Department Listing: Music Courses in the Fall 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

MUSI UN1002 001  10764        3  FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC           MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  814 Dodge Hall       
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN1350 001  10765        1  Introduction to Musicians       MW 12:05pm-12:55  404 Dodge Hall       
                 L     LABORATO  Music                                                                  
MPP_ UN1401 001  10679        1  BASSOON INSTRUCTION                                                    Timmerman, Mark
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1403 001  10714        1  CELLO INSTRUCTION                                                      Bailen, Eliot
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1403 003  10715        1  CELLO INSTRUCTION                                                      Jee, Patrick
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1403 004  10716        1  CELLO INSTRUCTION                                                      Wilson, James H
                 L       STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1405 001  10717        1  CLARINET INSTRUCTION                                                   Blustine, Allen M
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1409 001  10718        1  FLUTE INSTRUCTION                                                      Kahn, Sue Anne
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1409 002  10719        1  FLUTE INSTRUCTION                                                      Palma-Nidel, Susan
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1409 003  10720        1  FLUTE INSTRUCTION                                                      Rotholz, Susan
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1411 001  10721        1  FRENCH HORN INSTRUCTION                                                Gemeinhardt, Brad
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1413 001  11011        1  GUITAR (BLUEGRASS) INSTRUCTION                                         Kerr, James L
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1414 001  10722        1  Guitar (Pop-Cont) Instruc                                              Moore, James E
                 L       STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1417 001  10723        1  HARP INSTRUCTION                                                       Han, June
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1419 001  10724        1  OBOE INSTRUCTION                                                       Bodner, Vicki
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1421 001  10727        1  ORGAN INSTRUCTION                                                      Maki, Paul Martin
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1423 001  10728        1  PERCUSSION INSTRUCTION                                                 Sullivan, Ian
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1425 001  11013        1  PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                      Skelly, Michael
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Interviews - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1425 002  11014        1  PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                      Alexeev, Dmitry
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Interviews - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1425 003  11015        1  PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                      Uchida, Reiko
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Interviews - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1425 004  11016        1  PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                      Lekic, Mirna
                 L       STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Interviews - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1425 005  11017        1  PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                      Tagg, Kathleen
                 L       STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Interviews - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1427 001  10729        1  STRING BASS INSTRUCTION                                                Kosma, Lou
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1431 001  10730        1  TRUMPET INSTRUCTION                                                    Krauss, David
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1435 001  10956        1  VIOLA INSTRUCTION                                                      Adams, Sarah
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1437 001  10957        1  VIOLIN INSTRUCTION                                                     Beroukhim, Cyrus S
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1437 002  11010        1  VIOLIN INSTRUCTION                                                     Cerar, Maja S
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1437 004  11020        1  VIOLIN INSTRUCTION                                                     Kim, Lisa G
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1437 005  11021        1  VIOLIN INSTRUCTION                                                     Otani, Muneko
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1437 006  11022        1  VIOLIN INSTRUCTION                                                     Rood, Richard W
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1443 002  11061        1  JAZZ BASS INSTRUCTION                                                  Okegwo, Ugonna
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1445 001  11062        1  JAZZ BASS (ELECTRIC) INSTRUCTI                                         Traversa, Leo
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1447 001  11063        1  JAZZ GUITAR (ELECTRIC) INSTRUC                                         Bollenback, Paul
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1447 002  11064        1  JAZZ GUITAR (ELECTRIC) IN                                              Traversa, Leo
                 L       STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1451 002  11066        1  JAZZ PERCUSSION INSTRUCTI                                              Cherico, Vince
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1453 001  11068        1  JAZZ PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                 Guerrero, Gabriel
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1453 002  11069        1  JAZZ PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                 Lin, Victor J
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1453 004  11070        1  JAZZ PIANO INSTRUCTION                                                 Sung, Helen
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1455 001  11071        1  JAZZ SAXOPHONE INSTRUCTIO                                              Ingrid, Laubrock
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1457 001  11072        1  JAZZ TROMBONE INSTRUCTION                                              Gibson, John David
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1459 001  11073        1  JAZZ TRUMPET INSTRUCTION                                               Sickler, Don
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1461 001  11074        1  JAZZ VOICE INSTRUCTION                                                 Correa, Christine
                 L DEP   STUDIO  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1511 001  10760        1  COLLEGIUM MUSICUM               M 7:30pm-9:30pm   622 Dodge Hall       
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1521 001  10761        2  UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA I          T 6:30pm-9:30pm   To be announced      Milarsky, Jeffrey
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 006  11075        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Adams, Sarah
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 007  11076        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Bailen, Eliot
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 008  11077        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Blustine, Allen M
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 010  11078        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Jee, Patrick
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 011  11079        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Cerar, Maja S
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 014  11080        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Kahn, Sue Anne
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 016  11081        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Otani, Muneko
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 017  11082        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Palma-Nidel, Susan
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 018  11083        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Rood, Richard W
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1531 019  11084        1  CHAMBER ENSEMBLE - CLASSICAL                                           Rotholz, Susan
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1541 001  11085        1  JAZZ ENSEMBLE - VOCAL JAZZ                                             Correa, Christine
                 L DEP REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MPP_ UN1601 001  10763        1  Performance Sem MasterCla       W 4:10pm-5:25pm   622 Dodge Hall       Baczewska, Magdalena
                 L     REHEARSA  Music Performance Program	                                             
                            Note: Auditions Reqd - Fall Only:
MUSI UN2026 001  10770        3  THE SYMPHONY                    MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  622 Dodge Hall       Sisman, Elaine
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2030 001  10772        3  JEWISH MUSIC IN NEW YORK        MW 11:40am-12:55  716 Hamilton Hall    Fruehauf, Tina
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2205 001  10773        3  INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL M       TR 10:10am-11:25  320H Prentis Hall a  
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2205 002  10774        3  INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL M       MW 10:10am-11:25  320H Prentis Hall a  Meadors, Anna
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2230 001  10777        3  History & Practice of Ele       MW 10:10am-11:25  To be announced      Cluett, Seth
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2240 001  10778        3  The Song Within Us: Comp        TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  404 Dodge Hall       Susser, Peter M
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2318 001  10780        3  MUSIC THEORY I                  TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  405 Dodge Hall       Lim, Cheng W
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
                            Note: Entrance exam required; see Department website for details.
