Department Listing: Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

IEOR E1000  001  14597        1  Frontiers in OR&Data Anal       F 1:30pm-2:30pm                        Zhang, Yi
                 L      SEMINAR  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E2000  001  14598        3  Data Engineering with Pyt       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Zhang, Yi
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Core course for first and second year IEOR undergrads
ORCA E2500  001  14665        3  FOUNDATIONS OF DATA SCIEN       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Menon, Uday
                 L      LECTURE  Operation Research: CS-AM                                              
                            Note: For Undergraduate Students
IEOR E3402  001  14599        4  PRODUCTN-INVENTORY PLAN-C       MW 8:40am-9:55am                       Sadighian, Ali
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3404  001  14600        4  SIMULATION MODELING AND ANALYS  MW 5:40pm-6:55pm                       Zhang, Yi
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3609  001  14602        3  ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION           TR 11:40am-12:55                       Natura, Bento
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3658  001  14603        3  PROBABILITY FOR ENGINEERS       TR 10:10am-11:25                       Wang, Kaizheng
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3700  001  14604        3  Research Immersion in OR        TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Balkanski, Eric
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Must have completed IEOR E3608 (pre-requisite), Students mus
IEOR E3900  001  18588      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Agarwal, Anish
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  002  18589      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Agrawal, Shipra
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  003  18590      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Balkanski, Eric
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  004  18591      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Bienstock, Daniel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  005  18592      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Capponi, Agostino
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  006  18593      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Cummings, Rachel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  007  18594      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Dieker, Antonius B
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  008  18595      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Elmachtoub, Adam N
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  009  18596      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Faenza, Yuri
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  010  18597      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Goyal, Vineet
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  011  18598      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Hirsa, Ali
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  012  18599      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Hu, Anran
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  013  18600      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Iyengar, Garud
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  014  18601      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Johar, Hardeep
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  015  18602      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Josz, Cedric
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  016  18603      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Kachani, Soulaymane
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  017  18604      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Kaya, Yaren
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  018  18605      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Kroer, Christian
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  019  18606      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Lacker, Daniel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  020  18607      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Lam, Henry
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  021  18608      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Lecci, Fabrizio
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  022  18609      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Lin, Tianyi
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  023  18610      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Menon, Uday
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  024  18611      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Natura, Bento
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  025  18612      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Sethuraman, Jay
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  026  18613      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Sigman, Karl
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  027  18614      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Stein, Clifford
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  028  18615      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Tang, Wenpin
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  029  18616      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Wang, Kaizheng
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  030  18617      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Yao, David D
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  031  18618      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Zhang, Yi
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  032  18619      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Zhou, Xunyu
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3900  033  18620      1-3  UNDERGRAD RESEARCH OR PRO                                              Katsigris, Kelly
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E3999  001  14605      1-2  FIELDWORK                                                              Zhang, Yi
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Borgen, Cindy
IEOR E4004  001  14606        3  OPTIMIZATION MODELS AND M       MW 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Bienstock, Daniel
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4004  002  14607        3  OPTIMIZATION MODELS AND M       TR 8:40am-9:55am                       Goyal, Vineet
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4008  001  14608        3  COMPUTATION DISCRETE OPT        MW 10:10am-11:25                       Faenza, Yuri
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4102  001  14609        3  STOCHASTIC MODELING FOR M       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Dieker, Antonius B
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4106  001  14611        3  STOCHASTIC MODELS               MW 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Sigman, Karl
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4111  001  14612        3  OPERATIONS CONSULTING           R 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Kachani, Soulaymane
                        LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: MSE only
IEME E4200  001  14594        3  HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN & I       W 10:10am-11:25a                       West, Harry
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial and Mechanical Engi  W 1:10pm-2:25pm                        
                            Note: Not approved for MSFE. Design studio: Wednesday 1:10 - 2:25p
IEME E4200  002  14595        3  HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN & I       W 10:10am-11:25a                       West, Harry
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial and Mechanical Engi  W 4:10pm-5:25pm                        
                            Note: Not approved for MSFE. Design Studio: Wednesday 4:10 - 5::25
ORCS E4201  001  14666        3  Policy for Privacy Techno       MW 8:40am-9:55am                       Cummings, Rachel
                 L      LECTURE  Op Research - Computer Science                                         
                            Note: Not approved for MSFE. Instructor waitlist managed.
