Department Listing: Anthropology @Barnard Courses in the Spring 2025 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

ANTH UN1009 001  00645        3  INTRO TO LANGUAGE & CULTU       MW 10:10am-11:25                       Green, Elizabeth M
                 L      LECTURE  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: -1)This Class Requires-(DISC. SECTIONS:(ANTH1019) -  & -2)-(
ANTH UN1019 001  00895        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC. Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cu
ANTH UN1019 002  00896        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cul
ANTH UN1019 003  00897        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cul
ANTH UN1019 004  00898        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cul
ANTH UN1019 005  00899        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cul
ANTH UN1019 006  00900        0  INTRO LANG & CULTURE-DISC                                              
                 L     DISCUSSI  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: DISC Section(ANTH1019)- For Introduction to Language and Cul
ANTH BC2012 001  00637        4  LAB METHODS ARCHAEOLOGY         TR 4:10pm-6:00pm                       Fowles, Severin
                 L      LECTURE  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: This course will be taught in 954 Schermerhorn Extension.
ANTH BC3223 001  00646        4  GENDER ARCHAEOLXGY              W 10:10am-12:00p                       Sturm, Camilla
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: Previous coursework in anthropology or related field preferr
ANTH UN3321 001  00641        4  INFRASTRUCTURES                 M 2:10pm-4:00pm                        Larkin, Brian
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: """Instructors Permission Only"""
ANTH UN3665 001  00644        4  THE POLITICS OF CARE            F 11:00am-12:50p                       Jae, Gina A
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: No First Year.   **Instructor Permission Required**
ANTH BC3789 001  00890        4  Viral Knowledge, Vital Me       R 12:10pm-2:00pm                       Jae, Gina A
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: """**Instructor Permission Required**   -(NO FIRST YEAR)"
ANTH UN3861 001  00647        4  ANTHRO OF THE ANTHROPOCENE      M 6:10pm-8:00pm                        Nason, Patrick F
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: """BC ANTH. SENIORS ONLY"""
ANTH BC3868 001  00640        4  ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD RESEAR       T 2:10pm-4:00pm                        Williams, Kaya N
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
ANTH BC3872 001  00639        4  SENIOR THESIS SEMINAR II        M 4:10pm-6:00pm                        Green, Elizabeth M
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           Jae, Gina A
                                                                                                        Casey, Clare R
                                                                                                        Thompsett, Fern M
                            Note: """BC ANTH. SENIORS ONLY"""
ANTH BC3911 001  00642        4  SOCIAL CONTEXTS IMMIGRATN       M 10:10am-12:00p                       Salyer, J.C.
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: **Instructor Permission Required**
ANTH BC3932 001  00643        4  CLIM CHNG/GLOBAL MIGR/HUM       M 2:10pm-4:00pm                        Salyer, J.C.
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
                            Note: **Instructor Permission Required**
ANTH UN3971 001  00638        4  ENVIRONMNT & CULTURAL BEH       M 12:10pm-2:00pm                       West, Paige
                 L      SEMINAR  Anthropology                                                           
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday