Department Listing: African American and African Diaspora Courses in the Fall 2024 Semester

     Number Sec  Call#      Pts  Title                           Day Time          Room Building        Faculty
                 L App Activity  Subject

AFAS UN1001 001  15423        4  INTRO TO AFRICAN-AMER STU       MW 4:10pm-5:25pm  312 Mathematics Bui  Fort, Nyle
                 L      LECTURE  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS UN1002 001  15385        4  MAJ DEBATES AF-AM STUDIES       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   758 EXT Schermerhor  Allen, Jafari S
                 L      LECTURE  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: **AFAM Majors Requirement Course**
AFAS UN1010 001  21216        0  INTRO-AFR-AMER STUDIES - DISC   F 10:10am-11:00a  315 Hamilton Hall    Peters, Dane
                 L     DISCUSSI  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS UN1010 002  21217        0  INTRO-AFR-AMER STUDIES - DISC   R 1:10pm-2:00pm   315 Hamilton Hall    Islam, Abdul-Qadir
                 L     DISCUSSI  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS UN1010 003  21218        0  INTRO-AFR-AMER STUDIES - DISC   M 12:10pm-1:00pm  616 Hamilton Hall    Robert, Natacha
                 L     DISCUSSI  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS UN1010 004  21308        0  INTRO-AFR-AMER STUDIES - DISC   R 2:10pm-3:00pm   414 Pupin Laborator  Orr, Jada E
                 L     DISCUSSI  African-American Studies                                               
AHIS UN3471 001  18961        4  Harlem Renaissance              W 4:10pm-6:00pm   934 Schermerhorn Ha  Sledge, David
                            Note: Open To Undergraduates
AFAS UN3901 001  13798      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-UNDERGRAD                                            Wilson, Mabel O
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 002  13797      1-4  INDEPENDENT STDY-UNDERGRA                                              Griffin, Farah
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 003  20967      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-UNDERGRAD                                            Allen, Jafari S
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 004  20968      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-UNDERGRAD                                            Guridy, Frank
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 005  20969      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-UNDERGRAD                                            Summers, Brandi
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 006  20970      1-4  INDEPENDENT STDY-UNDERGRA                                              Danticat, Edwidge
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3901 007  20971      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-UNDERGRAD                                            Fort, Nyle
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3930 001  15863        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   329 Uris Hall        Danticat, Edwidge
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Course Title: Image Matters: Writing with photographs from t
AFAS UN3930 002  15878        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       R 12:10pm-2:00pm  401 Hamilton Hall    Newman, Rachel Grace
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Course Title: Manifest Spirit: African Art and Spirituality
AFAS UN3943 001  15384        4  SENIOR PRO SEMINAR              T 2:10pm-4:00pm   758 EXT Schermerhor  Griffin, Farah
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: ***AFAM Majors ONLY***
AFAS UN3997 001  13794      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-NON AFA                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3997 002  13795      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-NON AFA                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS UN3997 003  13796      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-NON AFA                                              
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
AFAS GU4080 001  15877        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       T 12:10pm-2:00pm  C01 80 Claremont Av  Newman, Rachel Grace
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: "Course Title: Colonial Visual Systems: Rendering a ""New Wo
AFAS GU4080 002  15899        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       R 2:10pm-4:00pm   602 Northwest Corne  Johnson, Anthony
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Course Title: Ethnography in Black Communities
AFAS GU4080 003  18710        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       W 12:10pm-2:00pm  423 Kent Hall        Summers, Brandi
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: "Black Geographies: ""A Place for Black Study"""
AFAS GU4080 004  19270        4  TOPICS IN THE BLACK EXPER       R 4:10pm-6:00pm   507 Lewisohn Hall    Bashir, Samiya
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: Course Title: Poetry for the People: A Revolutionary Bluepri
AFAS GU4990 001  15870        4  AFR-AMER RESEARCH-WRITING       W 2:10pm-4:00pm   404 Hamilton Hall    Jean-Marie, Vivaldi
                 L     COLLOQUI  African-American Studies                                               
                            Note: ***AFAM Graduate Students Required Course***
AFAS GU4998 001  20959      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Wilson, Mabel O
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 002  20960      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Griffin, Farah
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 003  20961      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Allen, Jafari S
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 004  20962      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Guridy, Frank
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 005  20964      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Summers, Brandi
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 006  20965      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Danticat, Edwidge
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GU4998 007  20966      1-4  INDEPENDENT STUDY-GRADUAT                                              Fort, Nyle
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GR6100 001  17628        4  AF-AM: PRO SEMINAR              T 4:10pm-6:00pm   758 EXT Schermerhor  French-Marcelin, Megan
                 L      SEMINAR  African-American Studies                                               
AFAS GR6999 001  15386        4  THESIS RESEARCH-GRADUATE                                               
                 L     INDEPEND  African-American Studies                                               
L Code
L Limited Enrollment
Course Approval Codes
D-I Department and Instructor
DEP Department
I-D Instructor and Department
INS Instructor
Day Codes
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday