Department Listing: History Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

HIST UN1004 001  13622        4  ANCIENT HISTORY OF EGYPT        TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  301 Pupin Laborator  Van de Mieroop, Marc
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 1008 REQUIRED
HIST UN1008 001  20198        0  ANCIENT HIST OF EGYPT-DIS                                              Van de Mieroop, Marc
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN1004
HIST UN1020 001  13649        4  The Romans and Their Worl       TR 11:40am-12:55  310 Fayerweather     Ramgopal, Sailakshmi
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 1021 REQUIRED
HIST UN1021 001  20199        0  DISC-Romans and Their Wor                                              Ramgopal, Sailakshmi
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: Catch-All # 20198REQUIRED DISC for HIST UN1020
HIST BC1302 001  00128        4  EUROPEAN HISTORY SINCE 17       MW 11:40am-12:55  304 Barnard Hall     Tiersten, Lisa
                            Note: MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR DISCUSSION SECTION- HIST BC1312
ASCE UN1361 001  11669        4  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV: JPN       TR 10:10am-11:25  331 Uris Hall        Kreitman, Paul
ASCE UN1363 001  11663        4  INTRO TO EAST ASIAN CIV:        MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  717 Hamilton Hall    Kim, Jungwon
HIST BC1760 001  00130        4  INTR AFRICAN HIST:1700-PRESNT   MW 10:10am-11:25  504 Diana Center     George, Abosede A
                            Note: MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR DISCUSSION SECTION- HIST BC1712
HIST UN1942 001  13854        4  The Year 1000: A World Hi       TR 8:40am-9:55am  142 Uris Hall        Kosto, Adam
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 1943 REQUIRED. PLEASE REGISTER ASAP
HIST UN1943 001  13904        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            T 3:10pm-4:00pm   303 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN1943 002  13907        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            W 7:10pm-8:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN1943 003  13910        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            R 4:10pm-5:00pm   603 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN1943 004  13911        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            R 5:10pm-6:00pm   603 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN1943 005  18835        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            T 6:10pm-7:00pm   511 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN1943 006  18836        0  The Year 1000 - DISC            W 6:10pm-7:00pm   317 Hamilton Hall    Kosto, Adam
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN 1942
HIST UN2088 001  13667        4  HIST JESUS/ORIGIN-CHRISTI       TR 11:40am-12:55  331 Uris Hall        Billows, Richard A
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2089 REQUIRED
HIST UN2089 001  20201        0  HIST JESUS/ORIGIN-DISC          R 5:10pm-6:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Billows, Richard A
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2088 LECTURE
HIST UN2089 002  20287        0  HIST JESUS/ORIGIN-DISC          R 6:10pm-7:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Billows, Richard A
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2088 LECTURE
HIST UN2100 001  11866        4  EARLY MOD EUR: PRINT & SO       MW 10:10am-11:25  333 Uris Hall        Carlebach, Elisheva
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2101 REQUIRED
HIST UN2101 001  20200        0  EARLY MOD EUR: PRINT & SO                                              Carlebach, Elisheva
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISC for HIST UN2100
HIST BC2199 001  00783        3  History of Witchcraft           MW 11:40am-12:55  408 Zankel           Booth, Dale
HIST UN2215 001  13715        4  MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY          MW 10:10am-11:25  310 Fayerweather     Skorobogatov, Yana
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2216 REQUIRED
HIST UN2216 001  20202        0  MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY-DI       M 5:10pm-6:00pm   509 Hamilton Hall    Skorobogatov, Yana
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2215 LECTURE
HIST UN2216 002  20232        0  MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY-DI       M 6:10pm-7:00pm   509 Hamilton Hall    Skorobogatov, Yana
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2215 LECTURE
HIST UN2216 003  20233        0  MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY-DI       R 3:10pm-4:00pm   331 Uris Hall        Skorobogatov, Yana
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2215 LECTURE
HIST UN2216 004  20234        0  MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY-DI       R 4:10pm-5:00pm   331 Uris Hall        Skorobogatov, Yana
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2215 LECTURE
HIST UN2353 001  13642        4  Early Modern France             TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  310 Fayerweather     Coleman, Charly J
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2354 REQUIRED
HIST UN2354 001  20187        0  Early Modern France - DIS       T 12:10pm-1:00pm  522B Kent Hall       Coleman, Charly J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2353
HIST UN2354 002  20188        0  Early Modern France - DIS       F 11:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Coleman, Charly J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2353
HIST UN2354 003  20190        0  Early Modern France - DIS       M 4:10pm-5:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Coleman, Charly J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2353
HIST UN2354 004  20192        0  Early Modern France - DIS       M 5:10pm-6:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Coleman, Charly J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2353
HIST BC2375 001  00131        3  FASCISM IN EURO HISTORY         TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  304 Barnard Hall     Caglioti, Angelo
HIST UN2438 001  17282        3  POLITICAL HIST CONTEMP AF       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  307 Uris Hall        Mann, Gregory
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN2439 REQUIRED
HIST UN2439 001  20203        0  Pol Hist of Contemporary                                               Mann, Gregory
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2438 LECTURE
HIST UN2444 001  14089        4  THE VIETNAM WAR                 TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  501 Northwest Corne  Nguyen, Lien-Hang
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2445 REQUIRED
HIST UN2445 001  14250        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          T 4:10pm-5:00pm   413 Hamilton Hall    Zheng, Ziqian
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 002  14254        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          T 5:10pm-6:00pm   413 Hamilton Hall    Zheng, Ziqian
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 003  14255        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          W 4:10pm-5:00pm   328 Uris Hall        Galindo, Autumn K
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 004  14258        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          W 5:10pm-6:00pm   328 Uris Hall        Galindo, Autumn K
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 005  14260        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          R 4:10pm-5:00pm   332 Uris Hall        Roche, Lelia A
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 006  14262        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          R 5:10pm-6:00pm   332 Uris Hall        Roche, Lelia A
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 007  20263        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          T 11:10am-12:00p  253 International A  Reynolds, Wyatt
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST UN2445 008  20264        0  THE VIETNAM WAR - DISC          R 11:10am-12:00p  253 International A  Reynolds, Wyatt
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2444 LECTURE
HIST BC2477 001  00136        3  RACE, CLASS, & POLITICS I       MW 6:10pm-7:25pm  405 Milbank Hall (B  Vaz, Matthew
HIST UN2478 001  11891        4  US INTELLECTUAL HIST 1865       TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  310 Fayerweather     Blake, Casey
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN2479 REQUIRED
HIST UN2479 001  11946        0  US INTELLCT HIST 1865-PRE       R 3:10pm-4:00pm   308A Lewisohn Hall   Blake, Casey
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2478 LECTURE
HIST UN2479 002  11961        0  US INTELLCT HIST 1865-PRE       R 3:10pm-4:00pm   501B International   Blake, Casey
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2478 LECTURE
HIST UN2479 003  11990        0  US INTELLCT HIST 1865-PRE       R 5:10pm-6:00pm   516 Hamilton Hall    Blake, Casey
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2478 LECTURE
HIST UN2479 004  12011        0  US INTELLCT HIST 1865-PRE       R 6:10pm-7:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Blake, Casey
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2478 LECTURE
HIST BC2482 001  00138        3  REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 17       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  504 Diana Center     Lipman, Andrew C
HIST UN2540 001  13925        4  HISTORY OF THE SOUTH            TR 11:40am-12:55  614 Schermerhorn Ha  Fields, Barbara J
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2541 REQUIRED
HIST UN2541 001  20204        0  HISTORY OF THE SOUTH-DISC       R 5:10pm-6:00pm   201D Philosophy Hal  Fields, Barbara J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2540 LECTURE
HIST UN2541 002  20656        0  HISTORY OF THE SOUTH-DISC       R 6:10pm-7:00pm   201D Philosophy Hal  Fields, Barbara J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2540 LECTURE
HIST UN2541 003  20657        0  HISTORY OF THE SOUTH-DISC       W 11:10am-12:00p  316 Hamilton Hall    Fields, Barbara J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2540 LECTURE
HIST UN2541 004  20658        0  HISTORY OF THE SOUTH-DISC       W 6:10pm-7:00pm   302 Hamilton Hall    Fields, Barbara J
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2540 LECTURE
HIST UN2564 001  20194        0  Amer Hist at the Movies -       W 9:10am-10:00am  328 Uris Hall        Hallett, Hilary-Anne
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2565
HIST UN2564 002  20195        0  Amer Hist at the Movies -       R 9:10am-10:00am  311 Fayerweather     Hallett, Hilary-Anne
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2565
HIST UN2564 003  20196        0  Amer Hist at the Movies -       R 6:10pm-7:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Hallett, Hilary-Anne
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2565
HIST UN2564 004  20197        0  Amer Hist at the Movies -       M 11:10am-12:00p  316 Hamilton Hall    Hallett, Hilary-Anne
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISCUSSION for HIST UN2565
HIST UN2565 001  13945        4  Amer. Hist. at the Movies       TR 11:40am-12:55  142 Uris Hall        Hallett, Hilary-Anne
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2564 REQUIRED
HIST UN2663 001  13952        4  MEXICO FROM REVOL TO DEMO       TR 8:40am-9:55am  313 Fayerweather     Piccato, Pablo
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN 2664 REQUIRED
HIST UN2664 001  20205        0  MEXICO FROM REVOL TO DEM-                                              Piccato, Pablo
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISC for HIST UN2663 LECTURE
HIST BC2664 001  00146        3  FAMILIES LATIN AMERICA          TR 11:40am-12:55  223 Milbank Hall (B  Milanich, Nara
HIST BC2676 001  00841        3  LAT AMER: MIGRATION/RACE/       TR 8:40am-9:55am  504 Diana Center     Moya, Jose
HIST UN2689 001  00150        4  COLONIAL CITIES OF THE AM       TR 10:10am-11:25  405 Milbank Hall (B  Pizzigoni, Caterina
                 L                                                                                      Baics, Gergely
                            Note: MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR DISCUSSION SECTION - HIST UN2690
HIST BC2699 001  00855        4  Latin American Civilizati       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  LL002 MILSTEIN CEN   Salgado, Alfonso
HIST UN2717 001  17264        4  Ottoman Empire and the We       TR 10:10am-11:25  227 Seeley W. Mudd   Eldem, Edhem
                 L      LECTURE  History                                                                
HIST UN2718 001  20206        0  Ottoman Emp & the West -                                               Eldem, Edhem
                 L     DISCUSSI  History                                                                
                            Note: REQUIRED DISC for HIST UN2717 LECTURE
HIST BC2859 001  00883        3  South Asian Diasporas           MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  LL003 Barnard Hall   Ramnath-Christiansen, Maia
HIST BC2963 001  00852        3  History of Globalization        MW 10:10am-11:25  418 Barnard Hall     Alacevich, Michele
ANTH UN2972 001  17262        3  Unsettling Science: An In       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  233 Seeley W. Mudd   Whitman, Madisson
                            Note: Instructors permission required. Science & Society minors pr
HIST BC2985 001  00851        3  Hist of Global Econ Inequ       TR 8:40am-9:55am  405 Milbank Hall (B  Alacevich, Michele
HIST UN3049 001  17165        4  Provinces of the Roman Em       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Ramgopal, Sailakshmi
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3297 001  20265        4  Btwn Empire & Nation: Ukr       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   1201 International   Bilenky, Serhiy
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
HIST UN3321 001  14153        4  Solidarity / Decolonizati       M 10:10am-12:00p  301M Fayerweather    Houman, Roxanne S
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3363 001  17188        4  Feminist Histories of Bri       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   224 Pupin Laborator  Dubler, Roslyn E
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST BC3370 001  00152        4  SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENT & EU       W 6:10pm-8:00pm   111 MILSTEIN CEN     Caglioti, Angelo
                            Note: 4 pts. Instructor Permission Required. Enrollment Limited.
HIST BC3399 001  00784        4  Urban Histories of Britai       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   111 MILSTEIN CEN     Booth, Dale
                            Note: 4 pts. Instructor Permission Required. Enrollment Limited.
HIST UN3429 001  11700        4  TELLING ABOUT THE SOUTH         R 4:10pm-6:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Fields, Barbara J
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3562 001  13727        4  THE SEVEN YEARS    WAR          M 2:10pm-4:00pm   301M Fayerweather    Brown, Christopher L
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3591 001  17280        4  One Person, One Vote?           W 4:10pm-6:00pm   316 Hamilton Hall    Steingart, Alma
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3608 001  17250        4  Women & Gender-Latin Amer       T 10:10am-12:00p  411 Fayerweather     Traldi, Daniela M
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST UN3645 001  11601        4  Jews Early Mod Euro 1492-       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  311 Fayerweather     Carlebach, Elisheva
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST BC3698 001  00856        4  Mass-Med Politics Mod Lat       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   207 Milbank Hall (B  Salgado, Alfonso
                            Note: 4 pts. Instructor Permission Required. Enrollment Limited.
HIST UN3786 001  17312        4  HIST AFRICA MUSLIMS TIMBU       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  302 Fayerweather     Mann, Gregory
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST BC3823 001  00850        4  RACE/RACISM/ANTIRACISM          M 4:10pm-6:00pm   308 Diana Center     Ramnath-Christiansen, Maia
                            Note: Open to JRs/SRs Prof will decide enrollment after 1st class
HIST UN3839 001  11712        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR           T 2:10pm-4:00pm   301M Fayerweather    Van de Mieroop, Marc
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Must have taken this section 001 of HIST 3838 Fall 2024 to j
HIST UN3839 002  11714        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR           M 10:10am-12:00p  311 Fayerweather     Farber, Hannah
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Must have taken this section 002 of HIST 3838 Fall 2024 to j
HIST UN3839 003  11716        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR           T 12:10pm-2:00pm  311 Fayerweather     Chamberlin, Paul T
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Must have taken this section 003 of HIST 3838 Fall 2024 to j
HIST UN3839 004  11718        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR           R 2:10pm-4:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Stanislawski, Michael F
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Must have taken this section 004 of HIST 3838 Fall 2024 to j
HIST UN3839 005  11719        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR           R 10:10am-12:00p  311 Fayerweather     Connelly, Matthew J
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Must have taken this section 005 of HIST 3838 Fall 2024 to j
HSEA UN3851 001  11682        3  GODS, GHOSTS, AND ANCESTO       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   409 International A  Hymes, Robert P
HIST BC3864 001  00298        4  FEAST/FAMINE CHINA              T 4:10pm-6:00pm   912 MILSTEIN CEN     Ko, Dorothy
                            Note: Apply!
AFAS GU4001 001  18656        4  Revolution and Decoloniza       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   758 EXT Schermerhor  Guridy, Frank
HSEA GU4027 001  11677        4  ISSUES IN EARLY CHINESE C       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Li, Feng
HIST GU4082 001  17235        4  MEDIEVAL RELIGION: DEF &        W 12:10pm-2:00pm  516 Hamilton Hall    Sere, Benedicte
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4110 001  11597        4  FRENCH AMERICA 1534-1804        W 2:10pm-4:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Force, Pierre
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4237 001  17891        4  Environmental Histories o       T 10:10am-12:00p  302 ALFRED LERNE     Vadas, Andras
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4239 001  20362        4  War & Peace: Ukraine            R 10:10am-12:00p  1201 International   Bilenky, Serhiy
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
HIST GU4255 001  17274        4  ECE Before the Modern Tim       M 10:10am-12:00p  1201 International   Vadas, Andras
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4279 001  17228        4  Culture of the USSR             W 12:10pm-2:00pm  963 EXT Schermerhor  Birch, Alexandra
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
FRHS GU4354 001  17238        4  RACIAL HISTORIES OF EUROP       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   308A Lewisohn Hall   Saada, Emmanuelle
                 L      SEMINAR  French: History                                                        
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4379 001  17217        4  European Integration from       W 10:10am-12:00p  609 Hamilton Hall    Dubler, Roslyn E
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4385 001  11725        4  Rousseau and the Modern S       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   302 Fayerweather     Lilla, Mark
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4405 001  17226        4  The Bible in Early Americ       T 10:10am-12:00p  568 ALFRED LERNE     Farber, Hannah
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4439 001  17883        4  Harm Reduction Hist Analy       W 10:10am-12:00p  330 Uris Hall        Roberts, Samuel K Jr
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & complete application (
HIST GU4528 001  17884        4  Power, Place, Politics, H       M 10:10am-12:00p  467 EXT Schermerhor  Roberts, Samuel K Jr
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & complete application (
HIST GU4532 001  11702        4  US CIVIL WAR/RECONSTRUCTI       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   301M Fayerweather    McCurry, Stephanie
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4601 001  11582        4  JEWS-LATER ROMAN EMP,300-       T 10:10am-12:00p  311 Fayerweather     Schwartz, Seth R
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4632 001  11593        4  Jews in the Ancient City        R 10:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Schwartz, Seth R
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4693 001  11724        4  WRITERS ON HISTORY:THOMAS       R 10:10am-12:00p  301M Fayerweather    Lilla, Mark
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4695 001  11706        4  Urban Waters                    W 10:10am-12:00p  802 International A  Cavalcanti, Mariana
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4711 001  11630        4  OCCULT IN THE MUSLIM PAST       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Sen, Tunc
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4716 001  17266        4  Imag(in)ing the Ottoman E       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   602 Northwest Corne  Eldem, Edhem
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4729 001  11629        4  Source + Method Islamic H       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   511 Kent Hall        Karjoo-Ravary, Ali
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4811 001  13124        4  Encounters with Nature          T 10:10am-12:00p  301M Fayerweather    Sivaramakrishnan, Kavita
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4842 001  11618        4  The City & the Archive          T 10:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Chazkel, Amy E
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                Ahmed, Manan
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GU4872 001  17186        4  North Korean History            T 2:10pm-4:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Barraclough, Ruth
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HSEA GU4891 001  11683        4  LAW IN CHINESE HISTORY          R 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Zelin, Madeleine H
HIST GU4933 001  11711        4  US Radicalism in the Arch       W 10:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Jones, Thai S
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GR5001 001  11609        2  RES SKILLS/MTHDS-INT/WRLD       F 12:10pm-2:00pm  311 Fayerweather     Lillevik, Line
                 L     COLLOQUI  History                                                                Barraclough, Ruth
                            Note: For History Dual Masters Degree Program ONLY
HIST GR5994 001  14301      1-3  PERSP ON INT'L & WORLD HI                                              Lillevik, Line
                 L     INDEPEND  History                                                                
                            Note: For History Dual Masters Degree Program ONLY
HSME GR6056 001  15310        4  Major Debates in South As       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   609 Martin Luther K  Iqtidar, Humeira
                 L                                                                                      Rao, Anupama
HSLW L6124  001  10183        3  American Legal History          TR 10:40am-12:00  To be announced      
HIST GR6999 001  11602        4  JEWS IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE                                            Carlebach, Elisheva
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: History PhD/MA grad section for HIST 3645 and meets on the d
HIST GR6999 011  20275        4  Empire & Nation: Ukraine                                               Bilenky, Serhiy
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: History PhD/MA grad section for HIST 3297 and meets on the d
HSEA GR8060 001  11681        3  SEM-SOURCES IN CHINESE HI       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Hymes, Robert P
HIST GR8137 001  17271        4  Industryscapes - Preindus       W 10:10am-12:00p  513 Fayerweather     Smith, Pamela
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GR8311 001  17177        4  INTRO-LIT OF EUROPEAN HIS       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  301M Fayerweather    Mazower, Mark
                 L     COLLOQUI  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HIST GR8401 001  11703        4  Readings in 20th C. U.S.        T 2:10pm-4:00pm   501A International   Steingart, Alma
                 L     COLLOQUI  History                                                                
CLHS GR8420 001  13677        4  THE HERMENEUTIC TRADITION       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   613 Hamilton Hall    Force, Pierre
HIST GR8495 001  11853        4  BORDERLANDS HISTORY COLLO       M 10:10am-12:00p  302 Fayerweather     Ahmed, Manan
                 L     COLLOQUI  History                                                                
HIST GR8770 001  17263        4  Family, Household, Hist:A       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   507 Philosophy Hall  Stephens, Rhiannon
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: Add to waitlist & see instructions on SSOL
HSEA GR8861 001  11664        4  COLL ON KOREAN HISTORY TO       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Kim, Jungwon
HIST GR8927 001  11623        4  RESEARCH SEMINAR FOR PHD        T 4:10pm-6:00pm   311 Fayerweather     Chazkel, Amy E
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: History PhD students only.  Add to waitlist & see instructio
HIST GR8927 002  11850        4  RESEARCH SEMINAR FOR PHD        T 12:10pm-2:00pm  407 Mathematics Bui  Phillips-Fein, Kimberly K
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
                            Note: History PhD students only.  Add to waitlist & see instructio
HIST GR8989 001  14088        4  Capitalism and Democracy        M 2:10pm-4:00pm   302 Fayerweather     Tooze, Adam
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
HIST GR8991 001  18343        3  DISSERTATION PROSPECTUS W       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   302 Fayerweather     Mann, Gregory
                 L     WORKSHOP  History                                                                
HSEA GR9300 001  11656        4  SEM-SOURCES-MOD TIBETAN H       M 10:10am-12:00p  522A Kent Hall       Tuttle, Gray W
HIST GR9999 001  14300        4  SEMINAR IN TEACHING                                                    Phillips-Fein, Kimberly K
                 L      SEMINAR  History                                                                
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday