Department Listing: Rehabilitation Medicine (RMED) Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

OCCT M6103  081  18331        3  NEUROSCIENCE                                                           Winterbottom, Lauren B
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6105  081  18761      1-2  SERVICE LEARNING & CONSUL                                              Hamed, Razan
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6120  081  18332        0  COLUMBIA COMMONS                                                       Simon, Phyllis R
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6120  082  20647        0  COLUMBIA COMMONS                                                       Winterbottom, Lauren B
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6506  081  18333        2  LEAD I                                                                 Banks, Tyra M
                        SEMINAR  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6520  081  18334        3  CLINICAL CONDITIONS II                                                 Urban, Michael
                         CLINIC  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6553  081  18335        3  AOP ADULTS I                                                           Precin, Patricia
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6572  081  18336        2  RSCH II                                                                Hamed, Razan
                       PRACTICA  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6653  082  17610        0  LEVEL II FIELDWRK A                                                    Simon, Phyllis R
                       PRACTICA  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6670  081  18337        1  Assessment and Evaluation                                              Holland, Cristin
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M6671  081  18338        1  DEI and Professional Skil                                              Hamed, Razan
                        SEMINAR  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  083  17628        1  Case Based Application                                                 Maher, Colleen M
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  084  17629        1  Case Based Application                                                 Simon, Phyllis R
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  085  17630        1  Case Based Application                                                 Hamed, Razan
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  086  17631        1  Case Based Application                                                 Banks, Tyra M
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  087  17632        1  Case Based Application                                                 Dimitropoulou, Katherine
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  088  17633        1  Case Based Application                                                 Urban, Michael
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  089  17634        1  Case Based Application                                                 Guzman, Julia
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  090  17635        1  Case Based Application                                                 Geller, Daniel L
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8106  091  17636        1  Case Based Application                                                 Gillen, Glen
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8113  083  17637        1  WRITING FOR PUBLICATION                                                Mahoney, Danielle J
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8113  084  17638        1  WRITING FOR PUBLICATION                                                Mendonca, Rochelle
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8505  083  17639        4  Cognitive Basis of Functi                                              Geller, Daniel L
                       TUTORIAL  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8550  083  17640        2  ETHICS AND OCCUPATIONAL J                                              Falk-Kessler, Janet
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8565  083  17641        3  MEASUREMENT                                                            Holland, Cristin
                        LECTURE  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  083  17650        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Simon, Phyllis R
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  084  17642        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Mahoney, Danielle J
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  085  17643        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Hamed, Razan
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  086  17644        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Banks, Tyra M
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  087  17645        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Dimitropoulou, Katherine
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  088  17646        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Urban, Michael
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  089  17647        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Guzman, Julia
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  090  17648        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Geller, Daniel L
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  091  17649        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Gillen, Glen
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
OCCT M8994  092  18270        3  Capstone Two Evidence Bas                                              Mendonca, Rochelle
                       INDEPEND  Occupational Therapy                                                   
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday