Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
EPID P6811 001 16020 3 PRIORITIES IN GLOBAL PUB R 4:00pm-6:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Wilson, Paul
L LECTURE Epidemiology Shelbaya, Ahmed M
Note: **Location exception(s): 1/30 meets in HSC LL108B; Prioritie
EPID P8401 D01 17614 1.5 PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY W 5:30pm-6:50pm To be announced Doyle, John J
L LECTURE Epidemiology
Note: Online course
EPID P8403 001 16021 3 NUTRITIONAL EPI T 1:00pm-3:50pm LL208A/B Armand Ham Albrecht, Sandra S
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8404 001 16022 3 GENETIC EPI-AGING/AGE RLT M 2:30pm-5:20pm LL201 Armand Hammer Lee, Joseph H
L LECTURE Epidemiology Tosto, Giuseppe
EPID P8406 001 16023 3 INFECTIOUS DISEASE EPIDEM M 1:00pm-3:50pm LL103 Armand Hammer Low, Andrea
L LECTURE Epidemiology Mathema, Barun
Note: **Location exception(s): 2/10 meets in HSC LL209A/B
EPID P8415 001 16024 3 CHRONIC DISEASE EPIDEMIOL M 1:00pm-3:50pm LL204 Armand Hammer Makarem, Nour
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8417 001 16025 3 SELECT PROBLEM IN MEASURE F 1:00pm-3:50pm LL110 Armand Hammer Mielenz, Thelma
L PROBLEM Epidemiology
Note: Other: Students registering for this course must have comple
EPID P8422 001 16026 3 PERINATAL EPIDEMIOLOGY M 1:00pm-3:50pm LL110 Armand Hammer Kuhn, Louise
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8425 001 16027 3 GUN VIOLENCE IN THE US: E W 5:30pm-8:20pm LL110 Armand Hammer Alcorn, Theodore E
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8429 001 16028 0.5 CRNT WORK IN INJURY CONTR M 1:00pm-2:20pm LL106 Armand Hammer Mielenz, Thelma
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8438 001 16029 3 DESIGN & CONDUCT OF OBS E TF 1:00pm-2:20pm 401 Armand Hammer H Pamplin, John R II
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8442 001 16030 3 EPIDEMIOLOGY & CONTROL OF R 1:00pm-3:50pm LL107 Armand Hammer Mathema, Barun
L LECTURE Epidemiology O'Donnell, Max R
EPID P8443 001 16031 3 Microbiome & Health R 10:00am-11:20a 303 Armand Hammer H Shivakoti, Rupak
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8445 001 16032 1.5 ISSUES IN INJURY & VIOLEN W 10:00am-11:20a 305 Armand Hammer H Pressley, Joyce
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8466 001 16033 1.5 EPI THRY MTDS IN SEX & GE R 1:00pm-3:50pm LL106 Armand Hammer Duncan, Dustin T
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8472 001 16034 3 SOC EPI OF CRIMIN & INCAR W 1:00pm-3:50pm LL202 Armand Hammer Prins, Seth J
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P8476 D01 16035 0.5 EPI OF CHRONIC DISEASE SE Houghton, Lauren C
L LECTURE Epidemiology
Note: Location and dates: Meets 1/28, 2/25, 3/24, and 4/29 from 11
EPID P8477 001 16036 3 EPIDEMIC MODEL MTHD-INFEC W 1:00pm-3:50pm LL207 Armand Hammer Yang, Wan
L LECTURE Epidemiology
Note: **Location exception(s): 2/26 meets in HSC 303
EPID P8481 001 16037 0-1 SEMINAR IN SOCIAL DETERM Bates, Lisa
L SEMINAR Epidemiology
Note: Priorities: Social Determinants of Health certificate studen
EPID P8483 001 16038 3 APPL OF EPIDEMIOLOGC RES T 5:30pm-6:50pm 401 Armand Hammer H Lamb, Matthew R
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
EPID P8881 001 16039 1 GLOBAL PREPRACTICUM SEMIN T 4:00pm-5:20pm HESS ROSENFIELD B Orjuela, Manuela A
L SEMINAR Epidemiology Shelbaya, Ahmed M
Note: Priorities: Global Health certificate students only.
EPID P8885 001 16040 0.5 GLOBAL HLTH POST-PRACTICU M 10:00am-11:20a LL110 Armand Hammer Gallagher, Meghan C
L SEMINAR Epidemiology
Note: Priorities: Global Health certificate students only / Other:
EPID P9400 001 16041 3 EPI IV: CRIT THINKING IN W 8:30am-11:20am LL209B Armand Hamme Factor-Litvak, Pam R
L LECTURE Epidemiology
Note: **Location exception(s): Meets in VEC 1201B on 4/2; Prioriti
EPID P9415 001 16042 3 EPID CHALLENGES IN SUBSTA W 1:00pm-2:20pm LL110 Armand Hammer Mauro, Pia M
L LECTURE Epidemiology
Note: Permission: Instructor approval is required for students who
EPID P9419 D01 16043 1 MASTER'S ESSAY IN EPI I McReynolds, Larkin S
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
Note: Permissions: Epidemiology MPH students only.
EPID P9420 001 16044 2 MASTER'S ESSAY IN EPI II T 4:00pm-5:20pm 401 Armand Hammer H McReynolds, Larkin S
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
Note: Permissions: Epidemiology MPH students only.
EPID P9420 D01 16045 2 MASTER'S ESSAY IN EPI II McReynolds, Larkin S
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
Note: Permissions: Epidemiology MPH students only.
EPID P9440 001 16046 3 CAUS RDMP TO SIN TIM & LO T 1:00pm-3:50pm 322 Armand Hammer H Rudolph, Kara
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P9441 001 16047 1.5 Grant Writing for Epi Res T 8:30am-11:20am 322 Armand Hammer H Martins, Silvia
L LECTURE Epidemiology
EPID P9446 001 16048 1 FACULTY SEM-PSYCH EPIDEMI R 1:00pm-2:20pm 303 Armand Hammer H Schwartz, Sharon B
L SEMINAR Epidemiology
EPID P9487 001 16049 3 ADV TECHNIQUES IN EPI MET R 8:30am-11:20am 322 Armand Hammer H Lamb, Matthew R
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
Note: Permissions: Advanced Epi DrPH students only.
L TUTORIAL Epidemiology
EPID P9490 002 20638 0-6 TUTORIALS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY Tehranifar, Parisa
L TUTORIAL Epidemiology
EPID P9493 001 16051 3 NEUROLOGICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY W 1:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Tom, Sarah
L SEMINAR Epidemiology
Note: Location(s): 1/22 meets in VEC 1403; 1/29 in VEC 1303; 2/5 i
EPID P9494 001 16052 3 PUBS, PRESNTNS & SCI WRIT R 2:30pm-5:20pm LL108A Armand Hamme Houghton, Lauren C
L INDEPEND Epidemiology
Note: Permissions: 1st year Epi DrPH students only.
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