Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Permission: Placement exam required for non-Public Health st
BIST P6110 001 15650 3 STATISTICAL COMPUTING WIT W 5:30pm-8:20pm LL204 Armand Hammer Rippon, Brady
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8100 001 15637 3 APPLIED REGRESSION I R 1:00pm-3:50pm LL204 Armand Hammer Lemeshow, Stanley
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8103 D01 15651 0.5 POR CAREER DEVELOPMENT CO T 3:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Spann, Marisa N
L COLLOQUI Biostatistics
BIST P8104 001 15638 3 PROBABILITY MW 10:00am-11:20 To be announced Gu, Tian
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8105 001 15658 3 Data Science TR 10:00am-11:20 To be announced Goldsmith, Arthur Jeff
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Experience in R programming (or programming in anothe
BIST P8107 001 15659 3 Intro Mathematical Statis MW 10:00am-11:20 322 Armand Hammer H Ogden, Todd
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8108 001 15660 3 SURVIVAL ANALYSIS F 1:00pm-3:50pm 800 ROSENFIELD B Wu, Xiao
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Requires at least one prior course in probability and
BIST P8110 001 15661 3 APPLIED REGRESSION II R 1:00pm-3:50pm LL205 Armand Hammer Ma, Xin
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8116 001 15643 3 DESIGN OF MEDICAL EXPERIM M 4:00pm-6:50pm LL202 Armand Hammer Li, Helen
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8119 001 15639 3 ADV STAT/COMPUT MTHD-GEN/ Ionita-Laza, Iuliana
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8120 001 15652 3 ANALYSIS OF CATEGORICAL D TR 6:00pm-7:20pm To be announced Liu, Dacheng
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8122 001 15640 3 Stat Mthds for Causal Inf TR 10:00am-11:20 LL210 Armand Hammer Valeri, Linda
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8123 001 15653 3 ANALYSIS OF HLTH SURVEYS W 1:00pm-3:50pm 305 Armand Hammer H Chen, Qixuan
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8124 001 15645 3 GRAPHICAL MODELS COMPLEX TR 4:00pm-5:20pm LL204 Armand Hammer Malinsky, Daniel S
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8130 001 15646 3 BIOSTATISTICAL METHODS I F 1:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Liu, Molei
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Working knowledge of calculus and linear algebra requ
BIST P8140 001 15647 3 INTRO TO RAND CLINICAL TR W 1:00pm-3:50pm LL103 Armand Hammer Thompson, John L
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8142 001 15648 3 CLINICAL TRIAL METHODOLOG R 8:30am-11:20am 800 ROSENFIELD B Leu, Cheng-Shiun
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8149 001 15649 3 HUMAN POPULATION GENETICS M 1:00pm-3:50pm LL110 Armand Hammer Gorroochurn, Prakash
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Working knowledge of calculus required.
BIST P8157 001 15641 3 ANALYSIS OF LONGITUDINAL TR 3:00pm-4:20pm To be announced Liu, Zhonghua
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P8180 001 15656 3 RELATIONAL DATABASES AND T 5:30pm-8:20pm LL103 Armand Hammer Verzani, Zoe
L INDEPEND Biostatistics
BIST P8180 002 15657 3 RELATIONAL DATABASES AND R 5:30pm-8:20pm LL205 Armand Hammer Verzani, Zoe
L INDEPEND Biostatistics
BIST P9104 001 15654 3 Probability: Biostatistic F 1:00pm-3:50pm 657 ROSENFIELD B Cheng, Bin
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Working knowledge of advanced calculus required.
BIST P9109 001 15642 3 THEORY OF STAT INFERENCE TR 1:00pm-2:20pm To be announced Miles, Caleb
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P9111 001 15655 3 ASYMPTOTIC STATISTICS T 1:00pm-3:50pm 627CON ROSENFIELD B McKeague, Ian
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P9120 001 15662 3 TPCS-STAT LEARN/DATA MINI R 1:00pm-3:50pm To be announced Qian, Min
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P9130 001 15663 3 Adv. Biostatistical Metho M 8:30am-11:20am 657 ROSENFIELD B Jin, Zhezhen
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: Advanced calculus, linear algebra, basic probability,
BIST P9165 001 15664 0 MASTER'S ESSAY-PATIENT OR Chen, Qixuan
L LECTURE Biostatistics
Note: Other: At least 15 credits in required biostatistics courses
BIST P9186 001 15665 1.5 Stat Prac & Res for Int S M 2:00pm-3:30pm 657 ROSENFIELD B Mauro, Christine M
L LECTURE Biostatistics
BIST P9190 001 17421 0-6 TUTORIALS IN BIOSTATISTIC Wei, Ying
L TUTORIAL Biostatistics
BIST P9190 002 19375 0-6 TUTORIALS IN BIOSTATISTIC Chen, Qixuan
L INS TUTORIAL Biostatistics
BIST P9190 003 21361 0-6 TUTORIALS IN BIOSTATISTIC Lee, Shing M
L INS TUTORIAL Biostatistics
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