povinelli, Elizabeth
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: to opt to take for Pass/Fail requires permission
GR6365 001 10860 3 EXHIBITION CULTURES T 2:10pm-4:00pm 001 MUSEUM OF NA Kendall, Laurel
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: MUSAs must fulfill prog requirements. Others contact instr
GR6602 001 10885 3 QUESTIONS-ANTHROP THRY II:HIST T 4:10pm-6:00pm 467 EXT Schermerhor Abu El-Haj, Nadia
L LECTURE Anthropology
Note: Course is exclusively limited to 1st year doctoral students
GR6669 001 11707 3 Paperwork, biometrics and T 4:10pm-6:00pm 652 Schermerhorn Ha Larkin, Brian
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required.
GR8002 001 11243 4 Doing Ethnographic Work F 12:10pm-2:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Williams, Kaya N
L INS SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Preference given to ANTH PHDs. Instructors permission req
GR9101 001 10926 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Abu El-Haj, Nadia
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 002 10927 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Abu-Lughod, Lila
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 003 10928 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO Agard-Jones, Vanessa L
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 004 10929 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Ben-Yehoyada, Naor H
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 005 10930 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH de Abreu, Maria Jose
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 006 10931 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Fennell, Catherine
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 007 10932 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Green, Elizabeth M
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 008 10933 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Ivy, Marilyn
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 009 10934 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Larkin, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 010 10935 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Lomnitz, Claudio
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 011 10936 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Long, Sheng
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 012 10937 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Malmstrom, Maria F
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 013 10938 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Mamdani, Mahmood
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 014 10939 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Marakowitz, Ellen
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 015 10940 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Mazariegos, Juan C
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 016 10941 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Messick, Brinkley
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 017 10942 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Morris, Rosalind
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 018 10943 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Pemberton, John
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 019 10944 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Povinelli, Elizabeth
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 020 10945 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Scott, David
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 021 10946 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Seeley, Karen
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 022 10947 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Sharp, Lesley
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9101 023 10948 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Simpson, Audra
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 024 10949 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH West, Paige
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 025 10950 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Williams, Kaya N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 026 11823 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 027 15481 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO Howie, Lashaya
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the intructor is required
GR9101 028 15482 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO Adkins, Tyler
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 029 16269 3-9 RSCH IN SOCIAL/CULTURAL ANTH Boyd, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 030 16271 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO Crossland, Zoe
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 031 16272 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO D'Altroy, Terence N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9101 032 16282 3-9 RSRCH SOCIAL & CULTURAL ANTHRO Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 001 10920 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Boyd, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 002 10921 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Crossland, Zoe
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 003 10922 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL D'Altroy, Terence N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 004 10923 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Fowles, Severin
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 005 10924 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Chazin, Hannah
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 006 10925 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Kendall, Laurel
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 007 11821 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Striebel Maclean, Jessica
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9102 008 15483 3-9 RESEARCH-PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOL Ostrow, Cine
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 001 10951 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Abu El-Haj, Nadia
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 002 10952 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Abu-Lughod, Lila
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 003 10953 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Agard-Jones, Vanessa L
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 004 10954 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Ben-Yehoyada, Naor H
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 005 10955 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD de Abreu, Maria Jose
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 006 10956 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Fennell, Catherine
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 007 10957 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Green, Elizabeth M
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 008 10958 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Green, Elizabeth M
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 009 10959 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Ivy, Marilyn
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 010 10960 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Larkin, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 011 10961 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Lomnitz, Claudio
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 012 10962 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Long, Sheng
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 013 10963 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Malmstrom, Maria F
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 014 10964 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Mamdani, Mahmood
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 015 10965 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Marakowitz, Ellen
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 016 10966 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Mazariegos, Juan C
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 017 10967 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Carter, Rosalind J
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 018 10968 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Pemberton, John
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
GR9105 019 10969 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Povinelli, Elizabeth
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 020 10970 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Scott, David
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 021 10971 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Sharp, Lesley
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 022 10972 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Simpson, Audra
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 023 10973 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Williams, Kaya N
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 024 10974 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD West, Paige
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 025 15484 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Howie, Lashaya
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 026 15486 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Adkins, Tyler
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 027 16604 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Boyd, Brian
L INS INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9105 028 16607 3-9 RESEARCH IN SPECIAL FIELD Crossland, Zoe
L INDEPEND Anthropology
Note: The permission of the instructor is required
GR9110 001 10858 3-9 MUSEUM ANTHROPOL INTERNSHIP I Boyd, Brian
L INS INTERNSH Anthropology
GR9111 001 10859 3-9 MUSEUM ANTHROPOL INTERNSHIP II Boyd, Brian
L INS INTERNSH Anthropology
Note: Not to be taken without permission of the program directors
GR9999 001 10595 0 WEEKLY SEMINAR W 2:10pm-4:00pm 963 EXT Schermerhor Crossland, Zoe
L SEMINAR Anthropology
Note: Only Anth PhDs in residence are required to register
L Code |
L |
Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
D-I |
Department and Instructor |
Department |
I-D |
Instructor and Department |
Instructor |
Day Codes |
M |
Monday |
T |
Tuesday |
W |
Wednesday |
R |
Thursday |
F |
Friday |
S |
Saturday |
U |
Sunday |