Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
POLS UN1201 001 13392 4 INTRO TO AMERICAN POLITIC MW 8:40am-9:55am 207 Mathematics Bui Pomirchy, Michael
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN1211
POLS UN1211 001 13438 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D R 3:10pm-4:00pm 609 Lewisohn Hall Kim, Allen J
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 002 17555 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D R 4:10pm-5:00pm 609 Lewisohn Hall Kim, Allen J
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 003 17556 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D F 12:10pm-1:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall Frederick, Samuel D
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 004 17557 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D F 1:10pm-2:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall Frederick, Samuel D
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 005 17558 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D M 5:10pm-6:00pm 610 Lewisohn Hall Liu, Muzhi
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 006 17559 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D R 12:10pm-1:00pm 606 Lewisohn Hall Loewer, Milan K
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 007 17560 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D W 4:10pm-5:00pm 315 Hamilton Hall Liu, Patrick P
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 008 17561 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D W 3:10pm-4:00pm 315 Hamilton Hall Liu, Patrick P
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 009 17562 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D R 1:10pm-2:00pm 402 Hamilton Hall Loewer, Milan K
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1211 010 17563 0 INTRO-AMERICAN POLITICS-D F 11:10am-12:00p 408A Philosophy Hal Liu, Muzhi
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1501 001 13344 4 INTRO TO COMPARATIVE POLI TR 8:40am-9:55am 207 Mathematics Bui McClelland, Benjamin P
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN1511
POLS UN1511 001 13439 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS T 4:10pm-5:00pm 610 Lewisohn Hall Riaz, Zara
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 002 17564 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS T 3:10pm-4:00pm 423 Kent Hall Vilalta, David
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 003 17565 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS W 9:10am-10:00am 327 Uris Hall Tirumala, Indira
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 004 17566 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS T 5:10pm-6:00pm 610 Lewisohn Hall Riaz, Zara
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 005 17567 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS T 4:10pm-5:00pm 423 Kent Hall Vilalta, David
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 006 17569 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS W 10:10am-11:00a 327 Uris Hall Tirumala, Indira
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 007 17570 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS R 11:10am-12:00p 825 Seeley W. Mudd Atara, Omeet
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 008 17571 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS R 12:10pm-1:00pm 825 Seeley W. Mudd Atara, Omeet
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 009 17572 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS R 11:10am-12:00p C01 80 Claremont Av Kang, Haejo
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1511 010 17573 0 INTRO-COMPARATIVE POLITCS R 12:10pm-1:00pm C01 80 Claremont Av Kang, Haejo
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1601 001 13377 4 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS TR 6:10pm-7:25pm 301 Uris Hall Schlesinger, Jayme R
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN1611
POLS UN1611 001 13440 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI T 5:10pm-6:00pm 327 Uris Hall Garner, Anna L
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 002 17575 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 11:10am-12:00p 201B Philosophy Hal Riaz, Beenish
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 003 17577 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI M 1:10pm-2:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall de Dreuzy, Pierre
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 004 17578 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 9:10am-10:00am 522B Kent Hall Niangar, Dany L
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 005 17579 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI T 4:10pm-5:00pm 327 Uris Hall Garner, Anna L
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 006 17580 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 12:10pm-1:00pm 201B Philosophy Hal Riaz, Beenish
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 007 17582 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI W 4:10pm-5:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall de Dreuzy, Pierre
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 008 17583 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 10:10am-11:00a 522B Kent Hall Niangar, Dany L
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 009 17584 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI R 10:10am-11:00a 415 Schapiro [SCEP] Torres Gonzalez, Ana A
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 010 17585 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI R 11:10am-12:00p 415 Schapiro [SCEP] Torres Gonzalez, Ana A
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 011 17587 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 10:10am-11:00a 608 Lewisohn Hall Griggs, Elden
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 012 17588 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI F 11:10am-12:00p 608 Lewisohn Hall Griggs, Elden
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 013 20181 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI T 11:10am-12:00p 308A Lewisohn Hall Kertzscher Erlandsson, Emma A
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 014 20182 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI W 3:10pm-4:00pm 608 Lewisohn Hall Kertzscher Erlandsson, Emma A
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 015 20588 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI M 11:10am-12:00p 511 Hamilton Hall Petrovskaya, Hellen
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN1611 016 20589 0 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS-DI W 11:10am-12:00p 511 Hamilton Hall Petrovskaya, Hellen
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3100 001 13367 3 JUSTICE MW 2:40pm-3:55pm CIN ALFRED LERNE Johnston, David C
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3210 001 13393 3 JUDICIAL POLITICS TR 10:10am-11:25 413 Kent Hall Lax, Jeffrey R
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3213 001 13394 3 AMERICAN URBAN POLITICS MW 6:10pm-7:25pm 329 Pupin Laborator Vargas-Ramos, Carlos
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3225 001 13395 4 AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL HISTOR TR 1:10pm-2:25pm 616 Hamilton Hall Tortoriello, Robert L
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist. Co-re
POLS UN3226 001 13397 0 AMERICAN CONST'L HISTORY- R 11:10am-12:00p 401 Chandler Tortoriello, Robert L
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3528 001 13398 3 NEW/OLD FORMS OF POL PROTEST TR 8:40am-9:55am 307 Uris Hall Superti, Chiara
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3619 001 13399 3 NAT'L & CONTEMP WORLD POL MW 10:10am-11:25 413 Kent Hall Snyder, Jack L
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3622 001 17624 3 Ethnic Conflict MW 1:10pm-2:25pm 829 Seeley W. Mudd Dorjee, Tenzin
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS UN3692 001 13400 3 Business & Politics Globa TR 10:10am-11:25 303 Uris Hall Thrall, Calvin N
L LECTURE Political Science
PSAM UN3707 001 17626 3 Persuasion at Scale MW 11:40am-12:55 313 Fayerweather Kim, Eunji
L LECTURE Political Science & Applied Ph wiggins, chris
POLS UN3720 001 13401 4 RESEARCH DESIGN: SCOPE&ME TR 4:10pm-5:25pm 326 Uris Hall Aydogan, Abdullah
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN3722
POLS UN3722 001 13691 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC R 6:10pm-7:00pm 305 Uris Hall Yoon, Heewon
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3722 002 18033 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC F 10:10am-11:00a 511 Kent Hall Bernal Uribe, Carolina
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3722 003 18034 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC R 7:10pm-8:00pm 305 Uris Hall Yoon, Heewon
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3722 004 18035 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC F 11:10am-12:00p 411 Kent Hall Bernal Uribe, Carolina
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3722 005 18036 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC F 12:10pm-1:00pm 201D Philosophy Hal Fan, Lisa
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3722 006 18037 0 SCOPE AND METHODS - DISC F 1:10pm-2:00pm 201D Philosophy Hal Fan, Lisa
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3871 001 17730 4 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS TR 2:40pm-3:55pm CIN ALFRED LERNE Christensen, Thomas J
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS UN3872
POLS UN3872 001 17731 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS R 5:10pm-6:00pm 423 Kent Hall Wei, Hanying
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 002 17732 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS F 10:10am-11:00a 212A Lewisohn Hall Zhang, Yujin
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 003 17733 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS T 12:10pm-1:00pm 607 Lewisohn Hall Gracheva, Aleksandra
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 004 17734 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS T 5:10pm-6:00pm 423 Kent Hall Wei, Hanying
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 005 17735 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS F 11:10am-12:00p 212A Lewisohn Hall Zhang, Yujin
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 006 17736 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS T 1:10pm-2:00pm 607 Lewisohn Hall Gracheva, Aleksandra
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 007 20183 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS T 10:10am-11:00a 116 Knox Hall Finlayson, Rachel
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3872 008 20184 0 CHINA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS R 12:10pm-1:00pm 609 Lewisohn Hall Finlayson, Rachel
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS UN3902 001 18339 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II McCall, Andrew J
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 002 20210 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Nathan, Andrew J
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 003 20212 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Snyder, Jack L
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 004 20266 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Frieden, Jeffry A
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 005 20525 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Johnston, David C
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 006 20646 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Jiang, Junyan
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 007 20775 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Harcourt, Bernard E
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3902 008 20813 1-6 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH II Lu, Xiaobo
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS UN3911 001 13402 4 NONVIOLENCE M 4:10pm-6:00pm 711 International A Mantena, Karuna
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3911 002 13403 4 Liberalism Comm & Culture T 2:10pm-4:00pm 201 80 Claremont Av Choi, Yujin
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 002 13511 4 THE FIRST AMENDMENT T 6:10pm-8:00pm 317 Hamilton Hall Amdur, Robert L
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 003 13512 4 TOPICS IN AMERICAN DEMOCRACY M 10:10am-12:00p 317 Hamilton Hall Mitchell, Lincoln A
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 004 13513 4 POLITICS OF POLICYMAKING M 12:10pm-2:00pm 711 International A Russell, Judith
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 005 13514 4 POLITICS&POLICY:STATELOCAL GO W 6:10pm-8:00pm 711 International A Bushell, Gerrard P
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 006 13516 4 AMERICAN PUBLIC OPINION M 2:10pm-4:00pm 711 International A Kim, Eunji
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 007 13519 4 SEXUALITY & CITIZENSHIP IN US T 4:10pm-6:00pm 711 International A Phillips, Justin H
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3921 008 13521 4 20TH CENT AFR-AM POLIT THOUGHT R 12:10pm-2:00pm 711 International A Harris, Fredrick
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3951 001 13404 4 VOTING WITHOUT BORDERS T 10:10am-12:00p 711 International A Superti, Chiara
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3951 002 13405 4 INFORMATION MEDIA POL BEHAV W 10:10am-12:00p 711 International A Marshall, John
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 001 13406 4 Trade, Migration, Climate R 2:10pm-4:00pm 1302 International Gaikwad, Nikhar
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 002 13407 4 The Politics of War W 2:10pm-4:00pm 1302 International Saunders, Elizabeth N
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 003 13408 4 ADVANCES IN IPE R 12:10pm-2:00pm 301M Fayerweather Sahakyan, Davit
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 004 13409 4 Deterrence and Bargaining T 10:10am-12:00p 1302 International Solimena, Paola
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 005 13410 4 US & INT'L POLITICAL ECONOMY R 10:10am-12:00p 401 Hamilton Hall Spiro, David E
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 006 13411 4 INT'L CRISES SINCE COLD WAR M 8:10am-10:00am 1102 International Pam, Jeremiah S
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 007 13412 4 COERCION AND WORLD POLITICS T 12:10pm-2:00pm 401 Hamilton Hall Daly, Sarah
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3961 008 15063 4 INTERNATIONAL LAW W 12:10pm-2:00pm 401 Hamilton Hall Krasno, Jean
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS UN3999 001 13413 4 HONORS SEMINAR M 10:10am-12:00p 711 International A Huber, John
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GU4134 001 13414 4 MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT MW 10:10am-11:25 304 Hamilton Hall Urbinati, Nadia
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GU4135 001 17608 0 MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT- W 12:10pm-1:00pm 602 Lewisohn Hall Maniar, Kaarish K
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4135 002 17609 0 MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT- R 4:10pm-5:00pm 316 Hamilton Hall Maniar, Kaarish K
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4240 001 13415 4 GREAT BOOKS ON RACEPOLITSOC T 12:10pm-2:00pm 711 International A Harris, Fredrick
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GU4242 001 17619 3 Polit Economy Public Sect MW 4:10pm-5:25pm 603 Hamilton Hall Ting, Michael
L LECTURE Political Science
POLS GU4423 001 13416 4 ELITES & INSTITUTIONS TR 2:40pm-3:55pm 328 Uris Hall Marshall, John
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GU4712 001 13417 4 PRINC OF QUANT POL RESEAR TR 10:10am-11:25 520 Mathematics Bui Goodrich, Benjamin K
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4713
POLS GU4713 001 13418 0 PRINC OF QUANT POL RES 2- T 12:10pm-1:00pm C01 80 Claremont Av Christensen, Aaron J
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4722 001 13419 4 QUANT METH 2 STAT THEO&CA TR 4:10pm-5:25pm 304 Hamilton Hall Egami, Naoki
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4723
POLS GU4723 001 13420 0 QUANT METH 2-DISC F 1:10pm-2:00pm C01 Knox Hall Zhou, Yinghui
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4726 001 13421 4 QUANT METH 4 TOPICS IN ME MW 10:10am-11:25 903 School of Socia Gelman, Andrew
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4727
POLS GU4727 001 13422 0 QUANTITATIVE METH 4 DISCU W 6:10pm-7:00pm 520 Mathematics Bui Burson, Manu S
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4730 001 13423 4 GAME THEORY & POLIT THEOR MW 4:10pm-6:00pm 602 Northwest Corne Huber, John
L LECTURE Political Science
Note: Co-requisite: POLS GU4731
POLS GU4731 001 13424 0 GAME THEORY & POL THEORY-DISC F 2:10pm-3:00pm 302 Fayerweather Kadi, Sirine S
L DISCUSSI Political Science
POLS GU4762 001 14557 4 POLITICS IN THE LAB T 10:10am-12:00p 407 Mathematics Bui Casella, Alessandra
L SEMINAR Political Science
SOCI GU4801 001 11483 4 Israel and the Palestinia M 2:10pm-4:00pm 317 Hamilton Hall Cohen, Yinon
Note: Join waitlist & see SSOL instructions
POLS GR6210 001 13425 4 ISSUES & DEBATES-AMER POL R 2:10pm-4:00pm 711 International A Lax, Jeffrey R
L COLLOQUI Political Science Katznelson, Ira
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR6412 001 13426 4 COMPARATV POLITICS SURVEY W 2:10pm-4:00pm 711 International A Frye, Timothy M
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8102 001 13427 4 ANTICOL & POSTCOL POL THO R 10:10am-12:00p 711 International A Mantena, Karuna
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8151 001 14177 4 THEORIES OF JUSTICE W 12:10pm-2:00pm 711 International A Johnston, David C
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration, join electronic waitlist
POLS GR8221 001 13428 4 POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY W 6:10pm-8:00pm 1201 International Green, Donald P
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8260 001 17627 4 Politics and the US Carce M 8:10am-10:00am 711 International A McCall, Andrew J
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8412 001 13429 4 POLIT ECONOMY OF DEVELOPM T 2:10pm-4:00pm 711 International A Jiang, Junyan
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8420 001 13430 4 POL CULTURE PARTICIPTN R 2:10pm-4:00pm 401 Hamilton Hall Nathan, Andrew J
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8466 001 17611 4 Politics of Migration R 6:10pm-8:00pm 711 International A Dipoppa, Gemma
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8472 001 14449 3 COLL-ISSUES IN JAPANESE P T 4:10pm-6:00pm 212A Lewisohn Hall McElwain, Kenneth
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8493 001 13431 4 TOPICS IN COMPARATIVE POL T 6:10pm-8:00pm 711 International A Huber, John
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8711 001 17612 4 Adv Formal Political Theo M 2:10pm-4:00pm 1201 International Prato, Carlo
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8806 001 13432 4 Politics in the World Eco R 10:10am-12:00p 1302 International Carnegie, Allison J
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8832 001 13433 4 THEORIES OF WAR AND PEACE F 10:10am-12:00p 1201 International Levy, Jack
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8836 001 13434 4 INT'L POLITICS CLIMATE CH T 6:10pm-8:00pm 1302 International Fortna, Virginia Page
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8880 001 13435 4 DECISION MAKING & DIPLOMACY M 12:10pm-2:00pm 306 Hamilton Hall Gallarotti, Giulio M
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR8892 001 13436 4 Firms in IPE W 10:10am-12:00p 1302 International Thrall, Calvin N
L COLLOQUI Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
POLS GR9010 001 18535 1-6 SPECIAL RESEARCH COURSE Feldman, Nathan H
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS GR9010 002 18959 1-6 SPECIAL RESEARCH COURSE Snyder, Jack L
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS GR9010 003 20391 1-6 SPECIAL RESEARCH COURSE Thrall, Calvin N
L INDEPEND Political Science
POLS GR9902 001 13437 4 DISSERTATION SEMINAR F 2:40pm-4:30pm 711 International A Hirano, Shigeo
L SEMINAR Political Science
Note: No direct registration; students should join waitlist.
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