CSOR E4231  001  14592        3  ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS I        MW 11:40am-12:55                       Cummings, Rachel
                 L      LECTURE  Computer Science and Operation                                         
IEOR E4402  001  14613        3  CorpFin, Account & Invest       W 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Sunada-Wong, Rodney
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4404  001  14614        3  SIMULATION                      TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Lam, Henry
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4405  001  14615        3  PRODUCTION SCHEDULING           TR 8:40am-9:55am                       Stein, Clifford
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4418  001  14616        3  TRANSPORTATION ANALYTICS        TR 10:10am-11:25                       Elmachtoub, Adam N
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4501  001  14617        3  TOOLS FOR ANALYTICS             M 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Root, Lynn
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4505  001  14618        3  OR in Public Policy             MW 11:40am-12:55                       Kaya, Yaren
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4510  001  14620        3  Project Mgmt of Complex System  F 10:10am-12:40p                       
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4511  001  14621        3  Industry Projs in Analyti       M 9:00am-11:30am                       Robbins, Michael
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4523  001  14622        3  DATA ANALYTICS                  TR 4:10pm-5:25pm                       Menon, Uday
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Requires co-requisite of IEOR E4501
IEOR E4524  001  14624        3  ANALYTICS IN PRACTICE           R 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Johar, Hardeep
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: MSBA students section
IEOR E4524  002  14625        3  ANALYTICS IN PRACTICE           F 1:00pm-4:00pm                        Kaya, Yaren
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Undergraduate Section Only
IEOR E4525  001  14626        3  MACHINE LEARNING FE & OPR       F 10:10am-12:40p                       Kroer, Christian
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4532  001  14627      1.5  Data Visualization              F 9:00am-5:00pm                        
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Meets 9-5pm on April 4, 11, and 18.
IEOR E4533  001  14628      1.5  Performance,Objectives&Re       FSU 9:00am-5:00p                       Chikhani, Nicolas
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Meets all day Fri, Sat, Sun in Term A. Will meet on 2/7, 2/8
IEOR E4540  001  14629        3  DATA MINING                     W 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Choromanski, Krzysztof M
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4571  001  14630        3  FINANCE & STRUCTURING FOR DS    T 1:10pm-3:40pm                        Dehnad, Khosrow
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Kramer, Robert
                            Note: DSI Section; Not approved for MSFE students. MS Data Science
IEOR E4572  001  14631        3  Comput. Model Supplychain       TR 11:40am-12:55                       Menon, Uday
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4573  001  14633        3  DEEP LEARNING FOR NLP           M 7:00pm-9:30pm                        Simion, Andrei A
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Kramer, Robert
                            Note: DSI Section. MS Data Science students receive priority enrol
IEOR E4574  001  17306        3  AI & Digital Transformati       T 6:00pm-8:30pm                        Lin, Grace
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: PhD, MS, BS. Basic backgrd/interest in Bus Analytics & AI ne
IEOR E4575  001  14634        3  BusinessAnalytics Seminar       F 5:40pm-6:55pm                        Menon, Uday
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4578  001  14635        3  Forecasting realworld app       R 7:00pm-9:30pm                        Haider, Syed W
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Kramer, Robert
                            Note: DSI Section, Topics Title: Forecasting: A real-world applica
IEOR E4579  001  14636        3  MACHINE LEARNING IN PRACT       T 6:00pm-8:30pm                        Kazantsev, Gary
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4601  001  14637        3  DYNAMIC PRICING/REVENUE MGMT    TR 11:40am-12:55                       Goyal, Vineet
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4630  001  14638        3  ASSET ALLOCATION                TR 4:10pm-5:25pm                       Perez, Christopher A
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4650  001  14639        3  BUSINESS ANALYTICS              MW 10:10am-11:25                       Elmachtoub, Adam N
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Undergraduate and Masters students. No MSBA or MSFE students
IEOR E4700  001  14640        3  INTRO TO FINANCIAL ENGINEERING  TR 10:10am-11:25                       Yao, David D
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4703  001  14642        3  Monte Carlo Simulation          MW 8:40am-9:55am                       Hirsa, Ali
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4707  001  14643        3  FE: CONTINUOUS TIME MODEL       TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Zhou, Xunyu
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4709  001  14644        3  STATISTICAL ANALYSIS & TIME SE  MW 10:10am-11:25                       Capponi, Agostino
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4718  001  14645        3  BEYOND BLACK-SCHOLES: IMPLIED   R 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Moussa, Amal
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4721  001  18250      1.5  Comp. Portfolio Construct       W 4:10pm-6:40pm                        
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Term B, 1.5 credits, Taught by Sridhar Gollamudi.
IEOR E4732  001  14646        3  COMPUT METHODS IN FINANCE       R 7:10pm-9:40pm                        Javaheri, Alireza
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4733  001  14648        3  ALGORITHMIC TRADING             TR 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Perez, Christopher A
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4737  001  14649        3  AI Applications in Financ       FS 1:00pm-5:00pm                       Hirsa, Ali
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Meets 1/24 1-5pm, 1/25 9-1pm&3-5pm, 1/31 1-5pm, 2/1 9-12pm
IEOR E4798  001  14650        0  FE Seminar Series               M 7:00pm-9:00pm                        Hirsa, Ali
                 L      SEMINAR  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Yang, Winsor
                                                                                                        Borgen, Cindy
IEOR E4900  001  18544      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Agarwal, Anish
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  002  18545      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Agrawal, Shipra
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  003  18546      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Balkanski, Eric
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  004  18547      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Bienstock, Daniel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  005  18548      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Capponi, Agostino
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  006  18549      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Cummings, Rachel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  007  18550      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Dieker, Antonius B
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  008  18551      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Elmachtoub, Adam N
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  009  18552      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Faenza, Yuri
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  010  18553      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Goyal, Vineet
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  011  18554      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Hirsa, Ali
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  012  18555      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Hu, Anran
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  013  18556      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Iyengar, Garud
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  014  18557      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Johar, Hardeep
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  015  18558      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Josz, Cedric
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  016  18559      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Kachani, Soulaymane
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  017  18560      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Kaya, Yaren
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  018  18561      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Kroer, Christian
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  019  18563      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Lacker, Daniel
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  020  18564      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Lam, Henry
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  021  18565      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Lecci, Fabrizio
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  022  18566      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Lin, Tianyi
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  023  18567      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Menon, Uday
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  024  18568      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Natura, Bento
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  025  18569      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Sethuraman, Jay
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  026  18570      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Sigman, Karl
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  027  18571      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Stein, Clifford
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  028  18572      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Tang, Wenpin
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  029  18573      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Wang, Kaizheng
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  030  18574      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Yao, David D
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  031  18575      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Zhang, Yi
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  032  18576      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Zhou, Xunyu
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4900  033  18577      1-3  MASTERS RESEARCH OR PROJE                                              Lee, Chris
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4998  001  14651        3  MANAGING TECH INNOVATION        R 11:40am-2:10pm                       Neumann, Gerard A
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E4999  001  14652      1-2  FIELDWORK                                                              Hirsa, Ali
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Lee, Chris
IEOR E4999  002  14653      1-2  FIELDWORK                                                              Johar, Hardeep
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Lee, Chris
IEOR E4999  003  14655      1-2  FIELDWORK                                                              Lecci, Fabrizio
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Lee, Chris
IEOR E6614  001  14656      4.5  OPTIMIZATION II                 MW 10:10am-11:25                       Agrawal, Shipra
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
EEOR E6616  001  14593        3  CONVEX OPTIMIZATION             F 10:10am-12:40p                       Josz, Cedric
                 L      LECTURE  Electrical Engineering: Operat                                         
IEOR E6712  001  14657      4.5  STOCHASTIC MODELING II          TR 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Sigman, Karl
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E8100  001  14658        3  Information Design              MW 10:10am-11:25                       Cummings, Rachel
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Title: Information Design
IEOR E8100  002  14659        3  Advanced Combinatorial Op       MW 11:40am-12:55                       Faenza, Yuri
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: title: Advanced Combinatorial Optimization
IEOR E8100  003  14660        3  Computational Methods RL        T 10:10am-12:40p                       Hu, Anran
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Titles: Computational Methods and Reinforcement Learning in
IEOR E8100  004  14661        3  Topics in Network Games         TR 10:10am-11:25                       Lin, Tianyi
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Sethuraman, Jay
                            Note: Title: Topics in Network Games
IEOR E8100  005  14662        3  Fast Algorithms Linear Pr       MW 1:10pm-2:25pm                       Natura, Bento
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E8100  006  14663        3  GenAI: Model Alignment          MW 2:40pm-3:55pm                       Tang, Wenpin
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Title: GenAI: model alignment in search of a theory(GenAI: M
IEOR E8100  007  14664        3  Simulation & Monte Carlo        MW 4:10pm-5:25pm                       Dieker, Antonius B
                 L      LECTURE  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
                            Note: Title: Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods
IEOR E9101  030  19097      1-6  RESEARCH                                                               Zhou, Xunyu
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         
IEOR E9101  031  19096      1-6  RESEARCH                                                               Ng, Carmen
                 L     INDEPEND  Industrial Engineering and Ope                                         Yang, Winsor
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday