Department Listing: Public Health Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

EXRS P0001  001  16061        0  EXTENDED RESIDENCE FLAT R                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  Extended Residence                                                     
RESI P0001  001  16221        0  1-RESIDENCE UNIT-PUBLIC H                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  Residence Unit                                                         
RSRH P0001  001  16223        0  DOCTORAL CONTINUOUS REGIS                                              Correa, Carlos
                 L     INDEPEND  Research                                                               
EXRS P0002  001  16062        0  PROGRAM EXTENSION                                                      
                 L     RESIDENC  Extended Residence                                                     
RESI P0002  001  16222        0  1/2-PH RESIDENCE UNIT                                                  
                 L     INDEPEND  Residence Unit                                                         
RSRH P0002  001  16224        0  DOCTORAL RESEARCH REGISTR                                              Correa, Carlos
                 L     INDEPEND  Research                                                               
PUBH P0003  001  16167        0  MASTERS F/T EXTENDED RESI                                              
                 L     PRACTICA  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
RSRH P0003  001  16225        0  DOCTORAL RESEARCH REGISTR                                              Correa, Carlos
                 L     INDEPEND  Research                                                               
MTFC G0004  001  18922        0  P/T MATRICULATION-HLTH SC                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  Matriculation and Facilities                                           
PUBH P0004  001  16168        0  MASTERS  P/T EXTENDED RES                                              
                 L     PRACTICA  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
RSRH P0004  001  16226        0  DOCTORAL RESEARCH REGISTR                                              Correa, Carlos
                 L     INDEPEND  Research                                                               
PUBH P6073  D01  16193      1.5  INTEGRAT OF SCI & PRACT I       W 6:40pm-8:00pm   To be announced      Delva, Marlyn M
                 L      LECTURE  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
                            Note: Wednesday, 2/24 ISP will meet from 5:30-6:50pm instead
PUBH P6082  D01  16215      1.5  LEADERSHIP IN PUBLIC HEAL       R 6:40pm-7:40pm   To be announced      Butts, Heather M
                 L      LECTURE  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
PUBH P6083  001  16216        3  FOOD SYST & HLTH OF THE P       F 1:00pm-3:50pm   LL201 Armand Hammer  Paxton, Anne
                 L      LECTURE  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
PUBH P8087  D01  16217      0.5  PH Practice Seminar II          F 11:30am-1:00pm  To be announced      Krasna, Heather
                 L      SEMINAR  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
                            Note: Meets on select dates: 4/4, 4/11, 4/25, and 5/25
PUBH P9040  001  16218      1.5  Sem in Manag & Organiz Be       R 5:30pm-8:20pm   440 ROSENFIELD B     Rosenthal, David
                 L      SEMINAR  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
PUBH P9050  001  16219      1.5  Sem in Strategic Manageme       R 6:00pm-8:20pm   To be announced      McHugh, John
                 L      SEMINAR  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
PUBH P9060  001  16220      1.5  ESSENTIALS TEACHING AND C       T 5:30pm-8:20pm   HESS ROSENFIELD B    Hooper, Leah
                 L      SEMINAR  Public Health (PUBH)                                                   
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday