Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
BIST P6110 001 15965 3 STATISTICAL COMPUTING WIT R 5:30pm-8:20pm LL204 Armand Hammer Rippon, Brady
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
BIST P6170 001 15966 3 NEW DRUG DEV:REGULAT OVER R 1:00pm-3:50pm HESS ROSENFIELD B Mac Arthur, Robert
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
BIST P8100 001 15967 3 APPLIED REGRESSION I R 1:00pm-3:50pm 401 Armand Hammer H Pavlicova, Martina
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8101 001 15968 3 Intro to Health Data Scie MW 4:00pm-5:20pm LL203 Armand Hammer Basaraba, Cale N
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8103 D01 15969 0.5 POR CAREER DEVELOPMENT CO T 3:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Spann, Marisa N
L COLLOQUI Biostatistics
BIST P8106 001 15970 3 DATA SCIENCE II TR 4:00pm-5:20pm 800 ROSENFIELD B Sun, Yifei
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8109 001 15971 3 STATISTICAL INFERENCE M 1:00pm-3:50pm AA Black Building ( Gorroochurn, Prakash
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8110 001 15972 3 APPLIED REGRESSION II M 1:00pm-3:50pm 800 ROSENFIELD B Ma, Xin
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8119 001 15973 3 ADV STAT/COMPUT MTHD-GEN/ F 1:00pm-3:50pm HESS ROSENFIELD B Ionita-Laza, Iuliana
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8120 001 15974 3 ANALYSIS OF CATEGORICAL D MR 4:00pm-5:20pm 401 Armand Hammer H Tan, Kay See
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8131 001 15975 3 BIOSTATISTICAL METHODS II TR 10:00am-11:20 To be announced Hou, Wenpin
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Locations(s): Tues, 1/21: AA; Thurs, 1/23: HSC 401; Tues, 1/
BIST P8139 001 15976 3 STATISTICAL GENETIC MODEL T 1:00pm-3:50pm LL202 Armand Hammer Wang, Shuang
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8140 001 15977 3 INTRO TO RAND CLINICAL TR W 1:00pm-3:50pm 800 ROSENFIELD B Thompson, John L
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: **Location exception(s): 3/26 meets in HSC LL203; Priorities
BIST P8144 001 15978 3 PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS T 2:30pm-5:20pm LL108A/B Armand Ham Ting, Naitee
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8158 001 15979 3 LATENT-VAR-STRUC EQUATION W 8:30am-11:20am LL103 Armand Hammer Wall, Melanie
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
BIST P8160 001 15980 3 TPCS IN ADVNCD STAT COMPU M 8:30am-11:20am 800 ROSENFIELD B Wei, Ying
L INDEPEND Biostatistics
BIST P8170 001 15981 2 INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE EXPE W 2:00pm-3:50pm LL107 Armand Hammer Pavlicova, Martina
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8180 001 15982 3 RELATIONAL DATABASES AND T 5:30pm-8:20pm LL205 Armand Hammer D'Angelo, Debra
L INDEPEND Biostatistics
Note: Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
BIST P8180 002 15983 3 RELATIONAL DATABASES AND W 5:30pm-8:20pm LL204 Armand Hammer Verzani, Zoe
L INDEPEND Biostatistics
Note: Priorities: Biostatistics & Applied Biostatistics Data Scien
BIST P8185 001 15985 1 CAPSTONE CONSULTING SEMIN T 1:00pm-1:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Lee, Shing M
L SEMINAR Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics students only
BIST P8185 002 15986 1 CAPSTONE CONSULTING SEMIN T 2:00pm-2:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Lee, Shing M
L SEMINAR Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics students only
BIST P8185 003 15987 1 CAPSTONE CONSULTING SEMIN W 1:00pm-1:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Lee, Shing M
L SEMINAR Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics students only
BIST P8185 004 15988 1 CAPSTONE CONSULTING SEMIN W 2:00pm-2:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Lee, Shing M
L SEMINAR Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics students only
BIST P9110 001 15989 3 THEORY OF STAT INFERENCE W 1:00pm-3:50pm 657 ROSENFIELD B Cheng, Bin
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics doctoral students only
BIST P9160 001 15990 3 MASTER'S ESSAY I - CLIN R T 2:30pm-3:50pm 657 ROSENFIELD B Ogden, Todd
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: MS-CRM students only
BIST P9185 001 15991 3 STAT COLLABORATION FOR IN R 1:00pm-3:50pm 657 ROSENFIELD B Wang, Yuanjia
L SEMINAR Biostatistics
Note: Permissions: Biostatistics Doctoral students only
BIST P9190 001 19010 0-6 TUTORIALS IN BIOSTATISTIC Wei, Ying
L TUTORIAL Biostatistics
BIST P9190 002 20262 0-6 TUTORIALS IN BIOSTATISTIC Lee, Shing M
L TUTORIAL Biostatistics
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