Department Listing: Sports Management Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

SPRT PS5105 001  13485        3  NEGOTIATION & DISPUTE RES       MTWRF 9:00am-5:0  308A Lewisohn Hall   Rosner, Scott
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: SPORTS ONLY. IN-PERSON, BLOCK WEEK MEETS JAN 13 - 17.
SPRT PS5150 001  13486        3  BUSI OF PROF SPORTS LEAGU       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   401 Chandler         Litvin, Joel
                 L      SEMINAR  Sports Management                                                      Ostfield, Alan
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5220 001  13487        3  FOUNDATIONS OF SPORTS MGM       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Holmgren, Laurajean
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5240 001  13488        3  BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN SPRTS  M 6:10pm-8:00pm   707 Hamilton Hall    Burkhardt, Kyle
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      Lewis, Scott
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5240 002  13489        3  BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN SPRTS  W 6:10pm-8:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Rutner, Jordan
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5320 D01  13490        3  SOCCER ANALYTICS                M 8:10pm-10:00pm  ONLINE ONLY          Goldberg, Sam
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: Online. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5331 001  13491        3  SPORTS ENTREPRENEURSHIP         T 6:10pm-8:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Son, Grant J
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5350 001  13492        3  FUNDAMENTALS OF SPORTS AN       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   511 Hamilton Hall    Levy, Joanna
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      Mulholland, Jason J
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5360 001  13493        3  SPORT ACCOUNTING & FINANC       T 6:10pm-8:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Coles, Destinee
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5390 001  13494        3  SPORTS REVENUES STRATEGIE       R 6:10pm-8:00pm   327 Seeley W. Mudd   Glassman Chrein, Ishwara
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: IN-PERSON. SPRT ONLY.
SPRT PS5410 001  13498        3  LDRSHP & PERS MGMT IN SPR       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   325 Pupin Laborator  Wittenberg, Mary
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      Maged, Danielle
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5410 002  13497        3  LDRSHP & PERS MGMT IN SPR       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   511 Hamilton Hall    Taylor, Gregory B
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5410 003  13496        3  LEADERSHIP IN SPORTS MANA       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Scott, Mary
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5410 004  13495        3  LEADERSHIP IN SPORTS MANA       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   142 Uris Hall        Elmore, Leonard
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only
SPRT PS5460 001  13499        3  SPORTS LAW AND ETHICS           W 6:10pm-8:00pm   303 Hamilton Hall    Varriale, Carla
                 L      SEMINAR  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5550 001  13500        3  SPORTS SPONSORSHIP & SALE       M 6:10pm-8:00pm   214 Pupin Laborator  Neuman, Michael
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. Location TBD. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5580 001  13501        3  DIGITAL SPORTS MEDIA & MA       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   401 Chandler         Richardson, Tom
                 L      LECTURE  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5980 001  13502        3  SUPERVISED INTERSHIP IN S                                              Carroll, Kelly
                 L     INTERNSH  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: Advisor approval needed.
SPRT PS5990 001  13505        3  SUPERVISED PROJ IN SPORTS       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Son, Grant J
                 L      SEMINAR  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: NFL: JOIN WAITLIST & SEND RESUME TO PROF. GRANT SON.
SPRT PS5990 002  13504        3  NFL SOCL JUSTC IMPACT PRACTICE  W 12:10pm-2:00pm  212D Lewisohn Hall   Elmore, Leonard
                 L      SEMINAR  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: In-Person. SPRT Only.
SPRT PS5990 003  13503        3  SUPERVISED PROJ IN SPORTS       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   212D Lewisohn Hall   Elmore, Leonard
                 L      SEMINAR  Sports Management                                                      
                            Note: NBPA Supervised Research Project. Sports Only.
SPRT PS5995 D01  16846        3  Internship in SPRT                                                     Iaria, Sabrina
                 L     INTERNSH  Sports Management                                                      
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday