Department Listing: Pre-College Programs (SHSP) Courses in the Spring 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

WRIT PS0103 D01  12010        0  Columbia Writing Academy        MTR 7:00pm-8:15p  ONLINE ONLY          Garfinkel, Sarah
                 L      LECTURE  Writing                                                                Sommers, Nancy
BIGD PS0104 D01  11450        0  Big Data & Machine Learni       U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          McQuillan, Elizabeth
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Big Data, Ma                                         
DOCT PS0104 D01  11448        0  Medicine as a Career Choi       U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Seidenfeld, Marjorie
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Medical Care                                         
EESJ PS0104 D01  11444        0  Econ, Entrep. & Social Ju       U 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Ungar, Ciara
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Economic, En                                         
ENGI PS0104 D01  11442        0  Introduction to Engineeri       S 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Issa, Zahraa
                 L      LECTURE  Engineering                                                            
IFIN PS0104 D01  11437        0  Intro to Finance & Invest       U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Cantwell, Matthew S
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Introduction                                         
LRRW PS0104 D01  11794        0  Thinking Like a Lawyer          U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Alevas, Susan
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Legal Resoni                                         
MATS PS0104 D01  11446        0  Math Modeling and Statist       U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Ciulla, Frank A
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics: Statistics                                                
NESC PS0104 D01  11447        0  Neuroscience - Psych Diso       U 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Khandaker, Hameda
                 L      LECTURE  Neuroscience (NESC)                                                    
NURO PS0104 D01  11439        0  Intro to Neuroscience: Br       S 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Myers, Timothy
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Introduction                                         
NURO PS0104 D02  11440        0  Intro to Neuroscience: Br       S 8:00pm-10:00pm  ONLINE ONLY          Santiago, Nicholas
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Introduction                                         
ORGN PS0104 D01  11445        0  Organic Chemistry               U 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Ciulla, Frank A
                 L      LECTURE  ORGANIC                                                                
PSYC PS0104 D01  11441        0  Social Psychology               U 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Hartley, Starlett R
                 L      LECTURE  Psychology                                                             
CREA PS0108 D01  13122        0  Creative Writing Multi-Ge       U 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Palmer, Laura J
                 L     WORKSHOP  Creative Writing                                                       
IPTH PS0114 D01  11443        0  Intro to Programming: Pyt       S 10:00am-12:00p  ONLINE ONLY          Wang, Jeremy
                 L      LECTURE  Pre-College Prog: Programming                                          Sibanda, Leroy
BIOS PS0301 D01  11435        0  Molecular Biology of Medi       F 8:00pm-10:00pm  ONLINE ONLY          Lail, Meena
                 L      LECTURE  Biology (BIOS)                                                         
BIOS PS0301 D02  11436        0  Molecular Biology of Medi       S 1:00pm-3:00pm   ONLINE ONLY          Pringle, Lashon
                 L      LECTURE  Biology (BIOS)                                                         
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday