Department Listing: Genetic Counseling Courses in the Summer 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

GENE M0207  001  12846        2  Genetics, Genomics, and S                                              Levinson, Elana
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0310  001  12847        1  Process Group 1                                                        Ernst, Michelle
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0310  002  12848        1  Process Group 1                                                        Giordano, Jessica
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0310  003  12849        1  Process Group 1                                                        Tinfow, Alexandra
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0406  001  12850        2  Translational Genomics                                                 Revah Politi, Anya
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0505  001  12851        2  Scholarly Project                                                      Ahimaz, Priyanka
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0701  001  12852        3  Internship: Cancer                                                     Levinson, Elana
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Harkavy, Nina
GENE M0702  001  12854        3  Internship: Pediatrics                                                 Close, Charlotte
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Harkavy, Nina
                                                                                                        Berger, Sara
GENE M0702  002  12855        3  Internship: Pediatrics                                                 Bergner, Amanda
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Engelstad, Kristin M
                                                                                                        Harkavy, Nina
GENE M0703  001  12853        3  Internship: Reproductive                                               Harkavy, Nina
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        
GENE M0704  001  12856        3  Internship: Adult                                                      Bogyo, Kelsie
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Harkavy, Nina
                                                                                                        Vena, Natalie
GENE M0704  002  12857        3  Internship: Adult                                                      Mulhern, Maureen
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Harkavy, Nina
                                                                                                        Chan, Amanda K
GENE M0704  003  12858        3  Internship: Adult                                                      Soucy, Megan
                 L       CLINIC  Genetics (GENE)                                                        Harkavy, Nina
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday