Number Sec Call# Pts Title Day Time Room Building Faculty
L App Activity Subject
APMA E2000 001 14583 4 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A TR 8:40am-9:55am Youngren, Drew C
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2000 002 14584 4 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Youngren, Drew C
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R01 14585 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A F 2:40pm-3:30pm
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R02 14586 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A R 4:10pm-5:00pm
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R03 14587 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A F 10:10am-11:00a
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R04 14588 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A R 4:10pm-5:00pm
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R05 14589 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A R 5:10pm-6:00pm
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2001 R06 14590 0 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & A R 11:40am-12:30p
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E2101 001 14591 3 INTRO TO APPLIED MATHEMAT MW 10:10am-11:25 He, Yuan
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
MSAE E3013 001 14678 3 LABORATORY IN MATERIALS S M 1:00pm-5:00pm Noyan, Ismail C
L LABORATO Materials Science and Engineer
Note: Lecture Mondays 1-2pm 214 Mudd; Lab 171 Eng. Terrace
APPH E3100 001 14668 3 INTRO TO QUANTUM MECHANIC MW 1:10pm-2:25pm Devarakonda, Aravind
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APMA E3102 001 14601 3 APPLIED MATHEMATICS II: P TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Tippett, Michael K
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
EESC UN3109 001 13558 3 Climate Physics TR 10:10am-11:25 Sobel, Adam H
MSAE E3157 001 14680 3 DESIGN PROJECT Billinge, Simon
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E3201 001 14681 3 Mat Thermo and Phase Diag TR 11:40am-12:55 Wentzcovitch, Renata M
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
APPH E3300 001 14669 3 APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETISM MW 10:10am-11:25 Zhang, Sherry
L LECTURE Applied Physics
PSAM UN3707 001 17626 3 Persuasion at Scale MW 11:40am-12:55 Kim, Eunji
L wiggins, chris
APMA E3900 001 18825 0-4 UNDERGRAD RES IN APPLIED Polvani, Lorenzo M
L INDEPEND Applied Mathematics
APPH E3900 010 18933 0-4 UNDERGRAD RESRCH-APPLD PH Paul, Elizabeth
L INDEPEND Applied Physics
APPH E3900 011 18934 0-4 UNDERGRAD RESRCH-APPLD PH Paz Soldan, Carlos
L INDEPEND Applied Physics
MSAE E3900 001 18758 0-4 UNDERGRAD RES IN MATERIAL Bailey, William
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E3900 002 18021 0-4 UNDERGRAD RES IN MATERIAL Barmak, Katayun
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E3900 003 18982 0-4 UNDERGRAD RES IN MATERIAL Billinge, Simon
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
APMA E4008 001 14610 3 Advanced Linear Algebra MW 1:10pm-2:25pm He, Yuan
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APPH E4018 001 14670 2 APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATOR Mauel, Michael E
L LABORATO Applied Physics
Note: MEETS TUESDAYS 9:00AM-4:30PM - 127-C MUDD
MSAE E4090 001 14683 3 NANOTECHNOLOGY MW 2:40pm-3:55pm Yang, Yuan
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
APMA E4101 001 14623 3 APPL MATH III:DYNAMICAL S MW 8:40am-9:55am Li, Xuenan
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
MSAE E4102 001 14684 3 SYNTHESIS & PROCESSING OF T 4:10pm-6:40pm Im, James
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
APPH E4110 001 14671 3 MODERN OPTICS TR 11:40am-12:55 Yu, Nanfang
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APPH E4114 001 14672 3 Quantum & Nonlinear Photo W 1:10pm-3:40pm Gaeta, Alexander
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APMA E4150 001 14632 3 APPLIED FUNCTIONAL ANALYS MW 2:40pm-3:55pm Weinstein, Michael I
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E4200 001 14641 3 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUA TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Borcea, Liliana
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
MSAE E4201 001 14685 3 MATERIALS THERMODYN/PHASE TR 11:40am-12:55 Wentzcovitch, Renata M
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E4202 001 14686 3 KINETICS OF TRANSFORMATIO W 4:10pm-6:40pm Im, James
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E4203 001 14687 3 THEORY CRYSTALL MAT: ELEC TR 1:10pm-2:25pm Marianetti, Chris A
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E4206 001 14689 3 ELEC & MAGNETIC PROP OF S MW 11:40am-12:55 Bailey, William
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
EESC GU4210 001 17430 3 GEOPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMIC TR 8:40am-9:55am Balwada, Dhruv
APMA E4300 001 14647 3 COMPUT MATH:INTRO-NUMERCL TR 10:10am-11:25 Ren, Kui
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E4301 001 14654 3 NUMERICAL METHODS/PDE'S TR 11:40am-12:55 Amenoagbadji, Pierre
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E4306 001 14667 3 Applied Stochastic Analys MW 10:10am-11:25 Tong, Shanyin
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APPH E4500 001 15009 3 HEALTH PHYSICS M 5:30pm-8:00pm Caracappa, Peter
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APPH E4550 001 15025 0 MEDICAL PHYSICS SEMINAR M 9:00am-10:15am Wuu, Cheng S
L SEMINAR Applied Physics
APMA E4990 001 14691 3 Calculus of Variations MW 11:40am-12:55 Scott, James M
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APMA E4990 002 14692 3 Number Theory & Cryptogra MW 10:10am-11:25 Ihrig, Madison A
L LECTURE Applied Mathematics
APPH E4990 001 14673 3 FUSION HISTORY M 4:10pm-6:40pm Paz Soldan, Carlos
L LECTURE Applied Physics
MSAE E4990 001 14690 3 ML/AI for Materials MW 10:10am-11:25 Billinge, Simon
L LECTURE Materials Science and Engineer
Note: Knowledge of Python required; Must use waitlist to enroll
APPH E6102 001 14674 3 PLASMA PHYSICS II MW 1:10pm-2:25pm Paz Soldan, Carlos
L LECTURE Applied Physics
MSAE E6273 012 18886 0-6 MATERIALS SCIENCE REPORTS Yang, Yuan
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
APPH E6319 001 15011 3 CLIN NUCLEAR MEDICINE PHY T 5:30pm-8:00pm Zanzonico, Pat
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APPH E6330 001 15014 3 DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY PHYSICS W 5:30pm-8:30pm Peng, Boyu
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APPH E6335 001 15023 3 RADIATION THERAPY PHYSICS R 5:00pm-8:00pm Wuu, Cheng S
L LECTURE Applied Physics
APAM E6650 004 18997 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Devarakonda, Aravind
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 006 18470 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Gaeta, Alexander
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 008 18998 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Zhang, Sherry
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 012 18471 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Paul, Elizabeth
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 013 18469 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Paz Soldan, Carlos
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 014 18932 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Polvani, Lorenzo M
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E6650 016 18468 1-6 RESEARCH PROJECT Sobel, Adam H
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APPH E9143 001 14676 3 KINETIC THEORY TR 2:40pm-3:55pm Paul, Elizabeth
L SEMINAR Applied Physics
Note: Pre-requisite APPH E6101 Plasma Physics I
APAM E9301 002 18446 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Bienstock, Daniel
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 005 18477 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Borcea, Liliana
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 006 18450 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Devarakonda, Aravind
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 007 18447 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Du, Qiang
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 008 18448 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Gaeta, Alexander
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 011 18449 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Lipson, Michal
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 013 18459 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Mauel, Michael E
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 015 18458 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Paul, Elizabeth
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 016 18457 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Paz Soldan, Carlos
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 018 18451 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Polvani, Lorenzo M
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 019 18456 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Ren, Kui
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 020 18455 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Sabbagh, Steven A
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 022 18454 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Spiegelman, Marc W
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 025 18453 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Weinstein, Michael I
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
APAM E9301 028 18452 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Yu, Nanfang
L INDEPEND Applied Physics and Applied Ma
MSAE E9301 001 18460 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Bailey, William
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 002 18461 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Barmak, Katayun
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 003 18462 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Billinge, Simon
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 008 18463 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Im, James
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 009 18467 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Marianetti, Chris A
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 011 18464 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Wentzcovitch, Renata M
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 012 18465 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Yang, Yuan
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
MSAE E9301 013 18466 0-15 DOCTORAL RESEARCH Yu, Nanfang
L INDEPEND Materials Science and Engineer
L Code |
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