Department Listing: Physical Therapy Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

PHYT M8004  082  19016        1  Clin Ed Sem II                                                         Stewart, Mahlon K
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Struble-Fitzsimmons, Danielle
PHYT M8007  083  19018        1  Clin Ed Sem IV                                                         Stewart, Mahlon K
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Struble-Fitzsimmons, Danielle
PHYT M8100  081  19019        7  Gross Anatomy                                                          Kinirons, Stacy
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Evander, Robert L
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8115  081  19021        2  Applied Physiology                                                     Elsarafy, Lobna
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8125  081  19022        4  Kinesiology & Biomechanic                                              Said, Rami
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Wing, Fu
PHYT M8211  081  19023        2  Prof Leadership & Prac I                                               Abbruzzese, Laurel D
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8217  083  19024        2  Professional Leadership I                                              Rock, Shanna M
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8301  081  19025        3  Examination & Evaluation                                               Struble-Fitzsimmons, Danielle
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Said, Rami
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8557  082  19026        1  PT Mgmt of the Running At                                              Brough, Colleen
                 L     LABORATO  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8557  083  19027        1  PT Mgmt of the Running At                                              Brough, Colleen
                 L     LABORATO  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8601  082  19029        3  PT Mgmt Cardiopulmonary C                                              Stavrolakes, Kim
                 L     HYBRID O  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8602  083  19030        2  PT Mgmt Cardiopulm Cond I                                              Stavrolakes, Kim
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8612  082  19031        3  PT MGMT ORTHO CONDITIONS                                               Brough, Colleen
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8620  082  19033        3  PT Mgmt of Neuro Cond I                                                Elsarafy, Lobna
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Gevertzman, Michael A
PHYT M8636  082  19036        2  Orthotics                                                              Rock, Shanna M
                 L     HYBRID O  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8704  081  19037        2  Evidence Based Practice I                                              Wing, Fu
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8800  083  19038        1  Medical Spanish                                                        Esteban Gonzalez, Ana I
                 L     ONLINE C  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8812  083  19039        1  Vestibular Rehabilitation                                              Elsarafy, Lobna
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Gevertzman, Michael A
PHYT M8815  083  19040        2  Pelvic Health Rehabilitat                                              Hamnett, Claire M
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8825  083  19041        1  Sports Rehabilitation                                                  Gross, Karlie J
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Said, Rami
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8830  083  19042        1  Hand, Wrist & Elbow Rehab                                              Kinirons, Stacy
                 L       CLINIC  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8832  083  19043        1  Foot & Ankle Rehabilitati                                              Gross, Karlie J
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8833  083  19044        2  Cervicogenic Pain & TMJ                                                Mannheimer, Jeffrey
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8835  083  19045        2  PT Mgmt Performing Artist                                              Timmerberg, Jean
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       
PHYT M8843  083  19046        1  Teaching Practicum Lab                                                 Kinirons, Stacy
                 L     LABORATO  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8845  083  19047        1  Teaching Practicum Lectur                                              Kinirons, Stacy
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       
PHYT M8847  083  19049        1  Teaching Practicum Small                                               Kinirons, Stacy
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Said, Rami
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Brough, Colleen
PHYT M8853  082  19050        1  RESEARCH PRACTICUM I                                                   Montes, Jacqueline
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8855  083  19052        1  Research Practicum III                                                 Montes, Jacqueline
                 L     RESEARCH  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8860  006  20909      0-1  Independent Study                                                      Timmerberg, Jean
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       
PHYT M8860  082  19053        0  Independent Study                                                      Timmerberg, Jean
                        SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       
PHYT M8860  083  19054        0  Independent Study                                                      Stewart, Mahlon K
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8861  083  19055        1  Yoga Integrated in PT pra                                              Allen, Trella
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8863  083  19056        1  Diagnostic Imaging                                                     Timmerberg, Jean
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Johnson, Michael
PHYT M8864  082  19057        1  CancerFIT                                                              Brough, Colleen
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8864  083  19058        1  CancerFIT                                                              Brough, Colleen
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M8901  082  19059        0  First Clin Ed Exp                                                      Stewart, Mahlon K
                 L       CLINIC  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Struble-Fitzsimmons, Danielle
PHYT M9005  083  19060        1  Topics in Cardiopulm Reha                                              Timmerberg, Jean
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Stavrolakes, Kim
PHYT M9015  083  19061        4  Advanced Seminar in Ortho                                              Wong, Christopher K
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Said, Rami
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M9025  083  19062        4  Adv Sem Adult Neurorehab                                               Elsarafy, Lobna
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Gevertzman, Michael A
PHYT M9035  083  19063        4  Advanced Seminar in Pedia                                              Yoon, Lisa H
                 L      SEMINAR  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
                                                                                                        Sawade, Samantha A
PHYT M9041  083  19064        1  Complex Medical Condition                                              Wing, Fu
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M9072  083  19241        2  Medical Screening III                                                  Johnson, Michael
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT M9800  083  19073        1  Physical Therapy Doctoral                                              Rao, Ashwini
                 L     ONLINE C  Physical Therapy                                                       Montes, Jacqueline
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
PHYT N9801  084  19071        3  Found Mvmt Science Resear                                              Montes, Jacqueline
                 L      LECTURE  Physical Therapy                                                       Rao, Ashwini
                                                                                                        Timmerberg, Jean
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday