Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
STAT UN1001 001 13986 3 INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS MW 2:40pm-3:55pm de la Pena, Victor H
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1001 002 13987 3 INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS TR 10:10am-11:25 Datta, Ashley
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1001 003 13988 3 INTRO TO STATISTICAL REAS TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Donoghue, Anthony
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1101 001 13989 3 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTIC TR 10:10am-11:25 Lee, Wayne
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1101 002 13991 3 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTIC MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Nguyen, Ha
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1102 001 18954 0 Intro to Statistics Recit T 12:10pm-1:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT UN1102 002 18955 0 Intro to Statistics Recit T 5:10pm-6:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT UN1102 003 18956 0 Intro to Statistics Recit W 4:10pm-5:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT UN1102 004 18957 0 Intro to Statistics Recit R 6:10pm-7:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT UN1102 005 18958 0 Intro to Statistics Recit F 9:10am-10:00am
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT UN1201 001 13992 3 CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI MW 10:10am-11:25 El Barmi, Hammou
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1201 002 13993 3 CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI MW 10:10am-11:25 Robbins, Joyce T
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1201 003 13994 3 CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI TR 10:10am-11:25 Robbins, Joyce T
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN1201 004 13995 3 CALC-BASED INTRO TO STATI MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Baydil, Banu
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN2102 001 13996 3 Applied Statistical Compu TR 4:10pm-5:25pm Pijyan, Alex
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN2103 001 13998 3 APPLIED LINEAR REG ANALYSIS MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Rabinowitz, Daniel
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN2104 001 13999 3 APPL CATEGORICAL DATA ANA MW 8:40am-9:55am Neath, Ronald
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN3106 001 14000 3 APPLIED MACHINE LEARNING TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Lee, Wayne
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT UN3107 001 14001 3 Undergraduate Mentored Researc Neath, Ronald
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: By Permission only
STAT UN3293 001 14074 3 INTERPTBLE MACHN LEARNING TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Robbins, Joyce T
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Undergraduate students only
STAT GU4001 001 14003 3 INTRODUCTION TO PROB & ST TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Pasarica, Cristian G
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4001 002 14004 3 Probability and Statistics MW 1:10pm-2:25pm Mukherjee, Sumit
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4203 001 14011 3 PROBABILITY THEORY TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Avella Medina, Marco A
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4203 002 14010 3 PROBABILITY THEORY TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Avella Medina, Marco A
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Acturial Sci MS Students only
STAT GU4204 001 14012 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Baydil, Banu
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Undergraduate students only
STAT GU4204 002 14013 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE TR 7:10pm-8:25pm Datta, Ashley
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4204 003 17906 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE TR 7:10pm-8:25pm Datta, Ashley
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Acturial Sci MS Students only
STAT GU4205 001 14014 3 LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Neath, Ronald
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4206 001 14015 3 STAT COMP & INTRO DATA SC F 10:10am-12:40p Kwon, Yongchan
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Undergradate students only
STAT GU4207 001 14016 3 Elementary Stochastic Processe TR 4:10pm-5:25pm Van Delft, Anne
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Undergraduate students only
STAT GU4207 002 14017 3 ELEMENTARY STOCHASTIC PROCESS MW 11:40am-12:55 Jaffe, Adam Q
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4221 001 14018 3 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS S 10:10am-12:40p Rembart, Franz
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4222 001 14019 3 NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS MW 10:10am-11:25 Maleki, Arian
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4224 001 14020 3 BAYESIAN STATISTICS TR 7:40pm-8:55pm Marchev, Dobrin
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4231 001 17402 3 SURVIVAL ANALYSIS F 1:10pm-3:40pm Ying, Zhiliang
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4234 001 14021 3 SAMPLE SURVEYS TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Wu, Rongning
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4241 001 14024 3 STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARN MW 10:10am-11:25 Kpotufe, Samory
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: Undergraduate students only
STAT GU4243 001 14028 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE W 6:10pm-8:55pm Pijyan, Alex
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4243 002 14029 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE R 6:10pm-8:55pm Wang, Haiyuan
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4243 003 14030 3 Climate Pred Challenges T 4:10pm-6:40pm McKinley, Galen A
L LECTURE Statistics Zheng, Tian
STAT GU4243 004 17401 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE R 4:10pm-6:40pm Dumitrascu, Bianca
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4261 001 14031 3 STATISTICAL METHODS IN FI S 10:10am-12:40p Ying, Zhiliang
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4264 001 14032 3 STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC MW 4:10pm-5:25pm Campbell, Steven
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4265 001 14033 3 STOCHASTIC METHODS IN FIN TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Baker, Graeme
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GU4291 001 14034 3 ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS F 10:10am-12:40p Young, Gabriel
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5203 001 14075 3 PROBABILITY MW 1:10pm-3:40pm Liu, Jingchen
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only. Meets 1/21-3/7
STAT GR5203 002 14035 3 PROBABILITY TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Avella Medina, Marco A
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only.
STAT GR5204 001 14036 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE MW 1:10pm-3:40pm Rabinowitz, Daniel
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only. Meets 3/10-5/5
STAT GR5204 002 14037 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE TR 7:10pm-8:25pm Datta, Ashley
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only.
STAT GR5205 001 14038 3 LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Neath, Ronald
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5206 001 14039 3 STAT COMP & INTRO TO DATA SCI F 10:10am-12:40p Kwon, Yongchan
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5207 001 14040 3 ELEMENTARY STOCHASTIC PRO MW 11:40am-12:55 Jaffe, Adam Q
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5221 001 14041 3 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS S 10:10am-12:40p Rembart, Franz
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5222 001 14042 3 NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS MW 10:10am-11:25 Maleki, Arian
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5224 001 14043 3 BAYESIAN STATISTICS TR 7:40pm-8:55pm Marchev, Dobrin
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5231 001 17403 3 SURVIVAL ANALYSIS F 1:10pm-3:40pm Ying, Zhiliang
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5234 001 14044 3 SAMPLE SURVEYS TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Wu, Rongning
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5241 001 14045 3 STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARN MW 10:10am-11:25 Allen, Genevera
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5241 002 14046 3 STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARN TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Yao, Yisha
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5241 003 14047 3 STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARN MW 6:10pm-7:25pm Gonzalez Sanz, Alberto
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5241 004 14048 3 STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARN TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Zhong, Chenyang
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5243 001 14049 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE W 6:10pm-8:40pm Pijyan, Alex
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA Students only
STAT GR5243 002 14050 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE R 6:10pm-8:55pm Wang, Haiyuan
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5243 003 14051 3 Climate Pred Challenges T 4:10pm-6:40pm McKinley, Galen A
L LECTURE Statistics Zheng, Tian
STAT GR5243 004 17404 3 APPLIED DATA SCIENCE R 4:10pm-6:40pm Dumitrascu, Bianca
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5261 001 14052 3 STATISTICAL METHODS IN FI S 10:10am-12:40p Ying, Zhiliang
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5264 001 14053 3 STOCHASTC PROCSSES-APPLIC MW 4:10pm-5:25pm Campbell, Steven
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5265 001 14054 3 STOCHASTIC METHODS IN FIN TR 6:10pm-7:25pm Baker, Graeme
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MATH FINANCE students only
STAT GR5291 001 14055 3 ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS F 10:10am-12:40p Young, Gabriel
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5293 001 14056 3 INTERPTBLE MACHN LEARNING TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Robbins, Joyce T
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only
STAT GR5293 002 14057 3 Aspects of Math Finance TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Protter, Philip
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA students only.
STAT GR5293 003 14058 3 Generative AI using Large F 4:10pm-6:40pm Dube, Parijat
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5293 004 14059 3 DESIGN&ANALY/ONLINE EXPRM W 6:10pm-8:40pm Kang, Lei
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5293 005 14060 3 ADVANCED STATISTICAL MODELING MW 10:10am-11:25 Gelman, Andrew
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR5293 006 17405 3 Machine Learn in Finance T 6:10pm-8:40pm Lee, Jeonghoe
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT MA & MAFN Students only
STAT GR5398 001 14061 0-3 MA MENTORED RESEARCH Alemayehu, Demissie
L INDEPEND Statistics
Note: STAT MA Students only
STAT GR5399 001 14062 1 Statistical Fieldwork Alemayehu, Demissie
L FIELD WO Statistics
Note: STAT MA Students only
STAT GR5700 001 18993 0 Statistics - Grad Recitat M 1:10pm-2:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT GR5700 002 18994 0 Statistics - Grad Recitat T 12:10pm-1:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT GR5700 003 18995 0 Statistics - Grad Recitat W 5:10pm-6:00pm
L RECITATI Statistics
STAT GR5703 001 14063 3 STAT INFERENCE & MODELING TR 5:40pm-6:55pm Marchev, Dobrin
L LECTURE Statistics
STAT GR6102 001 14064 4 APPLIED STATISTICS II MW 10:10am-11:25 Gu, Yuqi
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT PhD students only
STAT GR6104 001 14065 4 COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS T 2:10pm-4:00pm Paninski, Liam M
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: PhD students in Statistics
STAT GR6105 001 14066 3 Statistical Consulting M 9:10am-11:40am Zheng, Tian
L LECTURE Statistics Datta, Ashley
Note: MA & PhD students in Statistics only
STAT GR6202 001 14067 4 STATISTICL INFERENCE THEO MW 2:40pm-3:55pm Rush, Cynthia
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT PhD students only
STAT GR6302 001 14068 4 PROBABILITY THEORY II TR 10:10am-11:25 Nutz, Marcel F
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: STAT PhD students only
STAT GR8101 001 14069 3 Interpretable ML M 10:10am-12:00p Harshaw, Christopher
L LECTURE Statistics
Note: PhD students only
STAT GR8301 001 17400 3 TOPICS IN PROBABILITY THE T 10:10am-12:00p Davis, Richard
L COLLOQUI Statistics
Note: STAT PhD students only
STAT GR9201 001 14070 3 SEM-THEORETICAL STATISTIC M 4:10pm-5:25pm Gu, Yuqi
L SEMINAR Statistics Dumitrascu, Bianca
Note: PhD students only
STAT GR9301 001 14071 3 SEMINAR PROBABILITY THEOR F 11:40am-12:55p Corwin, Ivan
L SEMINAR Statistics
Note: STAT PhD students only
STAT GR9302 001 14072 1 SEMINAR IN APPLIED PROB & R 1:10pm-2:25pm Zhong, Chenyang
L SEMINAR Statistics Mukherjee, Sumit
Note: PhD students only
STAT GR9303 001 14073 3 Seminar in Mathematical Financ R 4:10pm-5:25pm Protter, Philip
L SEMINAR Statistics Nutz, Marcel F
Note: PhD students only
L Code |
L |
Limited Enrollment |
Course Approval Codes |
D-I |
Department and Instructor |
Department |
I-D |
Instructor and Department |
Instructor |
Day Codes |
M |
Monday |
T |
Tuesday |
W |
Wednesday |
R |
Thursday |
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Friday |
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Saturday |
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Sunday |