Department Listing: Mathematics Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

MATH UN1101 003  11833        3  CALCULUS I                      MW 10:10am-11:25  203 Mathematics Bui  Castronovo, Marco
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 004  11835        3  CALCULUS I                      MW 11:40am-12:55  203 Mathematics Bui  Castronovo, Marco
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 005  11837        3  CALCULUS I                      MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Dragomir, George
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 006  11838        3  CALCULUS I                      MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  703 Hamilton Hall    Scheffelin, Alex M
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 007  11840        3  CALCULUS I                      MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Sangiovanni Vincentelli Marco
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 008  11841        3  CALCULUS I                      TR 10:10am-11:25  520 Mathematics Bui  Galatius, Soren
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 009  11842        3  CALCULUS I                      TR 11:40am-12:55  142 Uris Hall        Dragomir, George
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 010  11844        3  CALCULUS I                      TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  142 Uris Hall        Sangiovanni Vincentelli Marco
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1101 011  11845        3  CALCULUS I                      TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  407 Mathematics Bui  Hase-Liu, Matthew M
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1102 001  11847        3  CALCULUS II                     MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Ibanez Nunez, Andres
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1102 002  11848        3  CALCULUS II                     MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Ibanez Nunez, Andres
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1102 004  11850        3  CALCULUS II                     TR 8:40am-9:55am  203 Mathematics Bui  Yang, Lucy
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1102 005  11851        3  CALCULUS II                     TR 10:10am-11:25  203 Mathematics Bui  Yang, Lucy
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1102 006  11852        3  CALCULUS II                     TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  417 Mathematics Bui  Stein, Elliott V
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 002  11853        3  CALCULUS III                    MW 8:40am-9:55am  312 Mathematics Bui  Bhat, Deeparaj
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 003  11854        3  CALCULUS III                    MW 11:40am-12:55  312 Mathematics Bui  Harvie, Brian
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 004  11855        3  CALCULUS III                    MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  203 Mathematics Bui  Harvie, Brian
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 005  11856        3  CALCULUS III                    TR 11:40am-12:55  203 Mathematics Bui  Oh, Gyujin
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 006  11857        3  CALCULUS III                    TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Oh, Gyujin
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 007  11861        3  CALCULUS III                    TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Kim, Yoonjoo
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1201 008  11862        3  CALCULUS III                    TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Kim, Yoonjoo
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1202 002  11863        3  CALCULUS IV                     MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  203 Mathematics Bui  Smirnov, Mikhail
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1205 001  11864        4  ACCELERATED MULTIVARIABLE       MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  329 Pupin Laborator  Shen, Dawei
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN1207 001  11865        4  HONORS MATHEMATICS A            TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  140 Uris Hall        Sacca, Giulia
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2005 001  11866        0  INTRO TO MATHEMATICAL PRO       F 1:00pm-3:00pm   413 Kent Hall        Dubedat, Julien
                 L      SEMINAR  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2010 003  11867        3  LINEAR ALGEBRA                  MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  142 Uris Hall        Krishna, Siddhi
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Non-math majors may replace MATH UN2010 with MATH UN2015
MATH UN2010 004  11868        3  LINEAR ALGEBRA                  TR 10:10am-11:25  312 Mathematics Bui  Bah, Amadou
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Non-math majors may replace MATH UN2010 with MATH UN2015
MATH UN2010 005  11869        3  LINEAR ALGEBRA                  TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  203 Mathematics Bui  Bah, Amadou
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Non-math majors may replace MATH UN2010 with MATH UN2015
MATH UN2015 001  11870        3  Linear Algebra and Probab       TR 11:40am-12:55  207 Mathematics Bui  Sorensen, Evan
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Math majors must take MATH UN2010 - Linear Algebra
MATH UN2015 002  11871        3  Linear Algebra and Probab       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  142 Uris Hall        Sorensen, Evan
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Math majors must take MATH UN2010 - Linear Algebra
MATH UN2030 001  11872        3  ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQU       MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Daskalopoulos, Panagiota
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2030 002  11873        3  ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQU       TR 10:10am-11:25  142 Uris Hall        Boursier, Jeanne
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2030 003  11874        3  ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQU       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  520 Mathematics Bui  Boursier, Jeanne
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2500 001  11875        3  ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  417 Mathematics Bui  He, Qiao
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN2500 002  11876        3  ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION       TR 10:10am-11:25  517 Hamilton Hall    Van Peski, Roger W
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3007 001  11877        3  COMPLEX VARIABLES               TR 11:40am-12:55  312 Mathematics Bui  Savin, Ovidiu
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3025 001  11878        3  MAKING, BREAKING CODES          TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Goldfeld, Dorian
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3901 003  17561      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Hamilton, Richard
                 L     INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            Brendle, Simon
MATH UN3901 004  19472      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Giorgi, Elena
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3901 005  20931      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Woit, Peter G
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3901 006  21153      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Liu, Chiu-Chu
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3901 007  21214      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Friedman, Robert D
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3901 008  21255      1-3  SUPERVISED READINGS I                                                  Goldfeld, Dorian
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 001  17621        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Friedman, Robert D
                 L     INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 003  21244        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Kim, Yoonjoo
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 005  21327        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Wang, Mu-Tao
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 006  21328        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Liu, Chiu-Chu
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 007  21352        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Blumberg, Andrew J
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 008  21369        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Phong, Duong H
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH UN3994 009  21424        4  SENIOR THESIS MATHEMATICS                                              Corwin, Ivan
                 L INS INDEPEND  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4032 001  11879        3  FOURIER ANALYSIS                TR 10:10am-11:25  603 Hamilton Hall    Brendle, Simon
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4041 001  11904        3  INTRO MODERN ALGEBRA I          MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  203 Mathematics Bui  Friedman, Robert D
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4042 001  11846        3  INTRO MODERN ALGEBRA II         MW 10:10am-11:25  417 Mathematics Bui  Thaddeus, Michael
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4044 001  11880        3  REPRESENTATNS OF FINITE G       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  407 Mathematics Bui  Okounkov, Andrei
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4051 001  11881        3  TOPOLOGY                        TR 6:10pm-7:25pm  520 Mathematics Bui  Akhmechet, Rostislav
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4052 001  11882        3  INTRODUCTION TO KNOT THEO       MW 11:40am-12:55  307 Mathematics Bui  Krishna, Siddhi
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4061 001  11858        3  INTRO MODERN ANALYSIS I         TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  417 Mathematics Bui  Hirsch, Sven
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4061 002  11859        3  INTRO MODERN ANALYSIS I         TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  417 Mathematics Bui  Hirsch, Sven
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4062 001  11883        3  INTRO MODERN ANALYSIS II        MW 11:40am-12:55  520 Mathematics Bui  Hegde, Milind
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4065 001  11884        3  HONORS COMPLEX VARIABLES        TR 11:40am-12:55  520 Mathematics Bui  Lin, Francesco
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4155 001  11860        3  PROBABILITY THEORY              TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  507 Mathematics Bui  Corwin, Ivan
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GU4391 001  11885        3  INTRO TO QUANTUM MECHANIC       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  417 Mathematics Bui  Woit, Peter G
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
MATH GR5010 001  11886        3  INTRO TO THE MATH OF FINA       MW 7:40pm-8:55pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Smirnov, Mikhail
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN students, then STAT students.
MATH GR5220 001  11887        3  QUANT MTHDS IN INVESTMENT       R 7:40pm-10:00pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Botter, Alberto
                 L      SEMINAR  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5280 001  11888        3  CAPITAL MARKETS & INVESTM       S 7:00pm-9:20pm   312 Mathematics Bui  Chekhlov, Alexei
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5300 001  11889        3  HEDGE FUNDS STRATEGIES &        T 8:10pm-10:00pm  207 Mathematics Bui  Yeh, Eric
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: MAFN students ONLY. Letter Grade Only, No P/F. No Auditing.
MATH GR5340 001  11890        3  FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO MG       T 10:10am-12:00p  214 Pupin Laborator  Pezzo, Rosanna
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5400 001  11891        3  NON-LINEAR OPTION PRICING       F 6:00pm-8:10pm   520 Mathematics Bui  Guyon, Julien
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            Liang, Bryan
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5420 001  11892        3  MODEL & TRADE DERIVATIVES       S 10:10am-12:00p  312 Mathematics Bui  Moussa, Amal
                 L      SEMINAR  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5430 001  11893        3  Machine Learning for Fina       T 12:10pm-2:00pm  503 Hamilton Hall    Ritter, William G
                 L      SEMINAR  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Priority to MAFN Students. Open to Stats 9/9 and Univ. 9/11
MATH GR5510 001  11895      1-3  MAFN FIELDWORK                                                         Smirnov, Mikhail
                 L     FIELD WO  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Open only to MAFN students
MATH GR5520 001  11896        0  Career Develop for Quant        MW 10:10am-11:25  312 Mathematics Bui  Smirnov, Mikhail
                 L      SEMINAR  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Only open to first year MAFN students
MATH GR6151 001  11897      4.5  ANALYSIS & PROBABILITY I        TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  702 Hamilton Hall    Karatzas, Ioannis
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Instructor approval required for non-GSAS students
MATH GR6261 001  11899      4.5  COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA             TR 11:40am-12:55  507 Mathematics Bui  Urban, Eric
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Instructor approval required for non-GSAS students
APMA E6301  001  13949        3  ANALYTIC METHODS FOR PDE'       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  327 Seeley W. Mudd   Weinstein, Michael I
MATH GR6307 001  11900      4.5  ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY I            TR 8:40am-9:55am  507 Mathematics Bui  Blumberg, Andrew J
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Instructor approval required for non-GSAS students
MATH GR6343 001  11901      4.5  LIE GROUPS & REPRESENTATI       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm  622 Mathematics Bui  Morgan, John W
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Instructor approval required for non-GSAS students
MATH GR6402 001  11902      4.5  MODERN GEOMETRY                 MW 10:10am-11:25  507 Mathematics Bui  Liu, Chiu-Chu
                 L      LECTURE  Mathematics                                                            
                            Note: Instructor approval required for non-GSAS students
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday