Department Listing: Chemistry Courses in the Summer 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

CHEM S0001  001  10015        0  PREPARATION-COLLEGE CHEMI       MTWR 6:15pm-7:50  209 Havemeyer Hall   Avila, Luis A
CHEM S1403  001  10016        4  GENERAL CHEMISTRY I-LECTU       MTWR 9:30am-12:2  320 Havemeyer Hall   Polisar, Jason G
                            Note: Class time includes lecture and recitation.
CHEM S1404  001  10057        4  GENERAL CHEMISTRY II-LECT       MTWR 9:30am-12:2  320 Havemeyer Hall   Polisar, Jason G
                            Note: Class time includes lecture and recitation.
CHEM S1404  002  10058        4  GENERAL CHEMISTRY II-LECT       TR 6:10pm-7:35pm  309 Havemeyer Hall   Savizky, Ruben M
                 L                                                                                      Eckdahl, Christopher
                            Note: To enroll in S1404 002 you must register for S1406 Rec
CHEM S1406  001  10059        0  GENERAL CHEMISTRY II-REC        T 5:00pm-5:50pm   320 Havemeyer Hall   Savizky, Ruben M
CHEM S1406  002  10060        0  GENERAL CHEMISTRY II-REC        T 8:00pm-8:50pm   320 Havemeyer Hall   Savizky, Ruben M
CHEM S1406  003  10061        0  GENERAL CHEMISTRY II-REC        R 5:00pm-5:50pm   320 Havemeyer Hall   Savizky, Ruben M
CHEM S1500  001  10062        3  GENERAL CHEMISTRY: LABORA       MW 12:10pm-4:50p  307 Uris Hall        Hansen, Sarah J
CHEM S1500  002  10063        3  GENERAL CHEMISTRY: LABORA       T 1:10pm-4:50pm   302 Havemeyer Hall   Ulichny, Joseph C
                            Note: You must also register for S1501.
CHEM S1500  003  10064        3  GENERAL CHEMISTRY: LABORA       W 1:10pm-4:50pm   302 Havemeyer Hall   Ulichny, Joseph C
                            Note: You must also register for S1501.
CHEM S1500  004  10065        3  GENERAL CHEMISTRY: LABORA       R 1:10pm-4:50pm   302 Havemeyer Hall   Ulichny, Joseph C
                            Note: You must also register for S1501.
CHEM S1501  001  10066        0  GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB-LEC       M 3:00pm-4:15pm   309 Havemeyer Hall   Ulichny, Joseph C
CHEM S2443  001  10067        4  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I-LECTU       MTWR 9:30am-12:2  209 Havemeyer Hall   Siddiqui, Talha
                            Note: Class time includes lecture and recitation.
CHEM S2444  001  10068        4  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II-LECT       MTWR 9:30am-12:2  209 Havemeyer Hall   Siddiqui, Talha
                            Note: Class time includes lecture and recitation.
CHEM S2444  002  10069        4  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II-LECT       TR 1:00pm-3:20pm  209 Havemeyer Hall   Eckdahl, Christopher
                            Note: Class time includes lecture and recitation.
CHEM S2543  001  10070        3  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORAT       MW 1:10pm-5:50pm  320 Havemeyer Hall   Moran, Heriberto
CHEM S2543  002  10071        3  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORAT       MW 1:10pm-5:50pm  320 Havemeyer Hall   Moran, Heriberto
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday