Department Listing: East Asian Languages and Cultures Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

JPNS UN1002 001  14417      2.5  INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE B         MW 5:40pm-6:45pm  254 International A  Yagi, Mihoko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1002 002  14418      2.5  INTRODUCTORY JAPANESE B         TR 5:40pm-6:45pm  522D Kent Hall       Yagi, Mihoko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
KORN UN1002 001  14225      2.5  INTRODUCTORY KOREAN B           MW 2:40pm-3:45pm  476A ALFRED LERNE    Yi, Hyunkyu
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1002 002  14226      2.5  INTRODUCTORY KOREAN B           TR 2:40pm-3:45pm  609 Hamilton Hall    Yi, Hyunkyu
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
CHNS UN1011 001  14439      2.5  INTRODUCTORY CHINESE B          MW 1:10pm-2:15pm  522C Kent Hall       Qi, Shaoyan
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS UN1011 002  14442      2.5  INTRODUCTORY CHINESE B          TR 1:10pm-2:15pm  425 Pupin Laborator  Qi, Shaoyan
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS UN1101 001  14494        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 8:50am-9:55  522B Kent Hall       Yan, Ling
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN1101 002  14495        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 10:10am-11:  424 Kent Hall        Wu, Chen
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN1101 003  14496        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 11:40am-12:  601B Sherman Fairch  Hu, Lingjun
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN1101 004  14497        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  411 Kent Hall        Li, Yike
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN1101 005  14498        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  522B Kent Hall       Chen, Kaidi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN1101 006  14499        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE I            MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  606 Lewisohn Hall    Jiang, Tianqi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
JPNS UN1101 001  14419        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 8:50am-9:55  522C Kent Hall       Nazikian, Fumiko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 002  14420        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 10:10am-11:  6C KRAFT CENTER      Takeda, Shuichiro
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 003  14421        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 11:40am-12:  522C Kent Hall       Nazikian, Fumiko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 004  14422        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 11:40am-12:  304 Hamilton Hall    Takahashi, Chikako
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 005  14423        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  424 Kent Hall        Nittono, Miharu
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 006  14424        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  476B ALFRED LERNE    Takahashi, Chikako
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN1101 007  14425        5  FIRST YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  224 Pupin Laborator  Yagi, Mihoko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
KORN UN1101 001  14248        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 8:50am-9:55  522D Kent Hall       Hong, Hey-Ryoun
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1101 002  14249        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 10:10am-11:  4C KRAFT CENTER      Yoon, Sue
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1101 003  14250        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 11:40am-12:  616 Martin Luther K  Ryu, Seunghyo
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1101 004  14251        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  568 ALFRED LERNE     Jung, Ji-Young
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1101 005  14252        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  522C Kent Hall       Suh, Joowon
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN1101 006  14253        5  FIRST YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  255 International A  Kim, Ji
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
VIET UN1101 001  14234        5  FIRST YEAR VIETNAMESE I         MTWR 10:10am-11:  568 ALFRED LERNE     Nguyen, Chung
                 L     LANGUAGE  Vietnamese                                                             
CHNS UN1111 001  14500        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE W            MWR 10:10am-11:2  476A ALFRED LERNE    Jiang, Tianqi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students WITH Chinese background
CHNS UN1111 002  14501        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE W            MWR 4:10pm-5:25p  411 Kent Hall        Wang, Hailong
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students WITH Chinese background
CHNS UN1111 003  14502        5  FIRST YEAR CHINESE W            MTR 1:10pm-2:25p  522B Kent Hall       Peng, Tao
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students WITH Chinese background
ASCE UN1359 001  14205        4  INTRO TO EAST ASIAN CIV:CHINA   TR 1:10pm-2:25pm  REN KRAFT CENTER     Shakya, Riga T
                 L      LECTURE  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
ASCE UN1360 001  18943        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       T 4:10pm-5:00pm   328 Uris Hall        Yang, Yingchuan
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1360 002  18944        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       R 4:10pm-5:00pm   212A Lewisohn Hall   Yang, Yingchuan
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1360 003  18945        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       T 6:10pm-7:00pm   511 Kent Hall        Cai, Xuexin
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1360 004  18946        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       W 7:10pm-8:00pm   511 Kent Hall        Cai, Xuexin
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1360 005  18947        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       R 6:10pm-7:00pm   608 Lewisohn Hall    Chu, Roya G
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1360 006  18948        0  INTRO-E ASIAN CIV:CHINA-D       F 12:10pm-1:00pm  511 Kent Hall        Chu, Roya G
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1359
ASCE UN1365 001  14207        4  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV: TIB       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  140 Uris Hall        Hartley, Lauran
                 L      LECTURE  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
ASCE UN1367 002  18922        4  INTRO EA CIV: VIETNAM           MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  520 Mathematics Bui  Phan, John D
                 L      LECTURE  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
ASCE UN1375 001  18860        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV:TIBE       W 6:10pm-7:00pm   511 Kent Hall        Ching, Danny
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1365
ASCE UN1375 002  18861        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV:TIBE       R 4:10pm-5:00pm   609 Martin Luther K  Ching, Danny
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1365
ASCE UN1375 003  18862        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV:TIBE       R 6:10pm-7:00pm   522C Kent Hall       He, Scarlett
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1365
ASCE UN1375 004  18863        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV:TIBE       F 10:10am-11:00a  511 Kent Hall        He, Scarlett
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1365
ASCE UN1377 001  18923        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV-VIET       R 2:10pm-3:00pm   302 ALFRED LERNE     Errickson, Albert E
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1367
ASCE UN1377 002  18924        0  INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV-VIET       F 1:10pm-2:00pm   511 Kent Hall        Errickson, Albert E
                 L     DISCUSSI  Asian Civilization: East Asian                                         
                            Note: This discussion section is for students enrolled in ASCE1367
AHUM UN1400 003  00588        4  COLLOQUIUM ON MAJOR TEXTS       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   614 MILSTEIN CEN     Xia, Lili
AHUM UN1400 001  14203        4  COLLOQ ON MAJOR TEXTS: E ASIA   T 12:10pm-2:00pm  507 Philosophy Hall  Phan, John D
                 L     COLLOQUI  Asian Humanities                                                       
AHUM UN1400 002  14204        4  COLLOQ ON MAJOR TEXTS: E ASIA   M 2:10pm-4:00pm   507 Philosophy Hall  Kim, Seong-Uk
                 L     COLLOQUI  Asian Humanities                                                       
AHUM UN1400 004  15441        4  COLLOQ ON MAJOR TEXTS: E ASIA   T 2:10pm-4:00pm   707 Hamilton Hall    Como, Michael
                 L     COLLOQUI  Asian Humanities                                                       
AHUM UN1400 005  17664        4  COLLOQ ON MAJOR TEXTS: E ASIA   W 10:10am-12:00p  401 Hamilton Hall    Bernard, Allison E
                 L     COLLOQUI  Asian Humanities                                                       
TIBT UN1410 001  14228        4  FIRST YEAR CLASSICAL TIBE       MW 4:10pm-6:00pm  352B International   Ngulphu, Sonam Tsering
                 L     LANGUAGE  Tibetan                                                                
TIBT UN1600 001  14229        5  FIRST YEAR MOD COLLOQ TIB       MTWR 12:10pm-1:0  351A International   Tsering, Sonam
                 L      LECTURE  Tibetan                                                                
VIET UN2101 001  14235        5  SECOND YEAR VIETNAMESE I        MWR 10:10am-11:2  4A KRAFT CENTER      Nguyen, Nhu-Anh H
                 L     LANGUAGE  Vietnamese                                                             
CHNS UN2201 001  14513        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE I           MTWR 10:10am-11:  601B Sherman Fairch  Qi, Shaoyan
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN2201 002  14514        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE I           MTWR 11:40am-12:  5AB KRAFT CENTER     Xu, Jia
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN2201 003  14515        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE I           MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  411 Kent Hall        Li, Yike
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN2201 004  14516        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE I           MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  424 Kent Hall        Wu, Yanwen
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN2201 005  14517        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE I           MTWR 6:10pm-7:15  522B Kent Hall       Chen, Kaidi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
JPNS UN2201 001  14413        5  SECOND YEAR JAPANESE I          MTWR 10:10am-11:  411 Kent Hall        Sourial, Naoko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN2201 002  14414        5  SECOND YEAR JAPANESE I          MTWR 11:40am-12:  522D Kent Hall       Eguchi, Shigeru
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN2201 003  14415        5  SECOND YEAR JAPANESE I          MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  476B ALFRED LERNE    Takahashi, Chikako
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN2201 004  14416        5  SECOND YEAR JAPANESE I          MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  522D Kent Hall       Eguchi, Shigeru
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
KORN UN2201 001  14244        5  SECOND YEAR KOREAN I            MTWR 11:40am-12:  4C KRAFT CENTER      Yoon, Sue
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN2201 002  14245        5  SECOND YEAR KOREAN I            MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  476A ALFRED LERNE    Chung, Eunice
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN2201 003  14246        5  SECOND YEAR KOREAN I            MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  522D Kent Hall       Lee, Beom
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
KORN UN2201 004  14247        5  SECOND YEAR KOREAN I            MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  327 Uris Hall        Choi, Yongjun
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
CHNS UN2221 001  14493        5  SECOND YEAR CHINESE W I         MTR 12:10pm-1:25  6AB KRAFT CENTER     Meng, Yuan-Yuan
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students WITH Chinese background
KORN UN2221 001  14243        5  Accelerated Korean I            MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  568 ALFRED LERNE     Jung, Ji-Young
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
RELI UN2308 001  10528        4  BUDDHISM: EAST ASIAN            MW 10:10am-11:25  501 Northwest Corne  Como, Michael
TIBT UN2412 001  14230        4  SECOND YEAR CLASSICAL TIBT I    TR 2:10pm-4:00pm  352B International   Ngulphu, Sonam Tsering
                 L     LANGUAGE  Tibetan                                                                
TIBT UN2603 001  14231        4  SECOND YR MOD COLLOQ TIBE       MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  352C International   Tsering, Sonam
                 L      LECTURE  Tibetan                                                                
AHUM UN2604 002  15336        3  ARTS OF CHINA, JAPAN AND        TR 11:40am-12:55  832 Schermerhorn Ha  Seo, Yeongik
                            Note: Class Is Full; Please Do Not Email Instructor
TIBT UN2710 001  14232        4  ADVANCED LITERARY TIBETAN       TR 4:10pm-6:00pm  408 Hamilton Hall    Ngulphu, Sonam Tsering
                 L     LANGUAGE  Tibetan                                                                
HIST UN2851 001  17649        4  Making Modern Korea             MW 2:40pm-3:55pm  307 Uris Hall        Barraclough, Ruth
                            Note: DISCUSSION HIST UN2852 REQUIRED
CHNS UN3003 001  15339        5  THIRD YEAR CHINESE N I          MTWR 10:10am-11:  476B ALFRED LERNE    Xu, Jia
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN3003 002  15340        5  THIRD YEAR CHINESE N I          MTWR 1:10pm-2:15  601B Sherman Fairch  Hu, Lingjun
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN3003 003  15341        5  THIRD YEAR CHINESE N I          MTWR 2:40pm-3:45  522B Kent Hall       Wang, Zhirong
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN3003 004  15342        5  THIRD YEAR CHINESE N I          MTWR 4:10pm-5:15  424 Kent Hall        Wu, Yanwen
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students with NO Chinese background
CHNS UN3005 001  14605        5  THIRD YEAR CHINESE W            MWR 10:10am-11:2  212A Lewisohn Hall   Wang, Hailong
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
                            Note: For students WITH Chinese background
JPNS UN3005 001  14260        5  THIRD YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 10:10am-11:  606 Lewisohn Hall    Loetscher, Kyoko M
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS UN3005 002  14261        5  THIRD YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 11:40am-12:  411 Kent Hall        Sourial, Naoko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
KORN UN3005 001  14241        5  THIRD YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 11:40am-12:  568 ALFRED LERNE     Yi, Hyunkyu
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
                            Note: For students with NO KOREAN background
KORN UN3005 002  14242        5  THIRD YEAR KOREAN I             MTWR 11:40am-12:  476A ALFRED LERNE    Chung, Eunice
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
                            Note: For students WITH KOREAN background
JPNS UN3101 001  14259        5  THIRD YEAR JAPANESE I           MTWR 10:10am-11:  522C Kent Hall       Nazikian, Fumiko
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
                            Note: Scholarly Reading in Japanese (Instructor Permission Only)
VIET UN3101 001  14236        3  THIRD YEAR VIETNAMESE I         MW 1:10pm-2:25pm  522D Kent Hall       Nguyen, Chung
                 L     LANGUAGE  Vietnamese                                                             
EAAS UN3217 001  14210        4  KOREAN POPULAR CINEMA           W 4:10pm-6:00pm   253 Engineering Ter  Hughes, Theodore
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
HSEA UN3320 001  15464        4  Making in Premodern Japan       M 2:10pm-4:00pm   423 Kent Hall        Bertozzi, Nicolle M
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
TIBT UN3611 001  14233        4  THIRD YEAR MOD COLLOQ TIB       TR 10:10am-11:25  401 Kent Hall        Tsering, Sonam
                 L     LANGUAGE  Tibetan                                                                
EAAS UN3710 001  15414        4  FICTION FILM & MOD VIETNAM      T 2:10pm-4:00pm   569 ALFRED LERNE     Nguyen, Vinh
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
AHUM UN3830 001  17677        4  COLL ON MODERN EAST ASIA        M 12:10pm-2:00pm  401 Hamilton Hall    Choi, Stephen
                 L     COLLOQUI  Asian Humanities                                                       
HIST UN3866 001  15426        4  WARS OF INDOCHINA               W 10:10am-12:00p  301M Fayerweather    Nguyen, Lien-Hang
EAAS UN3927 001  14212        3  CHINA IN THE MODERN WORLD       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Liu, Lydia
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
EAAS UN3990 001  14213        4  APPROACHES TO E ASIAN STUDIES   T 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Li, Feng
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
EAAS UN3990 002  14214        4  APPROACHES TO E ASIAN STUDIES   T 4:10pm-6:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Hymes, Robert P
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
EAAS UN3999 001  16964        2  RESEARCH IN EAST ASIAN ST       M 6:10pm-8:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Penner, Daniel
                 L     INDEPEND  East Asian                                                             Kou, Lu
JPNS GU4007 001  14258        3  INTRO TO CLASSICAL JAPANESE I   TR 10:10am-11:25  201B Philosophy Hal  Komova, Ekaterina
                 L      SEMINAR  Japanese                                                               
EARL GU4011 001  00685        4  LOTUS SUTRA/E ASIAN BUDDH       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   227 Milbank Hall (B  Moerman, David L
CHNS GU4012 001  14492        4  BUSINESS CHINESE I              MTR 10:10am-11:2  423 Kent Hall        Shi, Zhong Qi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS GU4014 001  14488        4  MEDIA CHINESE I                 MTR 9:10am-10:25  501A International   Meng, Yuan-Yuan
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS GU4015 001  15068        4  FOURTH YEAR CHINESE I           MWR 10:10am-11:2  522B Kent Hall       Yan, Ling
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS GU4017 001  14589        4  FOURTH YEAR CHINESE ADV I       MWF 11:40am-12:5  522B Kent Hall       Wu, Chen
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
JPNS GU4017 001  14256        4  FOURTH YEAR JAPANESE I          MWF 10:10am-11:2  522D Kent Hall       Eguchi, Shigeru
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
JPNS GU4017 002  14257        4  FOURTH YEAR JAPANESE I          MWF 11:40am-12:5  606 Lewisohn Hall    Loetscher, Kyoko M
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
CHNS GU4019 001  14487        3  HISTORY OF CHINESE LANGUAGE     TR 10:10am-11:25  608 Lewisohn Hall    Wang, Zhirong
                 L      LECTURE  Chinese                                                                
EAAS GU4022 001  00684        3  JAPANESE BUDDHIST VISUAL        T 2:10pm-4:00pm   318 Milbank Hall (B  Moerman, David L
EAAS GU4031 001  17665        3  INTRO-HIST OF CHINESE LIT       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Bernard, Allison E
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
                            Note: Vernacular Fiction and Drama:
VIET GU4101 001  14237        4  MIXED ADVANCED VIETNAMESE       T 12:10pm-2:00pm  405 Kent Hall        Nguyen, Chung
                 L     LANGUAGE  Vietnamese                                                             
KORN GU4105 001  14240        4  FOURTH YEAR KOREAN I            MWR 10:10am-11:2  405 Kent Hall        Lee, Beom
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
CHNS GU4112 001  14491        4  ADVANCED BUSINESS CHINESE       MTR 11:40am-12:5  423 Kent Hall        Shi, Zhong Qi
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
EAAS GU4122 001  14215        4  JAPANESE NEW WAVE AND CINEMATI  M 4:10pm-6:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Tsunoda, Takuya
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
RELI GU4223 001  20963        4  Dreams                          M 12:10pm-2:00pm  101 80 Claremont Av  Townsend, Dominique
EAAS GU4226 001  14519        4  GENDERCLASSREAL ESTATE-CHINA    W 2:10pm-4:00pm   301M Fayerweather    Hong Fincher, Leta
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
CHNS GU4301 001  14486        3  INTRO TO CLASSICAL CHINES       MWF 10:10am-11:0  307 Mathematics Bui  Liu, Lening
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
EARL GU4320 001  14219        4  BUDDHISM AND KOREAN CULTU       T 4:10pm-6:00pm   406 Hamilton Hall    Kim, Seong-Uk
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian: Religion                                                   
CHNS GU4507 001  14534        3  READINGS IN CLASSICAL CHI       TR 10:10am-11:25  LEVIEN Warren Hall   Shang, Wei
                 L      LECTURE  Chinese                                                                
KORN GU4511 001  14238        4  FIFTH YEAR KOREAN               MW 11:40am-12:55  405 Kent Hall        Suh, Joowon
                 L     LANGUAGE  Korean                                                                 
CHNS GU4516 001  14489        4  FIFTH YEAR CHINESE I            TR 10:10am-11:25  329 Uris Hall        Liu, Lening
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
CHNS GU4516 002  14490        4  FIFTH YEAR CHINESE I            TR 11:40am-12:55  253 International A  Peng, Tao
                 L     LANGUAGE  Chinese                                                                
EAAS GU4534 001  15440        4  Medieval Travel Writing         W 2:10pm-4:00pm   602 Lewisohn Hall    Kou, Lu
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
HSEA GU4720 001  14220        4  20TH CENTURY TIBETAN HISTORY    R 10:10am-12:00p  613 Hamilton Hall    Tuttle, Gray W
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
HSEA GU4815 001  15949        4  ART & POLI TIBET BUDDHISM       M 6:10pm-8:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Debreczeny, Karl P
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
EAAS GU4840 001  00589        4  CHINA AND POLITICS OF DESIRE    W 10:10am-12:00p  214 Milbank Hall (B  Bartlett, Nicholas A
HSEA GU4860 001  14221        4  SOC OF CHOSON KOREA 1392-       T 2:10pm-4:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Kim, Jungwon
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
HSEA GU4880 001  15086        3  HISTORY OF MODERN CHINA I       TR 4:10pm-5:25pm  603 Hamilton Hall    Fong, Sau-Yi
                 L      LECTURE  History: East Asian                                                    
EAAS GU4888 001  14216        4  WOMEN AND GENDER IN KOREAN HIS  M 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Kim, Jungwon
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
HSEA GU4968 001  16667        4  Japan 1968                      M 2:10pm-4:00pm   707 Hamilton Hall    Kreitman, Paul
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
                            Note: Instructor permission required
JPNS GR5016 001  14254        4  FIFTH YEAR JAPANESE I           MW 11:40am-12:55  424 Kent Hall        Nittono, Miharu
                 L     LANGUAGE  Japanese                                                               
CLEA GR6120 001  15466        4  RACE & EMPIRE IN ASIA PAC       R 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Liu, Lydia
                 L      SEMINAR  Comparative Literature: East A                                         
                            Note: Instructor permission required to enroll
AHIS GR6612 001  15467        3  Genre Painting in Japan         T 4:10pm-6:00pm   806 Schermerhorn Ha  McKelway, Matthew P
EAAS GR6990 001  17063        2  M.A. THESIS RESEARCH                                                   Bernard, Allison E
                 L     INDEPEND  East Asian                                                             
EAAS GR6991 001  17064        2  M.A. THESIS WRITING                                                    Bernard, Allison E
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
KORN GR8010 001  14239        4  ADV KOREAN IN MIXED SCRIPT      F 10:10am-12:00p  405 Kent Hall        Yi, Hyunkyu
                 L      SEMINAR  Korean                                                                 
EAAS GR8030 001  14535        4  PRE-MODERN CHINESE FICTION      M 2:10pm-4:00pm   401 Hamilton Hall    Shang, Wei
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
EAAS GR8042 001  14526        4  CLASSICAL CHINESE POETRY        M 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Kou, Lu
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
JPNS GR8070 001  14485        4  Grad Seminar Japanese Cin       W 4:10pm-6:00pm   522A Kent Hall       Tsunoda, Takuya
                 L      SEMINAR  Japanese                                                               
EAAS GR8222 001  14524        4  Korean Cultural Studies         R 4:10pm-6:00pm   406 Hamilton Hall    Hughes, Theodore
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
                            Note: Instructor permission required
CHNS GR8810 001  14518        4  Economic Hist Bronze Age        F 2:10pm-4:00pm   405 Kent Hall        Li, Feng
                 L      SEMINAR  Chinese                                                                
HSEA GR8883 001  14223        4  TOPICS IN MID-PER CHINA: YUAN   W 4:10pm-6:00pm   522C Kent Hall       Hymes, Robert P
                 L     COLLOQUI  History: East Asian                                                    
EAAS GR8992 001  14217        4  CHINESE MEDIA CULTURES          T 4:10pm-6:00pm   313 Hamilton Hall    Qian, Ying
                 L      SEMINAR  East Asian                                                             
RELI GR9336 001  10196        3  CHINESE BUDDHIST LITERATU       M 4:10pm-6:00pm   101 80 Claremont Av  Yang, Zhaohua
                            Note: Knowledge of Classical Chinese required.
HSEA GR9881 001  14224        4  RESEARCH IN MOD CHINESE H       M 12:10pm-2:00pm  408A Philosophy Hal  Lean, Eugenia
                 L      SEMINAR  History: East Asian                                                    
RELI GR9902 001  00712      1-6  RESEARCH IN RELIGION II         R 2:10pm-4:00pm   214 Milbank Hall (B  Moerman, David L
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday