Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Department
BC1002 001 00002 4 INTRODUCTION TO ART HISTO MW 2:40pm-3:55pm 304 Barnard Hall Biczel, Dorota
L LECTURE Art History @Barnard
Note: 1 hour weekly discussion section required (to be arranged)
BC2001 001 00003 3 DRAWING STUDIO R 2:10pm-6:00pm 402 Diana Center Chetko, Jozefina
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: first and second year students welcomed
BC2006 001 00004 3 PAINTING II W 2:10pm-6:00pm 402 Diana Center Snitzer, Joan
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: 1st/2nd Yrs Welcome No Prior Experience in Painting Necessar
BC2008 001 00005 3 PAINTING IV W 2:10pm-6:00pm 402 Diana Center Snitzer, Joan
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: 1st/2nd Yrs Welcome No Prior Experience in Painting Necessar
BC2015 001 00747 3 SYNTHESIS: MIXED MEDIA STUDIO T 2:10pm-6:00pm 402 Diana Center Chetko, Jozefina
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: first and second year students welcomed
UN2129 001 17356 3 Before Rome: Art & Arch. MW 4:10pm-5:25pm 807 Schermerhorn Ha de Angelis, Francesco
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
UN2309 001 14830 3 EARLY MODERN ARCHITECTURE TR 6:10pm-7:25pm 612 Schermerhorn Ha Pistis, Eleonora
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
UN2311 001 14832 3 BAROQUE IMPERIAL SPAIN 17 TR 10:10am-11:25 807 Schermerhorn Ha Bodart, Diane
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
BC2355 001 00006 4 APOCALYPSE MW 4:10pm-5:25pm 504 Diana Center Bryda, Gregory
L LECTURE Art History @Barnard
Note: 1 hour weekly discussion section required (to be arranged)
UN2409 001 14893 4 19th Century Architecture MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 612 Schermerhorn Ha Celik Alexander, Zeynep
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
Note: Students must enroll in discussion section
UN2410 001 20578 0 ARCHITECTURE 1750-1890-DI W 3:10pm-4:00pm 807 Schermerhorn Ha Oulad Daoud, Yassin
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2410 002 20579 0 ARCHITECTURE 1750-1890-DI W 4:10pm-5:00pm 832 Schermerhorn Ha Oulad Daoud, Yassin
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2410 003 20580 0 ARCHITECTURE 1750-1890-DI R 12:10pm-1:00pm 832 Schermerhorn Ha Lopez, Matthew S
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2410 004 20581 0 ARCHITECTURE 1750-1890-DI R 1:10pm-2:00pm 832 Schermerhorn Ha Lopez, Matthew S
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2425 001 14897 4 Visual Activism TR 10:10am-11:25 612 Schermerhorn Ha Bryan-Wilson, Julia
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
Note: Students must enroll in discussion section
UN2426 001 20511 0 Visual Activism disc. sec T 12:10pm-1:00pm 832 Schermerhorn Ha Harley, Jennifer M
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2426 002 20512 0 Visual Activism disc. sec T 1:10pm-2:00pm 832 Schermerhorn Ha Harley, Jennifer M
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2426 003 20513 0 Visual Activism disc. sec R 2:10pm-3:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Terada, Yuma
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2426 004 20514 0 Visual Activism disc. sec R 3:10pm-4:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Terada, Yuma
L DISCUSSI Art History and Archaeology
UN2600 001 14898 3 THE ARTS OF CHINA TR 11:40am-12:55 807 Schermerhorn Ha Zhu, Catherine M
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
UN2702 001 14899 3 PRE-COLUMBIAN ART AND ARC MW 10:10am-11:25 807 Schermerhorn Ha Trever, Lisa
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
UN3000 001 14901 4 INTRO LIT/METHODS OF ART T 4:10pm-6:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Klein, Holger A
L COLLOQUI Art History and Archaeology
Note: Department majors only; sign-up required; see dept. website
UN3000 002 14902 4 INTRO LIT/METHODS OF ART R 12:10pm-2:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Cole, Michael
L COLLOQUI Art History and Archaeology
Note: Department majors only; sign-up required; see dept. website
UN3002 001 14903 3 SENIOR THESIS T 2:10pm-4:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Bergdoll, Barry G
L INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
Note: Year-long course; senior thesis writers only
BC3003 001 00007 4 SUPERVISED PHOTO PROJECTS M 4:10pm-6:00pm 501 Diana Center Miller, John
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
BC3031 001 00008 4 IMAGERY AND FORM IN THE A M 2:10pm-4:00pm 501 Diana Center Chetko, Jozefina
L SEMINAR Art History @Barnard M 4:00pm-5:00pm 402 Diana Center
Note: Open to all levels w/interests in theory & creating contemp
BC3099 001 00939 1-4 INDEPENDENT STUDY Snitzer, Joan
L INDEPEND Art History @Barnard
UN3105 001 17327 4 Sacred Spaces & Divine Im T 6:10pm-8:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Fowlkes Childs, Blair
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
BC3173 001 00915 0 INTRO HISTORY PHOTOGRAPHY W 11:10am-12:00p 502 Diana Center Francal-Saadi, Julie A
L DISCUSSI Art History @Barnard
BC3173 002 00916 0 INTRO HISTORY PHOTOGRAPHY W 12:10pm-1:00pm 501 Diana Center Francal-Saadi, Julie A
L DISCUSSI Art History @Barnard
BC3173 003 00917 0 INTRO HISTORY PHOTOGRAPHY R 5:30pm-6:20pm 501 Diana Center Flavors, Akeem
L DISCUSSI Art History @Barnard
BC3173 004 00918 0 INTRO HISTORY PHOTOGRAPHY R 6:30pm-7:20pm 501 Diana Center Flavors, Akeem
L DISCUSSI Art History @Barnard
UN3318 001 14905 4 BOOKS AND ARCHITECTURE R 2:10pm-4:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha Pistis, Eleonora
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Application required; see department website
UN3402 001 14906 4 Intro to Design History W 10:10am-12:00p 806 Schermerhorn Ha Pivo, Hannah R
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
UN3410 001 14921 4 APPROACHES TO CONTEMPORAR W 2:10pm-4:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Joseph, Branden W
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
UN3429 001 17355 4 Skyscrapers & Urbanism T 12:10pm-2:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Willis, Carol A
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
UN3438 001 18824 4 Land and Landscape T 4:10pm-6:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Celik Alexander, Zeynep
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
BC3531 001 00009 4 ADVANCED SENIOR STUDIO II T 2:10pm-6:00pm To be announced Miller, John
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: Note Class Meets in Sr. Studio Location: 600 West 116th Stre
BC3673 001 00010 4 INTRO HISTORY OF PHOTOGRA TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 504 Diana Center Alberro, Alexander
L LECTURE Art History @Barnard
Note: Students must enroll in disc section AHIS BC3173
UN3791 001 14931 4 The Rama Story in Visual T 10:10am-12:00p 934 Schermerhorn Ha Kaligotla, Subhashini
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm Nov. 14; see department website
BC3861 001 00862 4 Memory Democracy Latin A R 2:10pm-4:00pm 501 Diana Center Biczel, Dorota
L SEMINAR Art History @Barnard
Note: Apply by 11/14 Link:
BC3864 001 00871 4 Signals: Networks, Public R 10:10am-12:00p 101A Barnard Hall Marshall, Janina P
L SEMINAR Art History @Barnard R 12:10pm-2:00pm 402 Diana Center
Note: first and second year students welcomed
BC3867 001 00012 3 Photo as Material: A Stud M 10:10am-2:00pm 402 Diana Center Dayal, Mira
L STUDIO Art History @Barnard
Note: first and second year students welcomed
BC3877 001 00014 4 Brit Portraits Id Empire M 10:10am-12:00p 502 Diana Center Eaker, Adam S
L SEMINAR Art History @Barnard
Note: Apply by 11/14
BC3960 001 00015 3 SENIOR RESEARCH SEMINAR T 6:10pm-8:00pm 501 Diana Center Deutsche, Rosalyn
L INDEPEND Art History @Barnard
BC3976 001 00721 4 JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY R 10:10am-12:00p 501 Diana Center Reynolds, Jonathan
L SEMINAR Art History @Barnard
Note: Apply by 11/14
GU4089 001 00743 3 NATIVE AMERICAN ART TR 4:10pm-5:25pm 302 Barnard Hall Hutchinson, Elizabeth
L LECTURE Art History @Barnard
GU4518 001 17357 4 Greek Sanctuaries M 10:10am-12:00p 934 Schermerhorn Ha Mylonopoulos, Ioannis
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GU4534 001 18839 4 Pastel & the Enlightenmen T 2:10pm-4:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha Baumgartner, Frederique
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GU4741 001 14936 4 Art & Theory in Global Co M 4:10pm-6:00pm 612 Schermerhorn Ha Rajchman, John
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GU4763 001 14949 4 Edo-period Illustr. Books W 4:10pm-6:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha McKelway, Matthew P
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GU4856 001 20549 4 Mediterr. Artistic Intera M 2:10pm-4:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Shalem, Avinoam
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
GU4946 001 17358 4 Historicism & Restoration T 10:10am-12:00p 930 Schermerhorn Ha Bergdoll, Barry G
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR5001 001 14963 4 CURATORIAL COLLOQUIUM W 2:10pm-4:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Kraynak, Janet L
L COLLOQUI Art History and Archaeology
Note: First-year MODA students only; required course
GR5003 001 14977 4 MATERIALS & PRACTICES-ART R 12:10pm-2:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha Baumgartner, Frederique
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: First-year art history MA students only; required course
GR5006 001 14983 3 MODA THESIS PREP R 12:10pm-2:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Kraynak, Janet L
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: First-year MODA students only; required course
GR6401 001 19134 3 Art History Against the G W 2:10pm-4:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha Krauss, Rosalind
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
Note: PhD Students Only
GR6407 001 14991 3 MINIMALISM & POSTMINIMALI M 2:10pm-4:00pm 807 Schermerhorn Ha Joseph, Branden W
L LECTURE Art History and Archaeology
GR8137 001 18978 4 Sumerian Sculpture R 4:10pm-6:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Bahrani, Zainab
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8211 001 15121 4 Ecocriticism & Medieval A T 10:10am-12:00p 832 Schermerhorn Ha Bryda, Gregory
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8212 001 20616 4 Byzantium and Venice M 10:10am-12:00p 930 Schermerhorn Ha Klein, Holger A
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
GR8318 001 15059 4 Spolia: Architecture & Re R 10:10am-12:00p 930 Schermerhorn Ha Waters, Michael J
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8371 001 15071 4 Strokes & Lines R 4:10pm-6:00pm 930 Schermerhorn Ha Bodart, Diane
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8601 001 15162 4 Song, Yuan, Ming& Qing Dy M 4:10pm-6:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha Murck, Alfreda J
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8603 001 15081 4 RIMPA T 4:10pm-6:00pm 806 Schermerhorn Ha McKelway, Matthew P
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8813 001 17335 4 The Materiality of Things T 2:10pm-4:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Shalem, Avinoam
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR8907 001 15139 4 The Temple in South Asia R 2:10pm-4:00pm 934 Schermerhorn Ha Kaligotla, Subhashini
L SEMINAR Art History and Archaeology
Note: Apply by 5pm, Jan. 8:
GR9000 001 14515 4 M.A. THESIS Alberro, Alexander
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 002 14516 4 M.A. THESIS Bahrani, Zainab
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 003 14517 4 M.A. THESIS Baumgartner, Frederique
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 004 14518 4 M.A. THESIS Bergdoll, Barry G
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 005 14519 4 M.A. THESIS Bodart, Diane
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 006 14520 4 M.A. THESIS Bryan-Wilson, Julia
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 007 14521 4 M.A. THESIS Bryda, Gregory
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 008 14522 4 M.A. THESIS Celik Alexander, Zeynep
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 009 14523 4 M.A. THESIS Cole, Michael
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 010 14524 4 M.A. THESIS Crary, Jonathan K
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 011 14525 4 M.A. THESIS de Angelis, Francesco
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 013 14526 4 M.A. THESIS Deutsche, Rosalyn
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 014 14527 4 M.A. THESIS Elcott, Noam M
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 016 14529 4 M.A. THESIS Gamer, Meredith
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 017 14530 4 M.A. THESIS Higonnet, Anne
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 018 14531 4 M.A. THESIS Hutchinson, Elizabeth
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 019 14532 4 M.A. THESIS Jones, Kellie
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 020 14533 4 M.A. THESIS Joseph, Branden W
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 021 14534 4 M.A. THESIS Kaligotla, Subhashini
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 022 14535 4 M.A. THESIS Klein, Holger A
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 023 14536 4 M.A. THESIS Krauss, Rosalind
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 024 14537 4 M.A. THESIS Kraynak, Janet L
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 025 14538 4 M.A. THESIS McKelway, Matthew P
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 026 14539 4 M.A. THESIS Mylonopoulos, Ioannis
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 027 14540 4 M.A. THESIS Pistis, Eleonora
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 028 14541 4 M.A. THESIS Rajchman, John
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 029 14542 4 M.A. THESIS Reynolds, Jonathan
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 030 14543 4 M.A. THESIS Shalem, Avinoam
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 031 14544 4 M.A. THESIS Strother, Zoe S
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 032 14545 4 M.A. THESIS Trever, Lisa
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 033 14546 4 M.A. THESIS Waters, Michael J
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9000 034 14547 4 M.A. THESIS Xu, Jin
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 001 14548 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Alberro, Alexander
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 002 14549 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Bahrani, Zainab
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 003 14550 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Baumgartner, Frederique
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 004 14551 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Bergdoll, Barry G
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
Note: Faculty
GR9001 005 14552 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Bodart, Diane
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 006 14553 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Bryan-Wilson, Julia
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 007 14554 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Bryda, Gregory
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 008 14555 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Celik Alexander, Zeynep
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 009 14556 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Cole, Michael
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 010 14558 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Crary, Jonathan K
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 011 14559 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU de Angelis, Francesco
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 012 14560 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Delbanco, Dawn H
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 013 14561 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Deutsche, Rosalyn
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 014 14562 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Elcott, Noam M
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 016 14564 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Gamer, Meredith
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 017 14565 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Higonnet, Anne
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 018 14566 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Hutchinson, Elizabeth
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 019 14567 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Jones, Kellie
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 020 14568 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Joseph, Branden W
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 021 14569 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Kaligotla, Subhashini
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 022 14570 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Klein, Holger A
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 023 14571 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Krauss, Rosalind
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 024 14572 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Kraynak, Janet L
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 025 14573 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU McKelway, Matthew P
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 026 14574 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Mylonopoulos, Ioannis
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 027 14575 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Pistis, Eleonora
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 028 14576 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Rajchman, John
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 029 14577 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Reynolds, Jonathan
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 030 14578 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Shalem, Avinoam
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 031 14579 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Strother, Zoe S
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 032 14580 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Trever, Lisa
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 033 14581 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Waters, Michael J
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
GR9001 034 14582 3 RESEARCH FOR ADVANCED STU Xu, Jin
INDEPEND Art History and Archaeology
L Code |
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