Directory of Classes

For Instructors:
Making Changes to the Directory of Classes

Data Sources

The Directory of Classes is updated hourly from 8:15am till 9:15pm, from two sources. The resulting data is used to create web pages in a variety of formats. Courses are organized by subject and by department, and full text searching is also available.

  1. Course data provided by the Registrar's Office at Student Information Systems is loaded first, so the web changes can override course data, where appropriate. See: list of fields from SIS.
  2. Individual instructors or administrators may update information specific to themselves, their section, course or department using web-based forms. To access the forms you must be an instructor or an administrator. These changes take effect when the following update occurs, at 5am or at 3pm. Updates are monitored by AcIS and the Office of the University Registrar. Please note: Instructors and administrators should only modify information for which they are personally responsible.

Bulk Loading

If you have a lot of changes to make and you'd rather not use the web forms you can write a program to create the inbox entries and then request that your file be appended to the inbox.

What May Be Changed

Only the Registrar can create new courses and sections. Several fields can not be modified by the web change forms: department, room, building, division, campus, school, call number, max enrollment, open to (bulletin flags). The list of known instructors is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.

Checking for Errors

If you'd like to see the error messages generated by the most recent update you can examine the message file.

Section Info Displayed With Course Info

The database includes a course title field as well as a section title (subtitle) field. The section title, if specified, will be displayed in italics below the course title. The database includes a course description as well as individual section descriptions. When specified, these are both displayed on the web pages.

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