MUSI UN2319 001  10781        3  MUSIC THEORY II                 MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  405 Dodge Hall       
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2351 001  10782        1  Musicianship: Rhythm            MW 12:05pm-12:55  405 Dodge Hall       Susser, Peter M
                 L     LABORATO  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2351 002  10783        1  Musicianship: Rhythm            TR 12:05pm-12:55  405 Dodge Hall       
                 L     LABORATO  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2352 001  10785        1  Musicianship: Melody            MW 12:05pm-12:55  814 Dodge Hall       Susser, Peter M
                 L     LABORATO  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN2352 002  10786        1  Musicianship: Melody            TR 12:05pm-12:55  814 Dodge Hall       
                 L     LABORATO  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3239 001  10790        3  Undergraduate Composition       MW 10:10am-11:25  620 Dodge Hall       Di Castri, Zosha
                 L       STUDIO  Music                                                                  
AHMM UN3321 001  10756        3  MUSICS OF INDIA & WEST AS       MW 10:10am-11:25  622 Dodge Hall       Wetmore, Thomas T
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Asian Humanities: Music                                                
AHMM UN3321 002  10757        3  MUSICS OF INDIA & WEST AS       MW 8:40am-9:55am  622 Dodge Hall       Wetmore, Thomas T
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Asian Humanities: Music                                                
AHMM UN3321 003  10758        3  MUSICS OF INDIA & WEST AS       TR 10:10am-11:25  622 Dodge Hall       Banerjee-Datta, Nandini R
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Asian Humanities: Music                                                
AHMM UN3321 004  10759        3  MUSICS OF INDIA & WEST AS       TR 5:40pm-6:55pm  622 Dodge Hall       
                 L      LECTURE  Asian Humanities: Music                                                
MUSI UN3321 001  10787        3  MUSIC THEORY III                MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  622 Dodge Hall       
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3322 001  10788        3  MUSIC THEORY IV                 TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  622 Dodge Hall       Lim, Cheng W
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3400 001  10789        3  TOPICS IN MUSIC & SOCIETY       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  622 Dodge Hall       Fox, Aaron A
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 003  10395      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Di Castri, Zosha
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 004  10396      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Doe, Julia
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 006  10398      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Fellezs, Kevin
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 007  10399      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Fox, Aaron A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 008  10401      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Frisch, Walter M
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 009  10402      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Garton, Bradford G
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 010  10403      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Gerbino, Giuseppe
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 011  10404      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Haas, Georg Friedrich
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 012  10405      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Balter, Marcos
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 013  10406      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Kozak, Mariusz
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 014  10407      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Lewis, George
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 015  10408      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Milarsky, Jeffrey
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 016  10409      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Cluett, Seth
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 017  10410      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Sisman, Elaine
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 018  10411      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Steege, Benjamin A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 019  10412      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Baczewska, Magdalena
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 020  10413      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Susser, Peter M
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 021  10414      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Washburne, Christopher J
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 022  10415      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Abrahamyan, Knar
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3995 023  10416      2-3  HONORS RESEARCH                                                        Opara, Ruth
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 003  10436      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Di Castri, Zosha
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 004  10435      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Doe, Julia
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 006  10434      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Fox, Aaron A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 007  10433      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Fellezs, Kevin
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 008  10432      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Frisch, Walter M
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 009  10431      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Garton, Bradford G
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 010  10430      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Gerbino, Giuseppe
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 011  10429      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Haas, Georg Friedrich
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 012  10428      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Balter, Marcos
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 013  10427      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Kozak, Mariusz
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 014  10426      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Lewis, George
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 015  10425      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Milarsky, Jeffrey
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 016  10424      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Cluett, Seth
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 017  10423      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Sisman, Elaine
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 018  10422      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Steege, Benjamin A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 019  10421      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Baczewska, Magdalena
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 020  10420      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Susser, Peter M
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 021  10419      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Washburne, Christopher J
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 022  10418      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Abrahamyan, Knar
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI UN3998 023  10417      2-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Opara, Ruth
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4157 001  10792        3  LATE STYLE&EARLY ROMANTIC       W 12:10pm-2:00pm  620 Dodge Hall       Sisman, Elaine
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4208 001  10794        3  Music Production & Studio       M 1:10pm-4:00pm   320H Prentis Hall a  
                 L       STUDIO  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4450 001  10795        3  Music and Global Women          M 2:10pm-4:00pm   620 Dodge Hall       Opara, Ruth
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4467 001  10797        4  POST-1965 JAZZ                  W 2:10pm-4:00pm   620 Dodge Hall       Fellezs, Kevin
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4500 001  11012        3  JAZZ TRANSCRIPTION & ANAL       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  814 Dodge Hall       Mathisen, Ole
                 L      LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4525 001  11023        3  INSTRUMENTATION                 TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  814 Dodge Hall       Milarsky, Jeffrey
                 L DEP  LECTURE  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4630 001  11024        3  RECORDED SOUND                  W 1:10pm-4:00pm   317 Prentis Hall at  Adamcyk, David
                 L       STUDIO  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4630 002  11025        3  RECORDED SOUND                  T 11:40am-2:30pm  317 Prentis Hall at  Meadors, Anna
                 L       STUDIO  Music                                                                  
MUSI GU4998 001  10437      1-3  SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT ST                                              Cluett, Seth
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6105 001  11026        3  PROSEMINAR-HISTORICL MUSI       R 12:10pm-2:00pm  620 Dodge Hall       Doe, Julia
                 L     PROSEMIN  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6215 001  11027        3  Analytical Persp in New M       R 10:10am-12:00p  620 Dodge Hall       Balter, Marcos
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6290 001  11028        1  Practicum in Music Compos                                              Balter, Marcos
                 L     INTERNSH  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6300 001  11029        3  TOPICS IN THE HISTORY OF        W 10:10am-12:00p  701A Dodge Hall      Steege, Benjamin A
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6379 001  11030        3  MUSIC SINCE 1900                T 12:10pm-2:00pm  620 Dodge Hall       Lewis, George
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6411 001  11031        3  PROSEMINAR-ETHNOMUSICOLOG       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   701C Dodge Hall      Fellezs, Kevin
                 L     PROSEMIN  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR6610 001  11088        3  SOUND: ADVANCED TOPICS I        W 6:10pm-8:00pm   320H Prentis Hall a  Garton, Bradford G
                 L DEP WORKSHOP  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 003  10440        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Doe, Julia
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 005  10441        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Fellezs, Kevin
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 006  10442        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Fox, Aaron A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 007  10443        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Frisch, Walter M
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 008  10444        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Gerbino, Giuseppe
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 009  10445        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Abrahamyan, Knar
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 010  10446        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Kozak, Mariusz
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 011  10447        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Lewis, George
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 013  10448        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Sisman, Elaine
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 014  10449        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Steege, Benjamin A
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 015  10450        3  INDIV PROJECT IN MUSICOLOGY                                            Washburne, Christopher J
                 L DEP INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8097 016  10451        3  INDIV PROJECTS IN MUSICOL                                              Opara, Ruth
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8104 001  11032        3  SEM-HIST MUSICOLOGY:RENAISSANC  M 4:10pm-6:00pm   701A Dodge Hall      Gerbino, Giuseppe
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8231 001  11033        3  SEM IN MUSIC COMPOSITION        W 3:10pm-5:00pm   320H Prentis Hall a  Haas, Georg Friedrich
                 L DEP  SEMINAR  Music                                                                  Lewis, George
                                                                                                        Di Castri, Zosha
                                                                                                        Balter, Marcos
MUSI GR8241 001  11034        3  Music Beyond 12 Tone Temp       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   622 Dodge Hall       Haas, Georg Friedrich
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8412 001  11035        3  SEM-ETHNOMUSICLGY:FLD MTH       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   701C Dodge Hall      Washburne, Christopher J
                 L      SEMINAR  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 003  10453        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Doe, Julia
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 005  10454        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Fellezs, Kevin
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 006  10455        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Fox, Aaron A
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 007  10456        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Frisch, Walter M
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 008  10457        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Gerbino, Giuseppe
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 009  10458        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Abrahamyan, Knar
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 010  10459        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Kozak, Mariusz
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 011  10460        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Lewis, George
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 013  10462        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Sisman, Elaine
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 014  10463        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Steege, Benjamin A
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 015  10464        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Washburne, Christopher J
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
MUSI GR8500 016  10465        3  Dissertation Proposal Sem                                              Opara, Ruth
                 L     INDEPEND  Music                                                                  
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday